Chapter 16: Lost

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"So have you talked to Killua yet?!" Sora asked me.

"Shhh!" I said. We sat in the corner of airship, away from the attentive ears of our friends. "Not the time Sora!"

"Oh c' mon, this is definitely the time. We're going to be here for 16 hours, might as well talk about something," she whined.

"No... I haven't talked to him... I haven't talked to Kazan either. I'm just trying to avoid the entire thing, okay?" I said in a whisper. I looked at Kazan as he laid on one of the beds, softly resting his eyes. Killua was in the front, steering the ship. I could only get a view of his back, but the outline of his muscles looked tensed through his clothes.

I sighed. Let's just focus on saving Alluka and Nanika.

Hours passed. Everyone fell asleep at some point. Killua was the only one who didn't sleep. Kazan offered multiple times to take over, but Killua didn't accept his offer. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours either. My eyes were heavy. We still had about 2 hours left.
Just 5 minutes... I should rest...I'll get a little bit of shut-eye....
I remember....

I remembered....
I see

Oh wait..

Dragons... from the book that I saw at the library
My eyes sprung open as I reached into my bag.
I pulled out the book and looked at the hard cover intensely. I opened the first page. It was pictures of dragons.
Dragons hold the elements. No one knows where they hide.

Hmm... no one knows where they hide? Elements? I thought.

Before I could keep reading the book, I felt the airship begin to have some turbulence. "Shit!" I heard Killua say. "Everyone get up! We're going down!" He yelled.

Everyone, including me, jumped up immediately. "What's happening?! Why are we going down?!"

"EVERYONE JUMP OUT NOW!!!" Killua yells

Panic. Everyone panicked.

We quickly put on our safety parachutes and jumped out of the airship, hoping to land into a safe area. We could only see smokey grey fog below us. The night sky made it harder too see. Eventually we all landed into a black, thick fluid like substance. The thick fog made it hard to keep an eye out for everyone.
Despite the fluid being as thick as honey, it flowing fast down it's path. Before we were able to get out, we suddenly fell down a 'thick fluid water fall.'
We fell down about 50 feet with the 'water fall' crashing into a pool of the fluid. I heard the screams of a few of my friends, hoping they were okay. There were several paths the fluid flowed through, later realizing that this caused us to separate into 2 groups.

Once I finally became oriented, I looked around yelling for my friends. We left all our stuff in the airship, which is now all gone. It's the last thing I should be thinking about, but I also lost my book, sadly.

I saw Haruka and Sora. I quickly manipulated the fluid around me to help us get out the the flowing liquid. Once we hopped onto the dirt, I manipulated the black fluid off our skins and clothes. It left red marks on our skin, specifically spots that it laid. It was like a sticky gooey substance. Without my manipulation, it would be difficult to come off the skin.

"Oh hell! Is this black stuff poisonous or what?! My skin is reacting to it!!!" Sora says.

"It looks like it...." I said as I checked the fluid. I was able to bend out some water from the black fluid. So this river is made of water added with thick black poisonous goo....

"Oh no!!! Killua, Kazan, and Ryu!!! How are they going to get this stuff off of them!?" I yelled.

Sora, Haruka, and I all looked at each other and began yelling for them. No where to be found.....

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