Background Information

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Izuku POV: 

        Hi I am Midoriya Izuku, Currently I am sixteen years old I have green and black hair. I get the green from my Mom and the black from my Dad. I also Have my Mom's emerald green eyes and a unique diamond freckle pattern which I get from my Dad. 

          My parents are the famous couple Midoriya Inko and Hisashi

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          My parents are the famous couple Midoriya Inko and Hisashi. My father Hisashi was the owner of a massive support gear company, support gear are tools that heroes use, anyway he met my Mother when their companies decided to work together. My mother Inko is the owner of a world renowned fashion company and likewise met my father when there companies decided to work together on some hero costumes. They started dating shortly after that and eventually got married leading to one of the biggest mergers the world has ever seen and the birth of their now co-owned company Midoriya Technologies. Around five years later I was born and as such am the sole heir. 

          My parents are both Fourth generation Quirk users, my father has a relatively useless to his line of work Fire breathing quirk. My mother on the other hand was born with a weak albeit useful telekinesis quirk which she uses for her job and other task very often, like when I was young she would hold me and use her quirk to read me a story and rock me to sleep in her arms. When I was four we went to the Doctors office to see what my Quirk was and I was diagnosed Quirkless however they did take note that I seemed to have hyperthymesia also called a superior autobiographical memory, basically I can remember events of my life with surprising clarity.

         Anyway from that day on my parents decided to enhance the security on our estate to rival the security of Tartarus Max prison and I-Island. From there I was taught at home by some of the worlds most renowned private tutors, I learned as much about the world as I could and as a result began to take notes on every quirk I could find out about. Apart from that I learned many languages, English, French, Latin, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian, to name a few. After that I personally requested that I wanted to learn to defend my self so they requested several martial arts masters and weapons master. I learned martial arts such as Tai Chi, Karate, Kung Fu several forms, Judo, Muay Thai, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Aikido to name a few. From there I learned strategy from the smartest mind on the planet Principle Nezu, he is the principal of the world's greatest hero school UA academy, his quirk is called High Specs and it gives him an IQ of around 240. His teaching method was basically school me at every strategy game he could find, and I was only finished with the game when I could consistently beat him in the game, which he considered to be around ten times in a row. 

          The final game was chess, before that was shogi, and it was an intense final match because he pulled out everything. Due to the nature of the game we always had about a day between each round of chess and the last round was stressful because if I failed on the last round of course the count reset. Thankfully I managed to beat him after he got me down to my king, three pawns, a rook, and a knight left. Ultimately I got his king trapped between my rook, my knight and two pawns, his king was in a corner and in check by my rook the only move he could make would put him in a capture tile of my knight due to my pawns being positioned just right to where if he captured one the other would capture him. He ultimately had to yield due to his only other piece having been captured by my remaining pawn. 

          As a result of my graduation from my teacher Principle Nezu, my parents decided to plan a trip to Tibet as a graduation present. Although they seemed to have another motive I'll ask them on the way there. That brings us up to today and I just finished packing now If you excuse me I need to get some sleep for tomorrow see you then.

A/N:  Once again thank you all for the support on the previous version I hope you all will come to enjoy this new version. Please leave a comment it, helps more than you think.

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