Chapter 12: The Mission Pt.2

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"You must be the boy (Y/N) travels with. I see you found a way to get the bomb out of your body," Takashi says as he quickly got up to wipe the blood from his mouth.
I ignored Takashi and threw as many quick punches and kicks as I could in God Speed mode.
Takashi took all the hits but got up each time.

'Why isn't he staying down?!' I thought to myself, panting from all the used up energy.

"You came all this way, boy, to save a worthless person. You're as pitiful as she is," Takashi laughed.

All of a sudden I was in darkness, almost like different dimension.

"I gave you a chance to show your power, now it's my turn." Takashi said.

Huh? Where am I? I'm in complete darkness. I can hear him but I can't see him. I looked around in panic. Calm down. I'm in an illusion. His ability is to be able to put his opponents in darkness. I can hear, but I can't see anything. How do I get myself out of this? Calm down.

I felt a punch in my gut, it winded me. Air left my lungs as I felt crushed from multiple blows from Takashi.
"Do you enjoy the darkness, boy?" He laughed menacingly.
I closed my eyes and tried to think. How do I get out of this? I tried to listen for him and his movements. It was useless. His voice was like an echo. It didn't come from any side of me. Only his punches and kicks. I tried to stop his attacks by running a current of electricity throughout my body so whenever he touched me, it would shock him. And it worked. But after a while, I began to run out of energy. My electric current that ran through my body had stopped, but his attacks kept going. At this rate, I'm going to pass out. I laid out on the floor of the darkness. I'm done for. My body is bleeding out. And I'm drifting-


I heard a painful yell coming from Takashi. The darkness vanished around me. I was back to the office room. Takashi was on the floor on fire. Kazan was standing above him.
I assumed Takashi's ability only allowed him to send one person into darkness, since Kazan was able to stop him. I could barely lift a finger, but Kazan put me on his back and ran out of the room.
"Killua, we need to leave now. He won't be down for long," Kazan said.
Kazan carried me on his back as he ran outside of the building. I was barely able to move, but I turned my head and looked back at the academy that suddenly exploded. Kazan set off the bombs in the entire building with a single hand movement. There was no way that anyone in the building could have survived that blow.
When we got to the airplane, I was finally able to relax. I saw (Y/N) asleep in Sora's arms. Haruka and Ryu were also here. We all made it back safety.
I looked at Kazan, "thanks for saving me."
"The next time something like this happens, I won't bother thanking you."
"Hmph," Kazan smirked, understanding the message.
I guess you can consider us friends, after all. And friends don't need to thank friends.
I began to slowly close my eyes and drift to sleep.
Mission accomplished.

~Time skip to KOI ISLAND~
I woke up in the hospital, a bit confused.
I saw (Y/N) sitting in a chair, leaned back, next to my bedside with her eyes closed.
"(Y/N)?" I said to her weakly.
She immediately opened her eyes and had her arms wrapped around me in an instant.

I felt her body shake and heard her begin to sob. "I'm so glad you're okay."
I sat up in pain. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle but (Y/N) was crushing me with her hug. I didn't say much because I didn't want to ruin the moment. I was taking it all in.

The doctor told us that I would have to be in the hospital for another day and that I suffered from blunt force trauma to the skull causing me to bleed internally, had a few broken ribs, and some fractures.

(Y/N) stayed here all night talking to me. We talked about how I was able to recall her memories and everything that happened between the time we were away from each other. As tired as I was, she looked even more exhausted. Her voice was very slow and raspy and her eyes were droopy, with dark bags underneath signifying that she didn't sleep much the last couple days.

She was still so beautiful though.

She sat on the side of my bed, but ended up falling asleep next to me later that night. She looked so peaceful. I moved her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. I was lost in a trance, thinking about how far we've come. Her eyelashes would flutter in her sleep. Her soft features made her face look so innocent as she gently rested her head on my shoulder. Who would have thought that mysterious girl I met in the forest would end up being a big part of my life now.

The nurse walked in and interrupted my thoughts.
"Oh, she fell asleep? I'll wake her so you can rest in bed."
"No. It's fine. She can stay here." I said to the nurse.
The nurse looked at (Y/N) and smiled. "You know her ability with water is truly a blessing. She was here day and night the past couple days, healing you with water," the nurse said as she was checking on my vitals. "You recovered much quicker because of her abilities. It's incredible. I know she must be tired too."

I looked at the nurse in disbelief. I didn't know (Y/N) did that for me, all while she was recovering herself.
"She must care about you a lot...Well you two should get some rest," the nurse smiled and left the room.
I looked down at (Y/N) again, as she drooled on my shoulder. I chuckled to myself.

You're never leaving my side again, (Y/N).


Author's note: hey guys, next chapter will be in (Y/N)'s POV
Thank you so much for 200 reads 🥺😭
Love you guys❤️

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