Chapter 21

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It was soon one o'clock, and I sunk out of my room.  I walked down the dark hallway making sure my right hand never left the safety of the wall.  I had applied some makeup that Kettle had felt in my room.

I dodged the mid-night guards along the way by hiding behind indoor plants and broom closets.  When the door finally came into view I gave a great sigh of relief.  That silver door was once again in front of me, taunting me with an escape I knew was within my reach.  then I wondered, how long have I been here?

A week, was it now almost?  My chance to escape now was there for me to take.  But, what about the Chocolates?  Would my dream come true if  left this place?  Even though I was kidnaped and brought here I did not want any one to die.  I grasped the doors sliver handle and cracked it open long enough to prove no one was really out there.

Stepping outside I got my second glimpse of the main houses mighty outside walls.  There was a full moon out and it more than lite the small dirt path that lead from the door.  "Greg," I called out in path that lead from the door.  My voice only echoed between the trees.  It was an erreie path that came from the door; it lead into the forest that surrounded the mansion  I followed  the path and limbs tugged at my bonde hair causing sharp pains each time.  "Ow!  Not a few good path.  Maybe  I should have stayed by the

"Well that would have been no fun."

I turned and saw Greg leaning against a tree.  "Greg," I smiled and tarted to walk to him.

"Stop," he demaned and I froze.  "Don't come any closer to me."

"Why not?  What is wrong?"  I asked this and Greg looked pained.

"You are what is wrong."  He began to pace in front of me.  "What is wrong wth me?  When ever you are around me, since our fist meeting, I become unpredictable.  My emotions..." Trailing off, he looked at me and came closer.  His hands holding my face gently as if I was a precious artifact.  "My emotions," he continued, "go wild when you are around."

I was not sure how to appropriately respond to his confession.  The only thing I knew was to tell him everything was ok.  "It's ok," I placed my hands over his and gave a soft smile.

His thumbs skimmed over my cheek before he asked, "I don't want you to get hurt to."  He dropped his hands and wakled away from me to sit on a over turn log nearby.  I joined him.  "Greg, who is Ellen?"

Greg's shoulders drooped and he gave a loud sigh.  "Well, I suppose you would have found out any way.  Jun, I have done terriable things.  Please understand that, because of my raising and this mob, I have had to fight to even remain here.  Some fights," he looked away with a shake of his head, "were worst than others."

He returned his gaxe on me.  "When I was little, my faher would ignore me most.  I craved his attention constantly but never recieved it and when I did iI left with bruises, or worst.  William was always there for me, acted more like a father than a older brother.  I looked up to him, recpected him.  I was a natural leader they all said, but I could never be the Mob Boss."

"This Mob stuff is so complicated," I commented, cracking a grin to lighten the mood.

Greg smiled at that.  I liked him smiling like that, without his wall around him and constant frown.  "It didn't bother me at first, of course.  I soon noticed just how Father really was.  A bitter, angry man who wanted to leave this accursed place but was drunk on power.  He loved us but only saw us as possessions that could boast about to the rest of the Chocolates to get brownie points."

"Sounds kinda evil," I said with a frown.  Greg shrugged with a look of I-know-right.  He gave a smile and stared off into the distance as if lost in time.

"We were partners, Ellen and I.  She had these blue eyes that you would not beilive and don't even get me on the way she held a gun.  Unlike you, her hair was a pixie cut, but it always fit her.  I fell in love the more time I spent with her."

"She sounds amazing," I queitly said while kicking a rock with my slipper.  I admit I am a little jealous but the way he talks about her with that voice makes me angry for some reason.

Greg chuckled at this.  "You would have hated her."

"Well then, escuse me!" I gave a sarcastic look.

He gave a huge bark of laughter and I was almost afraid someone would hear us.  "She was a person that would shoot and ask qustons later.  Not Jade material, I assure you.  And for once in my life, becoming the Mob's Boss was not so important.  Until that day I kissed her, I did not think anyone could love someone like me."

Greg put his head in his hands.  "I knew then though, I could not live in the main house.  Only the Boss is aloud to live there with his wife, and if I was to marry Ellen I would have to leave it all behind.  We fought about it a lot.  William was not so capable to lead as you might think, and that would be what would spark most agruements.  So, we kept our love a secret.  I hide her the best I could."

"That's good though right," I said to cheer him up.  "You kept her safe-"

"But it didn't work!"  Greg stood up and paced.  "Someone found out and...and we were eating lunch in our secret place and they just... They said, it was for my own good."  Greg spat on the ground and I suddenly felt his atomsphere creep up again.  "They killed her, right there.  Slit her throat and then shot her in the head.  They said I could have prevented this.  Selfish pricks.  I know they want me leading on the side lines but don't want to go against Lady Boss's wishes."

We were both silent for awhile, I listened to a owl in the distance.  Greg seemed overly into his memories for me to pull him out.  After awhile I walked over to him and really saw the pain in his eyes.  "I'm not going anywhere, Greg."

"We should head back," Greg said to me.  "It's not safe in the mansion at night."  He began to walk away from me and I followed but at a distance.

"You mean more than it is normally?  I am shocked," I cracked a joke to help the tenseness that now surrounded us.

I heard Greg chuckle but it faded away.  I felt saddened at this.  We were soon back at the door and he stopped me.  "Be careful tommrow.  I heard somethings are going on that could be dangerous."

"What is going on?"

"A man with the name Eric Weynon has been giving us problems for a few years now.  He...He was the detective that killed my father."

"So that is what everyone keeps hiding so secretively," I commented with a look up at his green eyes.  He looked back and without responding to me, snuck a kiss.  I stood there in a daze before he said, "I will protect you.  Better than my, idiot brother ever could.  Just remember that ok?"

He left me frazzled as he disappeared inside.  I felt my lips and my mind raced.  I was making my way back to my room when I heard voices approaching.  I hide in a closest to my left with haste.  It wasn't a big closet and I was forced against the door.

"When can you come back," a familiar voice said on the other side.  I he my breath for fear of being heard.

"I told you I have to relay messages back to Eric first," a female voice whispered. Eric!  Are the talking about Eric Weynon?  I heard a groan that sounded more like the girl was wasting the boy's time.

I know I have heard that voice somewhere before but where...?

"I will continue to spy on the Chocolates and get more information from their computers," the boy said, "and I will make my father proud."

I gasped.  It's the spy!

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