chapter 4 cade and shane

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"is the place secured?" cade asked their second, techno when they all assembled at the living area of their humble mansion at the outskirts far south of the city where the auction will be held.

"already swiped the whole area, the venue, streets, you name it. " he replied checking his tab.

"security?" shane inquired while coming down from the staircase.

"ive assigned 6 at close proximity and 10 at random places inside the venue. additional 10 at the surrounding area. all connected by coms"

"good. lets go." shane replied continuously pacing towards the double door entrance of the mansion.

once settled in the car, cade approached his twin about his encounter yesterday at the front of the tailoring shop.

"say shane, you wont believe what happened to me yesterday

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"say shane, you wont believe what happened to me yesterday. i might have stumbled upon our mate, bro."

"WHAT!" shane exclaimed too near to cades ear much to the latters annoyance. but cade as he is, remained stone faced void of emotions. decades or even centuries of being one of the don of the KnightShadows really takes a toll on ones emotions, too much fake apologies and lies. death is just a common thing like breathing. torture is an addicting past time for the both of them. outside threats are just like an invitation for a game. but whenever its just them both, shanes expressions remain human, cade... well... he took the lot of the seriousness for the both of them.

"AND REALLY YOU JUST TOLD ME RIGHT NOW?!" he continued. "Its our mate, dude. weve been waiting for her for centuries."

"just 3." cade deadpanned. "would you like me to continue or not?"

"sure." he eyed his twin with irritation. sometimes shane wonders if his brother still got emotions. like since when was the last time he heard him laugh or even just smile? well, after theyve been turned, cade mostly became the matured one for the both of them and him became his pillar to balance them both. its just like, they are just 1 same person but embodied in 2 individuals. take the other out then the world will become a hell on earth.

"i personally went to our tailor to fetch our suits for today when suddenly a young boy maybe 18 or 19 bumped into me. he smelled so sweet like honey and lilac. i thought maybe he just got a nice perfume but as i came to touch him. Bro, its just like i breathe for the very first time. i felt so warm and just like that my heart started thumping."

okay, cade was never this melodramatic but this only indicates one thing for them, its their singer. HE as cade had claimed is their blood-singer. shane was so sure that he is too his.

"ive got to meet him, dude. its not fair!" shane looked up in exasperation. "do you have any info on him?"

"bro," cade looked at him. "i didnt got to ask his name, though. he pulled out of my hand and continued on walking. his voice is so angelic, by the way." still no emotions!

"are you making me crazy right now, cade?! damn youre so lucky!" shane just shooked his head down in defeat. jealousy between them do not exist on their vocabulary but if you put their mate on the equation... damn... see you 6 feet under... if not even lower. that is if its not his twin, though.

"maybe, well got the chance to meet him by the street next time." cade just then looked outside the window trying, maybe, to spot the beauty. "hes got a very nice eyes and lips, shane. if you ever got the chance of meeting him, i assure you, youll never see such beauty again on another."

at the hotel

"kings alight" their second whispered to his com alerting their concealed security to attention. their six c.p.s. (close proximity security) surrounded them as they entered the lobby.

as they neared the event hall, shane pointed at his nose signalling to his twin that a werewolf was in the area. werewolves were never a problem to them unless they provoke them in anyway. they are common here in this area but this particular scent, they only smelled here once. meaning, hes an outsider. cade somehow got distracted and saw a man by the wall. as they neared the entrance, cade could lighlty smell his scent. seems like hes just a bystander maybe also here for the auction, they let it slide.

when they entered the theater, they were ushered to the top box near the stage. its dark there and was surrounded by a heavy curtain as per instruction.

since none of the public knew about them unless they are the top 3 masters of the KnightShadows. their gang now consists of their biological dads men generations after the original ones and newly recruited ones as well as a number of their blood-fathers bats -mostly assigned near the twins. the masters all spearheaded their mafia, their legal company and their I.T.. the real dons are in the shadows of it all and has the final say on big decisions; the trivial ones are for the masters to peruse and decided on themselves.

This auction could have been attended by one of the masters but the twins could not deny the pull of fate once they were seated at the box and saw a young man kneeled on the stage before them.

the porcelain skin, dark hair, mesmerizing eyes, his muscularly lean body and the way his whole body fidget and move had them both stunned on their seat especially when his own scent came to them all the way to the top box making their heart race, warming their cold of a corpse body and fogging their minds.

how that happened?

they have no idea.

all they knew is that whoever put him on that stage will no longer see the daylight tomorrow.

they finally found him after 3 agonizing centuries of being like this, they could no longer fathom how did they ever lived through without this boys influence on them.

shane snapping out of his trance heard the betting already at 15million given by that brutal dom in the crowd below. they knew him, of course, hes a multi-millionaire who owns a car manufacturing company and has children left and right from his sluts.

"15 billion" cade uttered to their concierge and was confirmed by the announcer on the stage. they will not allow anyone to get him or even touch him again.

cade looked at his twin with his fingers on his chin. a silent conversation passed through them as they assure the other that they will escort their singer back to their lair personally after this. normally they will be delivered via unmarked cars but HELL NO! they wont allow another clammy hands manhandling their baby.

"going once, going twice"


"sold to bidder no. 8!"

YES! they got their baby but then

darkness consumed the whole theater!

NO! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! their singer is right there!

"SHANE! lets go!" Cade shouted over the commotion. they run through the corridors going personally at the holding area hoping that he would be right there but they were greeted by empty cells and a faint smell of blood.

blood running cold on their body, they knew that their singer was going further away from them. following the instinct of their bodies, they ended up in the long lobby by the entrance of the hotel.

among the throng of guests and escaping auction attendees, there, standing before them, mid-way wearing his coat, was the one, their only fated love.

as if sensing them, the boy turned on them locking his eyes on them. what he uttered next stunned both of them as they realized fate really played with them both.


their blood-singer, their warmth, their life-bringer, their love is a FUCKING WEREWOLF!

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