I Leave, Just For A Little While. Fingers Crossed..

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Cammies POV:

I rack my brain to try to figure out what the case was about. They were tracking double agents. I know that. But what was so important? I know if I ask Zach, he'd never tell me. I don't blame him all too much. Some things are worth dying for, like the Gallagher Academy. I once learned that my mother and Joe would die to keep it's secrets. And now I would, I am. I know that Zach can't tell me, because just in case someone were to intercept the line. The only thing I can think of is to find him. It's the only thing that will work. A while back my mother out trackers in many of us, including Zach. She gave the device to me to keep in a safe spot incase I ever needed it. I gather my belongings and walk over to Sara.

"Sara, I'm taking a leave from work for a while, maybe a week or two," I say
but as I pondered it I change my mind

"or three or four- just, I'll be gone a while" I finally tell her, somewhat making up my mind.

"Okay, I'll mark it down" she tells me, jotting down some notes. I walk out the door and I drive home with a plan in my head. I walk into the door and put my keys on the counter.

"Cam, what are you doing home so early? You were gone for only 2 hours" she says coming out from the living room with Morgan in her hands.

"Switch up at work, I need to talk to you" I say in a lower voice. I pick up Morgan and cradle her in my arms while a sit on the couch.

"I have to leave a while" I state.

"Cameron," she starts in her motherly voice. I cut her off.

"Just look at this" I hand her the case files and I tele her everything from the call in the car to now.

"I have to go, you need to understand. I'm not looking for approval, I'm just looking for you to help me out here." I can feel the room grow smaller.

"Sam?" I ask. He steps out from behind the door.

"You're leaving?" I hear his light voice. He walks over and sits next to me.

"Only for a little while" I whisper as I out my arm around him. I'll be back, I think to myself. I won't abandon you.

"I'm going to be right back, okay?" I say as I give Morgan to my mother and run upstairs. I grab my bag I always have read just in case I need to run and I stuff some more stuff in it. My wallet, the tracker device, and the flash drive I keep with me. I walk to Michael and Sam's room. I get Michael to come downstairs with me.

"Michael, Sam, I'm going to be gone a while, but I'll be back. Okay? I'll be right back with dad" I tell them.

It's an empty promise but hopefully one I can fulfill. I look at their blue and green eyes. And they look back at me.

"Okay" Michael says. "But promise you and dad will come back to us" he looks at me longingly. When you're the child of spies, your parents leave abruptly so you can't ask questions. Even at the young age he is, he knows that.

"Always" I kiss his head and Sam makes me pinky promise, I kids his head too.

"Mom I have to go. I'll call you later" I tell her and hug her and Morgan. I walk to the for and look back at he family I spent years to get and back out the door, once again.

I look up ready to unlock my car with my keys in my hand when I look up

"I know where he is" I hear a voice. I turn around and almost drop my keys.

"You can't scare me like that, you know" I tell him giving him a hug. He looks at my backpack, one that looks
like his.

"Well, you are coming, aren't you?" I ask.

"Anything to help out my brother" Ryan says and we get into the car.

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