Chapter 19 <3

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I ignored Greg's voice behind me and continued walking.  My eyes were gleued to the floor with hidden tears slowly falling to the floor as I went.


I quickened my step into a speed walk but strong arms soon enveloped me into a embrace from behind.  "Jun!  Damn it woman, when someone is talking to you, stop!"

"Greg let me go!"   I struggled knowing it was useless.

"No!  Not until you tell me why your crying and you ran away from me like that."  I avoided his eyes by keeping my mine closed shut.  He was wearing that cologne again.  I was pressed hard against his front and where his arms were wrapped across my chest made my face flushed red.

I can not-noI will not tell him how I feelI have to control myself, I bareley know him anyway so there should be no way my heart should be beating this fast for him.  While my brain was quickly making escuses for my bodies reaction to Greg my mouth spoke on it's on accord; again.

"I will not have you killed!"

"What?  Is that what all this is about," Greg said in confusion.

I wiped my eyes to look up at his.  "No it is not!  Why are you even talking to me?  If your seen with me, Rachel will have your head!"

Greg's eyes narrowed and his atmosphere hugged us in it's erriee embrace.  "You're right.  I may be killed for this.  Shot right through the head and dumped in the Pacific."

I gave out a internal sob as the sight of Greg being murdered in cold blood tore at my brain.  More tears began to come now; unhidden and painful.  "But," he continued, "that's not what this is about is it?  What really sent you into this fit?"

I bit my lower lip.  "Greg please," I begged him.  Please don't make me tell you how I feel about youThis whole mess is so confusing?

Greg leaned into the nap of my neck and proper his chin there.  "I refuse to let you go until you answer me.  What is wrong?"

His breath there was taken my breath every time he breathed out.  "Fine.  How long?"

He tilted his head slightly.  "How long what, Jady?"

"How long have you been engaged to Maddie," I asked and a sob escaped.

Greg lifted away from my shoulder.  "Crap, you found out."

"Yes I did!  Now let me go!"

Greg's eye brows came together in confusion.  "Listen, it's not what you think.  In fact, it is probally far from what your thinking."

He finally released me from his hold and it left a lonely feeling where his arms once were.  This only fueled my hate now.  I narrowed my eyes at him and took a stand.  "How could you possibly know what I think!  Please in lighten me, oh great Brother-The-Mob-Boss, on how you make inoccent women fall in love with you when you are clearly engaged!"

Greg flinched when I said love.  The atmosphere left us and his eyes seemed distant.  "Oh"  He mummbled to himself.  He snapped his head up suddenly and looked at me, his green eyes full of sadness.  "Tell me it is not true.  I demand you to tell me it is not true."

My anger suddenly vanished and I went to him but with one step closer he drew a gun.  He pointed it at me and he stepped away.  I froze immidently.  "Take it back!"

My heart ached.  Was me fallen in love with him that hideous of a thought?  "Greg...put the gun down"

"No!"  His eyes seemed distant and sad; as if he was haunted by a memory.  "I am not someone who can be loved.  I...I killed her..."

I just looked at him.  My heart went out to him and my fear vanished.  I started to walk closer.  Greg back away, not seeing me but the memory that haunted him.  "Stay back!  I can't let you get near me!  They..."

"Greg, it's ok now," I said calmly reaching for the gun.  He jerked it up towards my forehead, but I took hold of it.  "Greg.  It's just me."  I dropped the gun away from us and turned to him.

I reached for his face and when my hand touched his cheek he finches again.  I put his head between both hands and brought it down so we touched foreheads.  "Greg."

"Ellen.  I-I killed her..."

Ellen! I let him go to look into his eyes.  The dream girl.

"I killed her...I just..I couldn't even save her..."

Greg dropped his head to my shoulder and I felt tears wet my shirt.  "Greg-"

"I can not lose you too, Jun."

I rubbed his back.  My face was red even though such a serious moment between us.  I pushed my embaressment aside and let my wave of protectiveness kick in.

"Your not going to lose me."  We stood like that for awhile before Greg rose.  "See.  Are you o-"

Greg had the most serious face I had ever seem him pull.  He grabbed my wrists and threw me against the wall.  My heart stopped as I collided with the wall.  "Ow!  What are you-mphf!"

Greg kissed me passionately.  I was confused by it but soon found myself kissing back.  He parted and looked me in the eyes.  "I have killed many people, Jun.  So many, and it is all because I am the Main son of the Chocolates.  I can not call the Boss position and I can not have you.  But, if you will allow me, I would like to have this lone moment with you before I can no longer see you."

I was breathless from the kiss and was looking at his serious eyes.  I kissed the side of his lips and looked back at him.  "You're still an idiot."

He came close and said, "Now that is just hurtful, Jady.  You know I have sensitive feelings."

We both shared a laugh before we continued to pick up where he started.  I hope no one sees us but for now...just this moment...I felt as if maybe me being here was fate itself telling me something.  But I wondered why can I not shake this ominous feeling?

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