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I was the first to reach the bus, by about an hour. I was ready to get the hell out of Philadelphia, despite Anastasia's plea to stay one more day so she could go shopping again with her mom. I, on the other hand, packed all my shit last night and when I woke up this morning, sprinted to the bus with suitcase behind, literally threw it in the back, and laid in my cubby of a bed until the others got here.

I intended on sleeping for the majority of the drive, which would provide a good excuse to avoid speaking to Josh. I could hear their voices approaching and soon they were all on the bus as well, filing in and neatly stacking their lugging in the back where I previously chucked mine.

Without warning, the curtain that was blocking my view to the inside of the bus was yanked open, and I was met with brown eyes and long hair. He didn't even have to say anything, I knew he was judging the hell out of me.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." Sam sat on the edge by my feet. "You came to the bus early to avoid Josh?"

"Shut up."

He shrugged.

"I'm just ready to get out of here is all. I can only spend so much time in Pennsylvania before my brain rots."

"Maybe if you'd just talk to him, you would be feeling better-"

"Keagan wants to talk to you two." Josh appeared out of nowhere, peaking his head around the corner. I assumed he was talking about Sam and I, but instead he pointed at Anastasia and I.

Saved by the bell.

I nodded and stood, finding it hard to take my eyes off the boy. His curly hair was growing out past his ears and his tired brown eyes were as soft as ever. I yearned to touch his skin, to feel the warmth of his lips against mine, and to have my cheek pressed against his chest again as if I had never left.

Josh felt more like home than anywhere I've lived.

Philadelphia wasn't my home. Florida wasn't my home. California was definitely not my home.

Josh is home.

And I was homesick.

I brushed past him, the feeling of his skin overwhelming and I held my breath to keep back the tears that had been begging to escape for days, but I had refused to let them. Anything so small, anything so barely irritable, would be able to break me at this point.

Anastasia and I exited the bus to find Keagan standing there, phone in hand.

"What is it?" Anastasia asked, getting right to the point. She's so blunt - even more so when she's tired.

"Good morning," Keagan rolled his eyes, shoving his phone in his pocket. "You've been invited to the Jones's house again this year for their annual Sound of Summer party, tomorrow night."

Oh God.

"Um, do you remember what happened last year at that party?" My eyes widened at the memory circulating my thoughts.

"Of course I remember what happened last year." He sighed, hand moving straight to his forehead.

Last year, at the Sound of Summer party at Laken Jones's house (she's a small artist, helping other small artists), someone brought coke and almost everyone was wigged out on it. It wasn't fun, and Laken was so upset. The party ended early and no one was able to perform.

"Since you guys aren't so small anymore, going could be a huge moral booster. You were just a small artist last year, and now look at you. You could inspire them."

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