Chapter 1: Silver Haired Boy

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A wild bear left bloody marks all over my body. I was panting from how tired I was from fighting it. Sweat dripped down my face and left wet stains on my clothes. I felt the cool breeze across my face, it smelt of damp moss. I was deep in the greens of a forest.
Am I really fighting a bear right now?
If anyone were to see me like this, they would think I was in trouble or needed help or that I was a lunatic. In reality, I always took advantage of my healing abilities. You see, I wasn't like other people who used nen and created their own abilities along the way. I was born with a natural ability to manipulate water. With the nature of water, comes healing and memory reading. So I was able to heal my superficial wounds. Of course, I wouldn't be able to heal fractures or broken bones, but I can heal all the way up to muscle.
Another pro of my abilities is memory reading. Water has memory. Which made me an amazing spy. I could get entail from the enemy, as long as I manipulate the water from their brain and touch it with my bare hands. I also can allow people to see my memories. Of course that was a secret of mine because... why would I want anyone to see my memories? Ha.. Pretty impressive though huh?
Water from the brain will be pulled out from the ears, which will then go through the pores of the hands of the manipulator, then flowing to their brain, allowing the manipulator to see the memories. This can happen the other way around as well, which can allow anyone to read the memory of the manipulator.

In the middle of a daze, lightening strikes the bear, killing it on the spot. I gasped and looked up at the clear blue sky.

Lightening? Is this someone's ability? Impossible, I didn't feel anyones presence nearby?!

A silver haired boy came from the behind the trees. His skin was pale, but his eyes stood out to me. They were as blue as the ocean. He has... lightening abilities? I was intrigued. Who is this guy? How was I not able to feel his presence?

"That was a little too much, don't ya think?" I blurted out.

"Looks like you were having trouble, well anyways, you're welcome."  He said nonchalantly, hands in his pockets, as he headed towards the town, which wasn't too far from our location.

I followed him. "Hey!... uh sorry gotta work on my people skills... to show you my gratitude, I'll buy you some lunch. What do you say?"

"Well can't say no to that!"

~Time skip to eating Japanese BBQ!~
"So... Killua, how are you able to create lightening? How are you able to handle so much of that power? It's insane!"

"Well.. I didn't exactly come from a nice place, alot of training too, I guess," he laughed, taking a sip of his water.

Who is this guy?
"Soo.. what kinda training have you endured? When did you start?" I asked him curiously.

"I started as a child. I was actually trained to be an assassin. But I left that path a while ago. I'm traveling the world as a Hunter now."

"An assassin?! Why?!" I gasped.

"Well I come from a family of assassins. Zoldyck family, ever heard of 'em?"

I knew very well who the Zoldycks were. I mean they are famous after all. Who hasn't heard of them? I couldn't believe I was meeting one, to be honest. The conversation went on about his background and why he was traveling alone. He also talked about his journey getting here and why he decided to become a Hunter. He talked about hating his "destined" path so he decided to change it, he decided he needed to make his own decisions and he needed freedom.

"Anyways why were you out in the woods alone fighting a bear? Kinda strange.."  he asked.

"Oh! I was training my combative skills. That reminds me, I gotta heal my wounds!" I pulled out some water from my cup and applied it on my wound. It healed instantly. I looked up and Killua was wide eyed, mouth slightly open. I could tell he was shocked. "I know it was weird... but I'm pretty descent with my nen and my water abilities. I barely have training in combat so I needed to put myself in danger and not use my water to fight for once. So I fought a bear. Haa... I'm called a water manipulator. I'm able to manipulate water and I use it in fights. With water, comes my healing abilities. I'm able to heal wounds. Pretty cool huh?!"

"Yeah that's amazing!" He watched intensely as my cuts were healing in just a few seconds. "Are you traveling too?" He finally asked

"No.. like you, I was raised to be something I didn't want to be. I wish I could be like you. I wish I had the guts to leave and travel the world.... I actually quite admire you. It seems so far fetched for me though," I was looking outside the window next to our table, daydreaming about seeing the world and how much I was missing out. I got a bit teary eyed then I quickly snapped myself out of it.
"...Hey! This stays between us!"

Killua was stuffing his face with cooked meats as I looked at the time. SHIT it's 8:00pm.
"Hey Killua, it was nice meeting you. I hope we cross paths again. I have to leave now!" I disappeared in a blink of an eye and left the money on the counter.

(Y/N) told me she needed to leave. As I looked up from stuffing my face, she was gone. Completely gone. I couldn't even reply to what she just said. I didn't even hear her steps or feel her leave. Her stealth was out of this world. Who is she?

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