Chapter 6: Nightmares

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Hey guys this is a longer chapter than usual. It's a bit trippy and different. There's a lot going on. I hope you enjoy it! 

"Woah! What is this place?!" I was staring at a skyscraper.
"It's called Heavens Arena. It will help a lot with your training." Killua said.

As we entered the arena, there was a massive crowd. In the ring, there were two fighters. People in the crowd were cheering and going wild. Wow, people really enjoy watching people fight huh

"This is how you'll train from now on. The more you win, the higher the floor we'll go. Our goal is to get to the 200th floor. Then we'll be making all the bucks!!! Which means unlimited chocolate robots," Killua said in a daydream, drooling.

"Seriously? That's why we're here?"

"It's just a perk." He said smiling.

Killua and I registered inside the building. Each of the floors were a piece of cake for Killua. He didn't even have to use nen, and he knocked out every one of his opponents with one hit, if you could even call it a hit. He barely tapped them.

After each of his fights, Killua would calmly walk back to his seat next to me. "Okay, now you're just trying to show off," I pouted with my arms crossed.

"Don't worry (Y/N), one day you'll be as good as me." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him. I'm up next. I decided I wouldn't be using water until I reached the 200th floor. This is mainly to improve my combative skills.
The first few fights were easy, but once we moved up floors, the fights got a bit more difficult.


After hitting the 100th floor, we were offered a private room. We would be sharing a room again. I didn't mind, of course, I was used to it since we slept in the same room at Bisky's house anyway. There were two beds in the room. I unpacked my stuff as we both got ready for bed. My body was physically exhausted from fighting while Killua barely even used his energy.


Later that night, I was awakened by the sound of Killua in distress. I stood up to turn on the lights. "Killua, are you okay?" I whispered nervously.
Oh he's still sleeping? Is he having a nightmare?"
I shook his shoulders, attempting to wake him up.

He finally woke up, drenched in sweat. His hand was rubbing one eye. "(Y/N)? Sorry, I was having a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

He laid back down. His blue eyes were staring at the ceiling. His eyes gave a hint of sadness. I could tell he was lost in thought. "No. It's fine. Sorry about that. Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Killua. Let me know if you need anything." I said softly.

"Sure, thanks," he replied quietly.

I turned out the lights and stayed up for a couple hours. I heard Killua lightly snoring. When I knew he was finally asleep, I began to relax and drift off to sleep.


The next few nights, the same thing was happening. Killua kept having nightmares.

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