How To Use Interrogation Tactics

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Zach's POV 

 I wake up in a haze. My whole body aches and I have trouble sitting myself upright. I need to find a way out of here, I think to myself. I sit there for a while but come up with the same conclusions as I did last time I was here, there's no way out. Last time I was here Grant came to my aid but with a price. The ITT has wanted the United States and Russian military under their control for decades. They want our biological and nuclear warfare at their hands to start another total war amongst the UN. At least, that's what we gathered. When Cam and Grant broke me out 2 years ago, Grant posed as one of their own and traded the launch codes for their security details. They we're fake, of course. ITT didn't know that. The point is, that was their hail mary rescue plan and were right back where we started. 

"Zachary," I hear him call out.

"You know my name, isn't it only fair I know yours?" I retort. I'm so weak but I manage to keep up my careless facade. 

"That Zachary, is a luxury you do not have" He replies opening my cellar door and shutting it behind him. When I don't reply he speaks up again. "And I can call you Zachary, right?" He asks. Although it's rhetorical I want to tell him no and punch him in the face. Both are things I unfortunately can't do. 

"I believe we got off on the wrong foot. You killed my agent and I killed yours, so let's call it even" He says laying down a manilla colored folder on the steel table in front of me. The fact that he refers to Alex as just an agent gets under my skin. He wasn't really just an agent, he was  a kid. A 23 year old kid who shouldn't have been out on a mission. I was supposed to protect him, I remembered. The thought seems ironic to me because I can't even protect myself. 

"So if were even just let me go" I joke. He laughs and I can hear a slight accent in his laughter. 

"Where in Russia were you born?" I ask him. This really knocks him for a loop because his smile fades and his brows furrow. 

"I'm not Russian" Is all he tells me but the slight waver in his tone makes me think otherwise. 

"No, maybe not. But you were born in Russia." My gaze follows him and I drum my fingers on the table. He folds his fingers and his breathing shifts. 

"Moscow?," I start. "No, St. Petersburg" I finish. If I can get a handle on this guy I'll control this interrogation. He believes if he stays silent then I have nothing to gain but that's not exactly true. I may have been a trained assassin but interrogation tactics was by expertise. 

"St. Petersburg is Russia's most important port city, yeah?" I ask

"What is your point Goode?" He smiles back.

"Seven years ago it was found that St. Petersburg was selling opium to China through the black market again. You remember the opium wars? I'm guessing that's how ITT found you" I finish 

"Opium's very addictive, Russia had much to gain" I all he responds with. 

"So my only question is why do you want the Russian codes? What does ITT have to gain from them if you are working with Russia?" I say but he cuts me off. 

"Case #53, I need you to tell me about it" He says. We both know what he wants me to say. 

"You don't need me to tell you about it. You already know the answers you're looking for" I taunt  him. 

"Oh sure, but the specifics are most important as you may know." He replies. Treading carefully.

"Sorry, you must have me mistaken because I don't know what you're talking about" I smirk

 "Enough with the snide comments, I know you know the real launch codes!" He exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say yet again. I can tell I've really pissed him off when he clenches his fist and scowls at me. He get's up and walks behind me.

"Tell me the damn launch codes!" He shouts slamming his fist on the table right next to me  with extreme frustration in his voice. I can almost tell that this mission he is on is riding on the information I give him. Too bad I won't give him any. 

"I don't know-" I repeat but I'm interrupted with his fist coming in contact with my face. It almost knocks me out and snaps my head back. My vision blurs and I can feel the blood trickling down my neck. He picks up the manilla folder and walks to the door before turning to me. 

"If you won't talk to me, maybe I'll get Cameron to talk" He says coldly and slams the door shut.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I scream through the steel walls hoping maybe he'll hear me.

//Authors note, i am so sorry I never update trust me i feel so bad about it//

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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