Chapter 3: A New Adventure

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I ran in the night, as fast and as quietly as I could. I heard the sounds of leaves crunching as I ran through the dark forest. I was afraid of getting caught. My heart beat so fast I could hear it in my ears. The sounds of my breaths were so loud. I kept looking back, checking and afraid that someone from the academy was following me. Calm down (Y/N), calm down.

I had a flashback to a few minutes before I left the academy. I wrote letters to Sora and Haruko leaving it under their pillows. The letters were full of "I'm sorrys" and "don't worry about me". I promised to come back and get them. The more I thought of a way I could help them escape, the more I knew it was surely an empty promise. Now that I ran away, I had a feeling the masters put on strict protocols and lockdowns to make sure no one else would plan on leaving or was encouraged to leave. Damn, I'm so selfish.

The night wind was cold, tears welled up in my eyes thinking about the moment I left them. Should I have taken them with me? No. They wouldn't have came. If I told them about this, they would talk me out of leaving. Should I have stayed? I could still sneak back in without getting caught.

I made it to the spot Killua told me to meet him at. I saw a airship. He's traveling in a airship?! Of course, with his family being popular assassins, Killua must be rich. Seeing Killua standing there, waiting for me. My heart felt like drums being constantly hit. I was extremely nervous, but now that I saw Killua, I knew I made the right decision.

"You ready?" Killua said.

"Yes." I said with my mouth trembling from nervousness. I smiled at him. He quickly looked away, blushing.

"Alrighty then let's go (Y/N)"


"Yeah?" He said curiously.

"Thank you!" I said as I gave him a hug.

I could tell he wasn't used to affection as he didn't hug me back and replied with "You don't need to thank me. Friends help each other all the time." He said as his face was bright red. Then started walking back up to the airship.

I watched him walk up, as I admired every bit of him. This is it. A new adventure.

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