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"Josh Kiszka and Lorelei Prest Dating? Pictures surface of feminist punk-rock singer Lorelei wearing the beanie of front man Josh Kiszka." I read the headline from the latest "news" as we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel, marking our fourth stop and end of the second week of the tour. 

I did not know that me wearing a beanie could spark so much anger.

Twitter was fuming of course, fans raging about how Josh and I had just met and that I had no business wearing his clothes. I told Josh I'd wear one of his sweatshirts, his beanie, and hold his hand while we're out today, just to see Twitter absolutely fucking implode. 

"How are they about to write a whole article based on seeing you wear his hat? Genuinely curious." Jake chuckled, eyeballing the hat I had on... again. Josh insisted, trying to convince me I'd lose all my "cool superpowers" without it. Someone had watching the Avengers movies last night.

So, naturally, I wore the hat with no shame. It smelled like him and that's already too much for me to be convinced to wear it. I wear it just because it's his.

"No idea, Jakey." I rolled my eyes, shoving my phone in my pocket as I stood up from my seat. "I'm gonna grab my suitcase."

They all followed closely behind, grabbing all of our things from the back of the bus. Josh was by my side the entire time, helping me carry my suitcase down the bus stairs as he drug his behind him. Jake did the same for Anastasia and I smiled at her, seriously rooting for this little flirty thing they had going on to evolve into something more.

She had told me last night that he took her on a walk down to a park, and said it was lovely. He hadn't kissed her yet, but she thinks that'll happen very soon. It's ironic, really. How did we score twins?

We walked in the brisk, bitter air from the back parking lot to the door of the hotel, shivering along the way. The considerable difference between the heat inside the bus and the numbing cold of the Sioux Falls air was despicable, and I was beginning to resent the cold. It was better than Minnesota, but still too snappy for my liking.

Lucky for us, our activity of choice is indoors. It so happens that aquariums are one of my most favorite places on earth as I love marine life. If I went to college, I would've been a marine biologist and made a shit ton of money doing that, too. 

The ride to the ninth floor was crammed, as usual, the smell of cologne mixed with Anastasia and I's fruity perfume suffocating, but I was beginning to get used to it. I'm not sure our stops would be complete without being crammed in the elevator at least twice a day.

We all shoved our suitcases into rooms as we were eager to go to the aquarium. Sam was acting like a child on Christmas, skipping up and down the hallway as he waited for us to change into warmer clothes. 

I was serious when I said I would wear Josh's sweatshirt, not just to piss people off, but also because I just want to wear it. 

"Can I borrow that?" I asked him once he opened his door, pointing at the sweatshirt he had on.

"Of course." He chuckled, assuming I was kidding earlier but knows now that I was not. He slipped the sweatshirt over his head, revealing his bare torso. His baby abs were starting to show through and I wondered if he had been working out. I would've assumed he had a t-shirt under it or something, but I thought wrong. I couldn't help but to stare, only the second time i've seen him without a shirt. I desperately wanted to glide my fingers down his stomach, touching his warm, soft skin as I did a few nights ago.

"Here you are." Josh held the shirt out for me to take and I looked away from his chest as fast as I could, grabbing the sweatshirt as I blushed. He smirked, enjoying my fascination with him and I'm sure it boosted his ego as well.

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