Home, Finally.

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Cammie's POV

I hear the door creak open and bolt straight up.

"Gallagher girl, it's ok" he says. But I can tell it's not. "we got to go now" he says. "Now".
I can tell it's urgent so I hear Zach get the bags and I get up, the shot hurts but I manage anyways.

When we are a while gone I ask him

"Why did we have to leave early?"i look at his face as he drives the car.

"Tail" that's all he replies back, but one word can mean a thousand.

"Are you ok?" I ask because for once he seems unsettled, like he saw a ghost. "Really, I-" but he cuts me off.

"I'm fine there nothing to worry about, get some sleep" but him and I both know I'm not sleeping. So instead I stare out the window looking into the forest.

I must have fallen asleep because when he shakes me I wake.

"We're here" he says. Right now, in the fall it's beautiful in Roseville. The leaves are a red, and the air is crisp, but with great memories, there are many bad. I know exactly where we are. We are by our apartment, close to Bex's. I look around at the little apartment we live at. It has a bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom, and a mini living room. I put my to go bag on the couch and open up the fridge.

"I'm going to take a shower, k?" he asks.

"Yea, yea ok" I say looking at him. He gives me a cocky grin and I can't help but laugh for the first time in forever. When I hear the door close and the shower turn off I peer into the fridge. Most of the food has spoiled so I find some cans of tomatoes and pasta. I quickly make some pasta. I get a bowl and go sit outside. The little porch that outlooks the woods is nice. It's quiet and peaceful. I pick up my phone, now technically I not supposed to have one, but Zach and I have one anyways.

I punch in a number without thinking. It goes right to voicemail. Probably because

1. It's 1:30 in the morning

2. She's probably still on her own mission.

So I just sit outside and wait.

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