Chapter 14: The Zoldyck Family

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I can't believe I'm here, after all the crazy stories about the Zoldyck family and their insane home! Since not many people have seen their home, there were always rumors about it.

Flashing lights appeared behind Killua and me. I turned around to see- tourists??

Wow. I can't believe this. But at the same time, I can. I mean, I even knew who the Zoldycks were before I met Killua. Tourists were taking pictures from outside the bus, not daring to step close to the big gates infront of us. These gates weren't regular gates. They were enormous and layered. There looked to be 7 different layers of gates stacked on each other.

"Hey!!! Isn't that the Zoldyck kid?!" Some man yelled from inside the bus. "It is!" I heard shouting from the crowd in the bus. I heard noises of camera clicks and chattering from the bus.

I looked at Killua, as he ignored the commotion and casually walked towards the gates. He put his hands on the gates and pushed with effort, opening all layers of the gates. The tourists looked inside the gates in awe, from where they stood. I looked inside curiously. Without thinking, I quickly followed right behind him. With the gates shutting behind us, the tourists were left outside with shocked looks on their faces attempting to examine what was inside. From the outside view, there wasn't much to see. Just endless trees and bushes.

"This place is private," Killua said.
I looked at him and said, "I figured."
"The gate weights 256 tons. It prevents random tourists from coming inside."
256 tons?!!! What the fuck?? B-but how- how did he-

It was quite the walk. After walking through the woodland and up a mountain, we finally made it to the mansion. I suddenly stopped in my tracks, staring at the entrance. It was enormous. I didn't expect anything less.
"S-should I wait outside?" I asked him.
"Why would you wait outside?"
"Oh uh, I don't know," truthfully, I don't know why I asked that. Was it too soon to meet his family? But I'm just a friend. So, why did I even bother asking? My thoughts were all over the place. Frankly, I was nervous. I need to make a good impression because I'm meeting the family of the person I am in lov-

"It's fine, c'mon." Killua said, nonchalantly, gesturing for me to follow him.
He obviously isn't thinking this is anything special. I'm just a friend to him after all.
We walked into the mansion. It seemed empty and quiet. Killua then says,"Let's hurry and just get the airship before-

"MY SON!! Oh I'm so glad you're home!!!" A lady with a big purple dress and hat yells excitedly. I couldn't see her eyes since they were covered with a metal band. "And you brought A GIRL HOME?!"

Killua clenches his jaw tightly as a deep red forms on his cheeks. He looked embarrassed and annoyed, rolling his eyes.

"Who must you be?!" She quickly walks up to me, grabbing my hands with hers. Her hands were cold and her skin was pale. I looked at her eye shields, noticing a little red dot in the center. "Hi, Mrs. Zoldyck, my name is (Y/N)," I smiled at her politely.
"I like you already," she laughed. "I'm so happy Killua decided to extend this family. I'm sure your children would make amazing assassins. I can't wait to see-

"Mom...." Killua abruptly interrupted this awkward conversation, which I was glad he did. "We're just grabbing the airship and leaving."

"Y-you're not staying?" She asked, with a facial expression full of dissatisfaction.

"No," Killua said firmly, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from her. She stood there, in disbelief as we walked away from her. She had a fake smile plastered on her face, but I could tell she was angry at his response, almost like a volcano ready to explode. She yelled, "(Y/N)! Stay for dinner!"
Before I was able to answer I heard a deep voice from around the corner. "Kill..."
"Dad? Grandpa?" Killua said to them. Two men with ash light hair stood before us. They both looked at me curiously. Killua's grandfather stared at me intently. Killua's father glanced at me and gave me a small smile.
Killua walked up to them, introducing me.
"This is my friend, (Y/N)," He said to them.
I bowed respectfully, "It's an honor," I said. My body was tense, this was nerve wracking. Wow, I truly cannot fathom the fact that I'm standing inside the home of the Zoldyck family and let alone, meeting them.

"It's nice to meet you," Killua's father and grandfather said to me. I wasn't sure what they thought of this whole situation. Did they think we were together? Or did they really believe that we're only friends? I mean, that's all we are, right? That's what Killua introduced me as....just a friend.

After meeting his father and grandfather, we walked past them running into a tall man with long black hair. "Oh Killua, you're home. And you brought a friend." He looked at me with his big dark shaded eyes. I don't know what it was about him, but he gave me the creeps.
"H-hello, my name is (Y/N)," I said shyly. He glanced at me, but didn't bother to introduce himself. He replied with, "(Y/N), huh?"

"Illumi, where is Alluka?" Killua interrupted.
"Alluka? Oh you didn't hear?" the black haired man said, almost in a mockery tone.

Immediately, I noticed Killua's eyes widen and his body tensed up. "Hear what?"

"She went back home," Illumi smiled.

"Illumi, what the hell are you talking about???"

"Back where Nanika came from. The dark continent of course! She left a few weeks ago, you just missed her," he said with an animated expression.

I wasn't sure who Alluka or Nanika was. I assumed it was their little sister that he was talking about, but are they two different people? I remember seeing a dark spirit who looked like a little girl in Killua's memories. Was that Alluka/Nanika?

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Killua yelled. "She said she wanted to stay here. I thought you guys finally accepted her as part of this family," his jaw clenched.

"We did accept her. It was Nanika's decision.... I mean, how could we have stopped her?" Illumi said with a sarcastic smile.

"I don't believe you! Tell me where she is!!!!" Killua shouted aggressively.

"I'm not trying to hide anything, Killua. I wouldn't know where she went. I just know she went to the dark continent, at least that's what I was told. But you know, that place is massive. How would you ever be able to find her, I wonder," Illumi shrugged. He seemed as if he was really questioning how we were really going to be able to find Alluka or Nanika.

Two others suddenly showed up.
"Oh it's Killua..." a bigger man with short dark hair spoke with an unexciting manner. Another person with shoulder length hair, wearing a kimono stood next to him and stayed quiet. I assumed they were also his siblings. They were looking at me confused as the bigger man asked, "who the hell is this?"
I introduced myself and of course, didn't get a response or anything.
Seemed to be a pattern with the siblings.

"Kalluto, where is Alluka?" Killua asked the person in the kimono.
"There was someone who showed up and claimed to be taking her home."
"Who?! Where??!"
"He said Nanika belongs with them in the dark continent. I couldn't see much. They were wearing a hooded cloak."
"That's all you saw?"
"And you all just let her go?!" Killua yelled at his siblings.

They all stayed silent and unbothered.

Killua walked away as I followed him. We took the airship and finally left.
That went well, I thought. His siblings are uh something else. But enough about that, we had more important things to worry about.

We decided to head back to Koi Island to do research on the Dark Continent. They had a nice library out there on the island. We didn't want to go to the Dark Continent blindly.

Truthfully, I wasn't surprised with how dysfunctional the Zoldycks were. I saw how they treated Killua growing up when I looked into his memories back in Heaven's Arena. I'm just happy Killua became the person he is now, after everything he's been through. Compared to his family, Killua is so kindhearted and soft. I really don't think I will ever be able to leave his side.

Killua stood by the controls of the airship, looking out the front windows. Knowing him, I know how distraught he is about the disappearance of his sister. It weighed heavy on his heart, but he covered it well with a detached appearance.

We have to save his sister, no matter what it takes.

Author's note: hi guys! I appreciate all the reads, likes, and comments. Thank you so much!
Don't forget to stay hydrated and take care of yourself. And if no one told you they love you today, I'm saying it! I love you!!! ❤️

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