Chapter 20: Invasion of the City of Kurayami

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We were in the main space waiting for Yumi and Shokaku. Everyone was in a circle talking to each other. I could feel the thickness in the air.

(Y/N)! I heard in my head. It was Sora. What was that all about?! Were you and Killua about to-

"No! What are you talking about!" I said out loud nervously. Everyone turned their eyes on me. I might have said that louder than I meant too.

(Y/N)! Quiet down and tell me what is up with you guys! I thought we were best friends?!

"Of course we're best friends," I whispered to her. "H-he just was trying to comfort me."

Awww he's so sweet. But what's wrong?

"I don't know. He and I haven't talked for a while. It was just built up tension," I whispered to her as she talked in my head.

From what?

"I-I don't know. He didn't tell me."

Hmmm interesting.

In walked Yumi and Shokaku.

"Are we ready guys?" Yumi says in a serious tone.

We quickly went over the plan once again.

We walked through the City of Kurayami in stealth.

As we got through the first guards, Kazan and Ryu fought them while being around Haruka who put on an invisible cloak around them, so the guards did not see it coming. This was the easiest part, getting past the first batch of guards who guarded the front of the castle. We could tell these guys didn't train to fight as often. They just put more men in front to make it seem as though they had a lot of man power.

Once everyone split up to go through with the rest of the plan, Killua and I were after Alluka/Nanika. Our plan was to team up and save his sister. Sora, Yumi, and Shokaku were fighting with other guards around the castle.

Killua and I swiftly approached the room where the Dark Lord sat on his throne. We stood infront of the huge double doors with a gold accent around it. I took a deep breathe. "Killua, before we go in I should tell you that..." BOOM

We heard an explosion coming from the other parts of the castle. It must be the others in battle.

"(Y/N) we need to go in now!"

"Right!" I nodded.

We busted the doors down. There he was. The Dark Lord. He wore a black cloak. We couldn't see his face.

"So you're the visitors?" He said in a low, deep voice.

We looked at him, got in a battle stance, ready to fight. There was a door behind him and we knew Alluka was trapped in there.

His long finger nails took off his cloak. He revealed himself. He was hideous. He had long hairs around his body, and a behind that was spider-like. He was a human spider. I could feel how powerful his aura is. He was truly terrifying. "You're here for the girl, right?" He said in a raspy, deep voice. His voice itself gave me chills.

Killua went into Godspeed and quickly attacked him without warning. I barely had time to blink while Killua already laid multiple attacks on him. I ran to the back to try to get Alluka but was quickly stopped by his spider web. I was stuck. Killua cut me out of the web. I knew this plan wasn't going to work unless we break him down and waste all his energy. So we both used teamwork to attack him together. Two against one, we should be able to win...right?


After exhausting all our strength, the Dark Lord didn't seem phased or tired. In fact, he was more riled up then ever.

What can we do now?

There's no other way. I have to distract him by fighting him alone with all I've got. And Killua could use his Godspeed to get his sister. This is the only possible way. He's obviously much faster than I am. But this creature is pure strength. There was no way I could win, but I needed to try. I needed to risk my life, to save Alluka and everyone else.

"Killua, I'll fight him, you get Alluka."

"Are you crazy (Y/N)? There is no way I'm letting you fight him alone. He's too strong!"

"I don't care! This is the only other way. We don't have any backup yet."

He sighed deeply. He knew I was right. He used his speed to get to the door behind the throne. He was quickly grabbed by the leg and thrown against the farthest wall, breaking into the plaster. Even Killua wasn't fast enough to get past this spider. Spider web flew his direction, getting his arms and legs stuck against the wall. He didn't have enough energy to free himself anymore. We were both out of energy at this point. This battle had been going on for hours.

"Killua!!!" I yelled. I felt a large, hairy arm grab my body. I tried to break free from his grip, but he was too strong. Next thing I know is the spider opens his mouth wide, revealing multiple sharp teeth. I knew what was about to happen. Is this how I leave this world, being eaten alive?

I was thrown into his mouth and all I saw was black. The last thing I heard was Killua yelling my name.

The spider fucking ate (Y/N).
I teared up as my mind went blank. I was in shock. What do I even do? She's gone and I can't save her.
I was holding back tears and a mental breakdown.
I need to pull myself together before things get worse.

My peripheral vision went dark and hazy. I felt like I was about to pass out. I suddenly felt a heat that freed my arms and legs the web. It was Kazan, he used his fire to burn the webs.

"Hey Killua! Are you okay?" I felt a light tapping on my cheek. I opened my eyes and stood up.


"Where is (Y/N)?" He asked in a worrying tone.

"S-she's..." I began to tear up thinking of how useless I was. She was eaten in front of my eyes and I couldn't help her. I'm a failure. I saw a glimpse of sadness in Kazan's face as he understood what I was trying to say. Although, it quickly turned into anger.

"I see..." he said quietly.
I wouldn't blame Kazan if he kicked my ass at this moment, but I knew him better than that. He's more level headed than I could ever be.

We both looked at the spider as he began to... expand?

It was black. All black. My body was constricted and could barely move. Luckily the spider swallowed me whole rather than chewing me to death. Was I really lucky though? I guess I would die a slow death, feeling every part of my body being digested.
I sighed to myself. This is it. I'm a failure. I failed everyone. I failed Killua and Alluka. I cried hard.
I suddenly felt my mind go blank and that is when I saw Mizuchi, my past life.

I was in a place of darkness, sitting with Mizuchi.
"Mizuchi, am I dead?"

"No, child."

"Where am I?"

"We are in your consciousness. I am here for times like these. Although, this is the only time you will see me again, until it is your turn to pass."


"The time you touched my spirit, (water orb in the cave) I was able to see you and come into the physical world one last time."

"W-what if I need you in the future? I need to see you again!"

"I believe in you, child. Find the other elementalists, and connect with them once more. We are all in you."

Tears streamed down my face. It was a bitter sweet feeling. I felt hope, knowing that I was going to live because Mizuchi was going to help me out of here, but I was never going to see him again.

"Thank you Mizuchi," I said, bowing to the magnificent dragon that stood before me.

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