chapter 20 shane

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minutes passed

feeling blissed out and content, i pulled out from ethan knowing full well that he maybe tired from all the acrobatics that we did. cade is already passed out at the end of the bed, the color of his face back to its healthy self.

when i looked back at ethan, the goosebumps that i felt could not fathom the guilt and remorse that struck me. ethans neck was a wreck. his nape, the one i bit on, stares at me wide open on its sides. its as if an animal gnawed on him but it left his skin intact. its bleeding but not so much that it was gushing out but where does this drip came from?

as i lay down ethan, i licked on his nape hoping to close down the gaping wound of my teeth. luckily, it slowly did. it might take a couple of days for it to be totally healed but nonetheless its healing.

when i turned ethan over, cades bite was no joke. he nearly ripped his throat out. panicked, i kicked cades torso to wake him but truth to be told he sleeps like an oil. i resulted to kicking him off the bed as i licked ethan neck clear from the drying blood but it was still leaking out of him.

"DAMN IT, CADE! WAKE UP!" I growled at him as he sat down from where he had fallen. "YOU NEARLY KILLED OUR SINGER, STUPID BROTHER!"

"w-wha..." if it werent for me licking ethans neck to save him, i would laugh at my stoic brothers face. the horror, guilt and remorse all tangled up together on his face.

"get hot water and a small towel, cade." i commanded him. this is the first time that i ever ordered him around, it felt good and at the same time so annoying. he scrambled to his feet while picking up a pair of boxers from the floor ignoring whose it was.

"please, please love. breathe. i know you could hear me." i pleaded. i never pleaded to anyone, not even to my foster father. i continued to lick him off from the  puncture where the most blood was gushing out. the surrounding area is already healing fine, thanks for him being a wolf but this particular one seems the deepest.

he's still not breathing. oh fuck it! what did we do? we killed...



this cant be. hes still got a pulse but it was weak due to blood loss but its still there. i assessed him. between the both of us twins, i got a degree in medicine. though not licensed but still i know human anatomy and its works. and i know that the way ethans neck is titled to shape like an S is not in its proper position.

damn! this is so risky i could kill him if this is not done properly! we cant call outside doctors for this.

suddenly our bedroom door slammed open revealing a figure that i dont want to see in this particular time and situation -


"tell me what happened right now or i swear by the goddess..." gulf bellowed eyes sparkling its electric blue.

"we lost... lost control of our thirst and... and ethan knew that we would somehow be like that. his heat and our time to feed overlapped so..." i trailed off. me being one of the bosses of this mafia empire IS scared of my singers own mother. cade beside him was too, i can tell by the way the water in the bowl ripple from his hold.

for the sake of decency as we let gulf inside our room, i grabbed another pair of boxers from the floor and drapped over the blanket over ethans body.

we dont know how he located our home since we never disclosed it to anyone even family. our father never even once stepped foot in here let alone the family of our singer. i looked at my twin with question in my face as i stare back to gulf.

"its because of ethan. hes my son, wherever he may be, i know where my blood runs." gulf answered our unasked question as he sat down near ethan.

i was mesmerized by the way he walked. his sway was nowhere near mortal. i know that our singer was no mere werewolf. he once said that theyre part of the goddess. i thought that it was just because theyre werewolf and so to speak, worshipped the moon goddess but now that i see gulfs movements and his way with his aura, i know hes no mortal and someone we should not be enemy of.

i eyed cade and seems also to get in my line of thought about our singers mother.

as gulf settled besides ethans limp body, cade put down the bowl of water and small towel on the dresser near our bed. we saw the concern on gulfs eyes for his bleeding son but the panic and hysterics that we expected was never there. this puzzled us to the extreme. how can he be so calm and collected seeing his son this bloodied and mangled up? he should be throwing insults, punching or cursing us for what we did but all we get was that outburst from earlier and his silence thereafter.

gulf reached over to the bowl and dipped his middle and point finger ever so lightly on the water surface, enough to just get a drop or two from it. he let the water seeped into ethans wounds and massaged it ever so lightly.

moments later, we heard an audible snap. it sounds like when you crack your knuckles with your hands to air it out from discomfort. we were startled by this, cade nearly swat gulf away from ethan and me grabbing his head to push him away, only to be held back by gulfs shining electric blue eyes. we dont know where the force came from but this was the very first time in our immortal life that we are outstrengthen by a huge amount. its like we are pushing something harder than a stone or concrete, since those are just like butter like in consistency in our hands, and ramming it into us at full speed. we could barely stand up to it. by then, we knew our hunch was real. hes no mortal in this plane, hes the god himself.

"im no god. i just got a blessing from my ancestor to protect my children and my descendants. if you would just keep this between us, it will be a great favor for my family. otherwise, i may have to taint this world red even the goddess herself will have to descend here to stop me. is it understood, my sons mates?" gulf flashed us a glint of glare with his eyes and all we could ever do was just to nod in agreement. soon right after, it was as if the room aired itself out and both of us crumbled to our feet and to our knees in respect for the entity before us.

at that, we saw him dipping his fingers again and again from the bowl to the body of our singer. the gash on his neck all but pinkish as if it grew new skin in lieu of the damaged ones. the deep puncture of cades fangs where the dripping blood came from was practically red as it constructs his torn muscles by itself. gulf continued to do it throughout the expanse of ethans limbs and body. just as we knew that he was done, we heard a gasp from him as he hovered his hand over ethans abdomen area. we thought something was wrong but were so taken aback by his smile as if he was with a secret. we could not help but pry.

"what... whats wrong, sir?" cade asked on the opposite side of the bed.

"no..." he clapped his hands to his lap. "no, nothings wrong. in fact, i should leave now before he wakes up." he pushed himself up from the bed and into the door but before he reached for the knob, he turned his back to face us. "dont let him off that bed for probably... a month. no sex. feed if you must but not to excess. give him all he wants." then he turned the knob and walked out but without shouting, "love ya guys. visit us next month." with a smile in his voice.

after awhile, i looked at cade. it was as if i was looking in a mirror when he said, "what the hell was that about?"

but before i could even gather a breath to answer him, we were startled by ethans grunts. automatically, we rushed into him.

"shane..." he uttered. his eyes were still closed. its as if he was dreaming.

"cade..." he murmured on his pillow as he twisted his face towards it.

between my twin and i, we helped each other out to clean ethan. hes fine already but the horror of what we had done will not fade from us till maybe in the next century.

this was a night that we would never ever forget, thats for sure. the night we became the monsters that we are meant to be.

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