chapter 1 cade and shane

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somewhere in the outskirts of a town, in the cover of darkness and the still of the night, rang multiple gun fires and cries of men.

spearheaded by a bearded burly man in his late 50s and flanked on each side by a pair of twins in their mid 20s. both buffed and carried multiple weapons, both visible and not, rushed through the back of a mansion followed by a team of 100 men and a hundred more up front. they knew their numbers wont be an issue to their nemesis but the thirst for blood and revenge drived them to their wits end.

you see, this is not just rivalry nor a competition. this is payback for the ones they lost who holds dear to their hearts. the matriarch of this family. the twins mother. the wife of the leader.

2 years before

the pale faced one challenged them upfront in their own turf claiming he wants the matriarch. he claims that hes their singer. whatever the hell that means. at that moment, their matriarch was entranced. it was as if she was pulled unto the pale one. fearing for her, the twins father pulled his wife away from him and forbade her to ever go out without him.



months passed

the twins mother claimed her life. screaming she wants to be with the pale faced one. she NEEDS to be with him at all cost. it was as if she was bewitched - that all she only cares about was this man. the doctor didnt see any physical influences on her just the after effect of her refusal to eat, to bathe or to drink if not for the constant coaxing from her sons.

their father cradled their mothers limp body unto him. wailing. pouring his heart out. the only one whom he hold dear, gone in his life, in their lives.


their father crawled his way to power. as they were still in a gang way back from their grandfathers time, they only laid low due to the consistency of the way they lived. other gangs respected boundaries and tried to avoid conflict as much as possible so as not to make their presence known.

but now, this is a different story. the pale one pained them. its time for revenge.

they stormed through the back knowing less security would be there to meet them since their guys upfront attacked first 30 minutes ago.

as they entered the lobby of the mansion, they were meet with silence.

where are their men?

the enemies?

shrugging it off that maybe their men was on different floor since the mansion is castle like, they oushed through.

unknowingly, as they went deeper, their number dwindled to a few




until their leader looked back and only saw ten of his men aside from his sons as they approached a ballroom of some sort.

"welcome! Kiriguns. to what do i owe the pleasure of your visit to my home?" said the voice somewhere. as light flickered around them, they saw the pale faced one on a throne like chairs in front of them and numerous others who wore black cloaks. the man stood up and walked up to them eyes blazing with longing and anger at the same time.

the leader panicked as he looked back to his sons and saw that them 3 are the only ones left.

who are these people to amass such strength and defeat them in a flick of a finger?

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