Picking Up a Friend Pt. 1

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Izuku's POV: 6:00 A.M.

I woke up and immediately got dressed in my usual suit,

and grabbed my over night bag as I will have to stay the night in Paris, France

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and grabbed my over night bag as I will have to stay the night in Paris, France. From there I went down stairs and made my way to the Airport planning to eat on the flight. Once at the airport I went through the usual checks and to my relatively new private plane. We took off shortly after that and I requested my breakfast which was Omelet rice which was delicious from there I sent a message to Marinette to let her know I was on my way.

Marinette POV: 6 A.M. local time

I just woke up and checked my messages I had one from Izuku.

Hey Marinette I am on my way see you around 3 p.m.

Oh no, I forgot to tell my parents I was offered a job at his company. I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetie I'm so glad your awake cause after breakfast we have a big order of macaroons and you would be a big help making them." Dad said.

"Okay Dad, I can help but I really need to talk to you and Mom about something really important," I said beginning to eat my breakfast, a muffin and orange juice.

"Okay sweetie, we are listening." Mom suddenly commented.

"Oh, Morning Mom" I started. "Well you see," I said, pressing my two index fingers together. "You know my online friend Midoriya Izuku, and how I have helped on a the last two fashion weeks here by acting as his assistance for them." I continued.

"Yes, of course he seems so nice" my Dad said.

"Well I have sent him some of my designs and," I began, "and he has offered a job at his company" I blurted out the last part.

"Oh really what company does he own" My mom asked.

"He owns Midoriya Technologies the Fashion/hero costume and support gear company he is the CEO" I said excited.

"Well that is good you found a job at a fashion company" Mom said.

"Well the issue is well it is located in Japan" I said.

"What, do you mean?" my Dad began to say

"I will be moving to Japan" I finished for him.

"So that's why you've been taking Japanese" Mom said.

"Okay what day are you leaving?" Dad asked.

"Well about that he is coming today to meet with you guys and well we leave tomorrow" I said looking away.

"What!!" My Dad responded.

"Tom sweetie calm down its okay we knew she was going to leave the nest one day" Mom said.

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