Chapter 10: Speed of Light

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~The next morning~
The morning sun peaked through the curtains. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. The vibe of the house felt off, and it was oddly quiet. I walked straight to (Y/N)'s room. She wasn't there, but all her stuff was left spread out in the room.
Hmmm is she out training with Kazan already?
I walked out to the beach side, looking for (Y/N). She was nowhere to be found. I tried calling her phone. No answer. I messaged her. No reply.

Where the hell could she have gone? Where is everyone?

I wasn't sure what to do. I waited in the house, impatiently waiting for (Y/N) to reply or call me back. I hoped at this point that she was out with Kazan and Ryu, even though I wasn't too fond of them. My mind went to the worst possible case scenario. Was she captured?

I decided to walk around the island. The island was very unpopulated. There wasn't much people. Still couldn't find her.

Nightfall came sooner than later. Kazan and Ryu walked through the door in the house. Immediately i asked him, "where is (Y/N)?" I tried to remain calm, but I was nowhere near calm.

He looked down on the ground. "I... I don't know." His eyes gave a subtle hint of guilt and sadness.

Without even thinking I went into Godspeed mode and grabbed Kazan by the collar of his shirt. I slammed his body against the wall so hard, it cracked behind him, leaving pieces of the drywall on the floor. "YOU'RE A BAD LIAR, WHERE IS SHE!!??!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My heart raced so fast it felt like it was going to break my rib cage. He looked at the ground, ashamed to look me in the eyes.
Ryu waves his hands infront of him defensively. "Look Killua, calm down. We don't want to start a fight, okay?"
"I swear I'll kill you two bastards if you don't tell me where she is right now!!!" I spat. I couldn't hold back my anger. I tightened my grip on Kazan's shirt, as I rammed my fist in his throat as hard as I could.

Kazan tried to speak through his coughs. "Let aghh me explain" he choked out.
"You have two minutes." I said to him, loosening my grip. I tried to keep my composure. My head was dizzy from the amount of rage I felt. My breathing was so fast I could barely hear myself talk. I tried to hold back tears. I knew I shouldn't have trusted these guys. I knew we shouldn't have stayed here.

"This is for your own good, Killua," he said coughing. "She left to save you, okay?!"

My eyes widened in disbelief. "What are you talking about?!"

~Flashback to last night 2:30AM~
I fell asleep on the couch in the living room. I felt a presence that woke me up in the middle of the night. (Y/N) was about ready to walk out the door. She didn't have anything packed from what I saw. She tip toed across the house with all the lights off. I knew she was sneaking out somewhere.
"It's kinda late to be going out, isn't it?" I said to her in the dark. I could see her silhouette of her body shape in the dark. My eyes were already adjusted to the dark so I was able to see her in more detail than she could see me.
I could tell I startled her. She let out a sigh.
"Kazan! You scared me."
"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Kazan, listen to me okay." The tone of her voice was too serious for my liking. Her voice was almost a whisper. "I have to go back to the academy."
"What?! Why!"
"They placed a bomb in Killua. There's no way we can get out of this." Tears began to roll down her face. "I'm sorry. I can't have them kill Killua because of me. I'll be fine, I swear. Whatever you do, don't come looking for me."
"(Y/N) are you crazy! Do you think I'm going to let you go, just like that?!"
"Kazan, please... I put up a fight for too long, for my own selfish reason, I put everyone's lives in danger around me. Please. Trust me. Thank you for everything. Tell Killua, I said thank you." She gave me a false smile. Tears were streaming down her face. And just like that, she disappeared.

I was upset. It was a pain I haven't felt before. I was so happy I found her, but then she was gone. So fast. So easily. I could have stopped her, but it would have been selfish. I'm doing this for her. If I'd save her and her freedom rather then Killua's life, she would never forgive me. What could I even do at this point?

~Back to present time~
"Of course I wanted to stop her, but she had no choice. And I respected her decision."

My head was racing. I felt faint and my hands felt a numbing sensation. I stood there in silence. I needed time to think. No. There's nothing to think about.
"I'm saving her."
"If you even try, you'll die!" Kazan yelled.
"Does that matter to you?"
"She did this for nothing if you go."
I looked at my shoulder. "I need some air." I said quietly as I walked out the house.

I need to get rid of this bomb before anything.
It took me a couple hours, but I finally came up with an idea.
I ran back inside the beach house.
"I know how we can save (Y/N)." I said, as Kazan and Ryu looked at me anxiously.
Kazan closed his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling. I knew what he was thinking. He was betraying (Y/N). But I didn't care. I didn't care how selfish I was being. I can't let this happen.

"What's the plan?" Kazan said in a serious tone.

I looked at him surprised. I didn't think he would want to help. Either way I was going, with or without him, but I'm glad he's helping.

"First off, how are we getting to the academy? I thought no one knew where it was located unless you've been there? At least that's what I was told." Ryu said.

"I know where it's located.... I've seen it. I went into (Y/N)'s memories before so I was able to see where she went to everyday." I said. I knew (Y/N) didn't know that I knew this. I never told her what I saw the day she let me in her memories at the hotel room in Heaven's Arena.

"You did?!" Ryu and Kazan asked in unison.

Kazan glared at me. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking, but I could tell he was angry. Was he mad that she trusted me enough to see her memories?

"Well that's step one, but what about the bomb inside you?!" Kazan said in an angry voice.

"You don't think I thought that through idiot." I said calmly. "I can try to defuse this bomb with my lightening." I said, unsure, but I still tried to sound as confident as possible.

"And if it doesn't work, you're dead moron!" Kazan yelled.

"I don't care. If we don't try it, we won't know." I said. I focused all my nen into my hand. Electricity built up in my hand as I concentrated. I placed my hand into my shoulder shocking my body, more than I could usually handle. I grunted in pain. I felt a burning pain on my shoulder. I held it there for a couple minutes. My hand felt numb. This was a different feeling than it usually is. Not only because my hand was vibrating in a very unusual way, but because I never used this much power in one area of my body. It was usually spread out my body. At that very moment, I came up with an idea. With more concentration and focusing, i vibrated my hand as fast as I could. I used my speed to cause my hand to go into the speed of light. My hand vibrated so fast it passed through my skin. By vibrating the atoms that surrounded my skin and my hand, my hand was able to go through solid matter, which in this case, it was able to go through my skin. My hand passed through my shoulder as I grabbed the bomb in my shoulder. It was only a little chip, the size of a penny. I released my nen. My body relaxed and stopped releasing electricity. Kazan and Ryu watched me, in shock. Even under all this pressure, I gained a new ability. I stood there with my mouth slightly open, sweat rolled down my face.

Ryu was the first to break the silence between us, "W-what just happened...? How did were you able to pass your hand through your b-body like that?!"

"I-I don't know. I just-I used speed." I said trembling, still in shock. A smile began to form in my face. I did it. I really did it.

"Ha guess you're not as weak as I thought," Kazan said with a half grin.

Even though he insulted me, I knew that was his way of complementing me.

"Now let's go save (Y/N)"

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