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Ini-stretch ko ang dalawang braso at napahilamos sa mukha nang tumunog ang alarm clock ko. Nilingon ko agad ang dadalhing gray bag malapit sa closet at mabilis na kumilos nang maalala kung anong araw meron ngayon.

We will go to Zambales today.

I made my move and go direct to the shower, I just chose a yellow floral dress to wear with flat shoes. I immediately check the outlets if I've already unplug everything and turn off the lights before I bring my bag with me and my hold on my extra tote bag in my right arm tightened.

"Are you ready?"kinuha kaagad ni Kaden ang bag na hawak ko at nilagay yun sa ibabaw ng mesa.

"A bit." I answered.

I passage a look on him just to be left speechless.. he's wearing a white tight polo partnered with plain brown pants while having his hand inside his pocket, leaning a bit on the table... wearing his amusement smile again.

He tap the table."Let's eat first before we head. Kindly have a seat Miss.."may ngiti sa labing saad niya.

He pull out the chair for me, I nodded at him and seat. Chicken adobo and rice ang nasa table at dahil nga mahaba ang byahe na gagawin namin ay nilantakan ko agad yun.

I caught Kaden chuckling while watching me eat so I stop and had a water, I fakely cough and look away.

I apologitically wipe my mouth with tissue.

"It's really hard for me to say but..." he give me a confusing look."I-I'm sorry about eating fast... favorite ko kasi yung chicken adobo," I then look away bitting my lower lip.

"No problem Miss, as long as you're happy with it. Have some more, we'll head in 10 minutes from now."he winked at me before he stood up to arrange our bags.

I clean up the table and brush my teeth, Kaden pointed the curtains in the veranda."Can you put it close  please? I forgot about it earlier," he requested. I do as he say.

He bring our bags with him while I'm only having my tote bag and cellphone with me. Magkasabay kaming naglalakad at hindi ko maiwasang ikumpara ang height ko sakanya. He is so tall. I shook my head away and lead him the elevator.

While waiting for the ground floor, I didn't control myself for asking.

"Sina Faust, saan sila naghihintay?" I open up, focusing my sight in front.

He shrugged his shoulder.
"They use 1 van and Kio's car, nauna na sila...the rented villas need to be sign for payment"

"Does it mean we'll travel alone today? How about the direction Kaden baka maligaw tayo." I told him, heading out the condominium.

"Well there's a thing we call Waze, will lead us the direction."

We put our things in the back of the car and help ourselves get inside. I automatically put my seatbelt on while Kaden's starting the engine.
I was silent the whole ride, I don't have a plan to talk or start a conversation either...I watch the buildings and beautiful views we're passing instead of talking.

Kaden is focus on the road while following what the Waze will say. I just nodded while watching him shifting way using one hand in steering wheel. How could he do that?

That's quiet hard. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

He turn his head to me.
"Moonbay Marina, Subic Zambales."

I just nodded and fix myself properly in the shotgun seat, it's a little bit uncomfortable having this silence between us even though I'm used into it...into silence. Weird.

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