Chapter 23

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Mr. Johns was Bella's father.  Bella Johns was a sweet, blue eyed girl who grew up in California with her parents who were both in the special forces.  I honestly only met the man the second day I arrived in California before he was sent on an important mission.  I had not expected to run into Mr. Johns here, nor did I even think about the possibility that the Mr. Johns they spoke of was Bella's father.

"Miss Kerryson," he said with knowing eyes.  He looked over at Rachel, who up till now was allowing the meeting to go on without a word in.  "I knew she was here.  Why did you not just fess up when I was on the phone with you?"

"And say what?  I really did hold Jun here hostage?"  Rachel giggled and raised her hands.  "Say she was in the dungeon in cuffs and chains, although I am sure my sons would love that."  I blushed when she said that and broke my front I was faking.  Rachel had glanced at me when she mentioned her boys.  My mind was working itself into a frenzy.  Did she know about my meeting with Greg?

"Please sit down, my dear," she said to me.  "You as well, Mr. Johns.  I am guessing you have much to say on all this."

I hesitated but Mr. Johns took the sit on the left side of Rachel, leaving the sit in front of me open to sit in.  I slowly took the sit, putting on the same face as Rachel.

A maid came in when Rachel motioned at the door way Mr. Johns came through.  She was wearing a black dress and white apron and held a tray of what seemed like biscuits and jelly.  It was so silent, aside from the ever going classical music in the back ground.  The girl laid out small plates for us and poured us some clear liquid I assumed was apple juice.

"Well, Mr. Johns?  Why have you come to my humble home this time?"

He made no move for the biscuits when the maid left, but that did not stop Rachel from grabbing one.  "This time," I asked.

"Yes.  It seems we run into each other quiet a lot, don't we Mr. Johns."  Rachel looked down on him with her mis-matched eyes.  Mr. Johns seemed to stir under their gaze and I almost admired Rachel because of it.

"Yes, it does seem we do."  He cleared his throat.  "First, I would like to discuss letting Jun come with us-"

"Nope, out of the question."

Mr. Johns stood then.  "You can not keep her here."

Rachel made no move to stand.  She only said, "I can, and I will."

"You are crazy if you think I will stand by and let you hold her here against her will!"  He slammed his hands against the table and my heart leapt to my throat.  Sure, the thought of leaving the Chocolates was very tempting, but what about Greg?  What about William and Maddie?  What about the Chocolates themselves and the traitor among them that I over heard.

Rachel then interrupted my thoughts with a giggle, practically a full on laugh.  When she calmed both me and Mr. Johns were shocked.  "You miss the point, my dear Robbie Johns.  It is not me who will keep her here, but herself."

I looked at her and she looked at me.  Her eyes narrowed and in them I saw her true self.  A cunning, deadly woman who knew her job as a Jade.  She would do anything to protect her family and I can see it right there in those eyes.

Mr. Johns seemed utterly confused.  "Why on earth would she want to stay here where there is killing and the possibility she could end up in prison!"

"She knows why," Rachel nodded at me.  It felt eerie having her know everything about me with one look.

Mr. Johns looked at me and I could not help look between them with a face I knew said I-know-this-looks-bad.  "Let me explain," I said looking down into my lap.

"I...overheard something last night out side my door."  This caught Rachel's attention.  "A man, I think, talking about how he was leaking information to his father, I don't really know for sure.  I can not just leave knowing this."

"Is this Weyon again," Mr. Johns said looking at Rachel.  I looked him over and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know who the voice belonged to, Jun?"  Rachel looked like she was attempting to remember all the faces she has ever seen.  I shook my head.  "I can not place the face, but the voice sounded very familiar."

"This is bad.  Mr. Johns, I fear I can not help you on the other matter about my brother at the moment.  I have to assure that my Chocolates remain in tact.  What is Weynon up to now days?"

I was at a loss of words.  Was Mr. Johns here for anther reason other than me?  What is going on with Rachel's brother that California's special forces were after him and that Rachel would tell?  "Last I heard, he was riped of his badge from his obsession of the Chocolates.  No one has heard from him since except for some stolen guns and smoke bombs."

Rachel stood before looking at me.  "Come, my daughter, we have much to do."  I was not about to object and stood.  She looked at Mr. Johns, "I will contact you later, I assure you."

He only nodded as he showed himself out.  Once alone Rachel turned to me.  "I m afraid we will have to wait on the wedding preparations.  I am concerned more at the traitor we have.  One of our spies has told us the traitor seeks his information throughout the day in the Information Room.  He could not tell us any more than that before...Eric.  He will pay for killing so many people of our family."

I will find this traitor.  I will find him for Greg, if not the Chocolates.  It is too late for me to just leave when I now except them as friends.  You never leave friends behind.

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