Chapter 15: The Library

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We finally reached Koi Island.
We were able to land on the shore next to Kazan's home. We knocked on his door. Sora answered.
"(Y/N)?! Killua?? What are you doing here?!" She said surprised.
"Sora, we need everyone's help," I said to her.
"Come in!" She said pulling us in, with an extremely worried look.

We walked to the back patio as we saw everyone hanging out and relaxing.
"(Y/N)?! You guys are back already?" Ryu said.
Kazan and Haruka looked startled, also questioning why we were here.
"Killua's sister is missing. We need to head to the library to do some research on the Dark Continent."
"The Dark Continent?! I thought that place was a myth," Ryu said.
"Apparently not.." Killua said, in a stern voice.
"Why is she there?" Kazan questioned.

"I don't know.." Killua said looking down. I could tell
he was lost in thought. His eyes gave off a hint of sadness trying to hide it with a poker face.

"We're going to head to the library," I said.
"We'll come with," Kazan said.
Killua looked at Kazan with annoyance. No one seemed to notice though, except me, since that happened within a quick second.

We stepped into the library as everyone tried to find books on the Dark Continent. The library was very modern-looking. The books were well taken care of. Computers lined up on desks against the painted blue walls.

Everyone did their fair share of searching for books.
Kazan was able to find one that mentioned the myths of what could possibly be in the Dark Continent. It talked about mystical creatures and toxic plants that engulfed the entire place.
The Dark Continent was a whole new world. A place that not many people lived to tell the story of what was actually there. A place where many people lost their sanity.

Killua began to read the book. Within a few seconds his eyes widened and jaw hung open.
"W-what??!" Everyone yelled to him. He was speechless. Shock spread on his face.
I grabbed the book from his hand and stared at the print.
"Woah woah woah... who's Zigg Zoldyck?!!!"
"That's my great grandfather!" He said in disbelief. "He passed away before I ever got to meet him, but I've heard some amazing stories about him from my dad."

Zigg Zoldyck was accompanied by 2 companions, Isaac Netro and Linne Horsdoeuvre. They all survived during their journey to the Dark Continent. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive due to other reasons.

He immediately called his family attempting to reach his father and grandfather. They were out on a mission so he was unable to get ahold of them. Frankly, we had no time to wait for them to come back. We needed to leave as soon as we could.

As everyone kept searching for more sources, I found a book that caught my eye. I'm not sure how to describe it, but the book was calling me. I retrieved it from the shelf. It was dusty and the pages were in bad condition. The cover displayed four dragons. As I wiped the dust off the cover, I realized each of the dragons had earth, fire, water, and air elements drawn on their body. I had no time to look at the book, so I swiftly stuffed it in my bag. I'll read it later. I was curious, but at this time, I needed to help Killua.

We stayed at the library for hours. We didn't find much information. Luckily, we did find a map of the location and the layout of the continent, with some areas being blank, as no one knew what or who were present in those areas.

When we arrived back to Kazan's place, the sun had already set.
I walked into Killua's room. "Hey.." I said to him. He was laying on the guest bed, looking at the ceiling.
He quickly glanced at me, but didn't respond.
I sat on the edge of the bed. I felt uninvited and the tension in the room made me uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore it.

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