Chapter 4 ♥

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I stayed silent for awhile just thinking as Kettle resumed to happily show me around.  I finally got to call me by my name after awhile.  We came to an office door at the end of the hall.    "Come on June! This way," Kettle said going in the room first.  Once I entered I noticed that it's the room from yesterday.  There was the couch that William sat at that was on a more leveled up floor than the rest.
I saw the place where I sat at before and relized two chairs were there now.  Expecting company I suppose I thought.
"Please sit here June," Kettle said patting the couch, bringing me out of my daze.  I sat as I was told with Kettle standing on my right side.
Even though it was only a step up from the rest of the floor this spot would make it easy to stare down on someone that needed to be.
"Oh dear.  You look stunning my fiancé," said a familiar voice.  I jumped off the couch by the sudden voice.  Kettle turned around and curtsied.  William came up to me with a smile as bright as his mis-matched green and blue eyes.
"Mr. Ruts," I exclaimed trying to calm my painced self.
His smile faded as he made the move of grabing his heart.  "You called me Mr!  It hurts.  I'm only twenty-three.  Please call me Will~!"
He's twenty three? I wondered.  Kettle continued to curtsy as she said, "Hello dear cousin.  Long time no see."
"Cousin..." I said slowly.  William turned and huged the curtsied Kettle.
"How have you been Kettle!  You have gotten more beautiful!  Hardley recongized you," William said with a bright, happy voice.
"Wait," I said pointing to the both of them, "You two are cousins?"
William studied my dress up and down with a approving grin as Kettle nodded.  "Yes.  We are first cousins.  Thanks to Will I was able to go to college for free!"
William nodded in agreement.  "It was easy for me and my fellow buddies to...convince the principle to let my dear cousin go."
"I would never have guessed you were cousins," I said smiling.  William came up to me with a smile, "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"
I stood there just looking up at his eyes.  This mob boss.  His smile was making my heart skip some beats.
Wait I thought Is he...leaning in?!
"I-I guess so," I responded to his invitation for dinner once his face got extremly close to mine.  Our noses almost touching.  And he smelt like he could seduce just about any woman with that cologne he was wearing.  Not including that smile!
"Good!  Kettle," he said turning around adruptly.  Leaving me standing there blushing and frazzled, "Tell the cooks to prepare the food.  I will come after my lunch meeting with an informant to invite everybody."
Kettle had been watching us the intire time and was grinning at me like she had seen something juicy unfold.  She curtsied one last time and gave me a thumbs up.  She then skipped away happily, humming.
Don't tell me I thought she is already pairing me with this guy!?!  And on top of that she ran away and left me!

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