Trip to Tibet

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Izuku POV: 12:45 P.M.

          I am staring at the letter that Principle Nezu left with me yesterday when I managed to beat him in chess. The letter was a special recommendation to class 1-A at his college, its so special because it is the only recommendation to be given out by him himself.  

          "Sweetie the car is ready to take us to the airport" Mom called up the stairs to me.

          "Yeah Mom I'll be down in a moment, don't worry" I called back down the stairs. 

          "Okay please hurry up though, I'm sure that the pilot doesn't like waiting to much" 

         "Right" I said grabbing my suitcase and bringing it downstairs and to the car, from there I passed it off to our chauffeur who put it in the trunk well I got in the car. I was the last one in, my parents just having a small conversation now seemed as good a time as any. "So you going to tell me the other reason for this trip?" I asked.

          "Of course you picked up on that" My Father said, "well your mother and I heard tell of an old temple in the Tibetan mountains relatively close to the specific town we are going to" he answered. 

          "And you want to go to this temple because?" I asked.

          "Well we heard that supposedly the missing temple has something to do with reports of superheroes that existed long before the first quirk was discovered" my Mother said. "We thought that you would like to learn more about this and that maybe we could find out what gave these heroes there power" she finished. 

          "That does sound interesting, but I'm sure that these powers that you heard rumors of are greatly exaggerated and beside I thought the point was to be the first Quirkless hero" I said. 

          "Well if we did find something and decided to use it we were hoping that you would use it sole for our peace of mind" Father said, "my son we only want you to be safe, and well we support your decision we will always be worried its our job as your parents" he finished. 

          "Okay if we do find something, I will utilize it only to put you at a peace of mind" I said, "I love you Mom, Dad thanks." I leaned forward and hugged them both and with that we arrived at the airport. Here we take a 3hr 15min flight from Tokyo to Shanghai, and from there we take a connecting flight from Shanghai to Lhasa with a stopover in Xi'an and an overall flight of about eight hours. Once in Lhasa we stayed in a hotel for a bit to help us get over our massive jet lag. Once we were all caught up we went to Bhote village which houses the base camp for Makalu the mountain we are climbing and the origin of the story my parents heard.        

          Once we got to the base camp we began to set up for our expedition, we leave tomorrow so my parents decided to tell me what they know about the expedition. So we gathered around a nice and warm campfire. 

          "Okay so what we know is that for years going back almost 200 years ago the villagers of this town have told stories of a great inferno coming from near the top of the mountain" Father said. "And before that they told tale of monks that would come down to the village for supplies and every now and then they would chose one of the boys of the village of around ten years and take them to train them for the mission of the temple all that the monks would tell them is they were guardians of a great power meant to better the human race nothing more nothing less" 

          "So our goal is to see if anything survived this Inferno that the villagers tell of?" I asked.

          "Yes, exactly Izuku" Mother said. 

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