Cracking the Grimoire

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Izuku's POV:

          After the delicious lunch I grabbed both the books and brought them to my study. Nooroo explained during lunch that Kwami are forbidden to know what the books say so I took them to my room and showed them how to use the T.V. and my laptop and told them to learn about the modern world through those means. After that was settled I began my research, I pulled out the decipher from one of the books it was damaged slightly but I could make it out some. 

          The pages seemed to be encrypted twice because translating the page gave us bizarrely text in French what this means is yet to be determined

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          The pages seemed to be encrypted twice because translating the page gave us bizarrely text in French what this means is yet to be determined. Anyway the first page I translated was one seeming to pertain to the Butterfly Miraculous. 

--- Ignore Nooroo ---

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--- Ignore Nooroo ---

          The translation starts with, Choisir il faut bien selectionner ses elites l'avenir du monde en depend. Good thing I learned several languages, this translates roughly to 'Choosing you must select your elites the future of the world depends on it' this could be linked to the butterfly miraculous or the choosing of those who were allowed to use a miraculous. this could also be how quirks originated hard to tell.

          The next page had something that seems to pertain to the repair of the miraculous. the initial translation reads, 'Metal preciex liquide du soleil la poussiere du ciel maintenant precieuse reparera l'animal blesse l'animal fera un petit sacrafice'. This seemed to be a riddle translated to my native language it means, Liquid precious metal of the sun Dust from the sky now precious shall fix the injured animal the animal shall make a small sacrifice, I wrote this down for later and went to my room to take a break. 

          "Master did you find anything," Nooroo asked upon seeing me. 

          "Maybe, it is not much but I do have something to go on," I replied.

          "Well that is good, oh also you have some messages on your apparatus here" He replied. 

          "Okay thank you I'll look at them immediately," I said grabbing the laptop and checking the messages. I had one each from Marinette and Melissa, and one surprisingly from Nezu, I checked my friends first. Marinette wrote to tell me that she managed to graduate a year early and her parents were fine with here coming to work for me so long as I take care of everything and protect her from harm. Melissa wrote to tell me that her Father said she could come over for a little while now that it is her summer break. The last from Nezu was a request. 

          Dear Midoriya Izuku,  

          I am writing to remind you of the offer I left you with however as you are the current                CEO of your parents company perhaps that offer is no longer the most viable for your              future. So instead I would like to ask your input on the entrance exam set to                                  take place in around four months time. Further more I also request that you                                  your self work on the hero outfits and the support gear for those accepted this                              year to the hero course. 

                                                                                                                                Best wishes, 

                                                                                                                                Principle Nezu 

          Sure I can do that Nezu I replied. Then I replied to Marinette and Melissa and we all started a video call with each and talked for a few hours.  

??? POV: A few hours ago

          "Master, master Nooroo we found him he says he is in Japan" a Green creature that resembled a turtle said. 

          "What, Nooroo but I was certain that those two Miraculous were destroyed," an old man wearing a Hawaiian style shirt. "What a minute, Wayzz how exactly did you find him?" 

          "Well his cycle came up earlier and we successfully made contact with him," Wayzz replied. "He says a boy has claimed ownership of the Butterfly and peacock miraculous, he also found the grimoire and another book from the temple," he continued with his Master looking slightly distressed. "Apparently the boy has only been deciphering the books and been comforted by Nooroo and Duusuu as when he found them his parents died on the mountain to some monster or villain" he finished. 

          "We need to go to Japan then lets pack up and tell the others we are going to go see them" Master said.

          "Yes Master Fu" Wayzz said before disappearing into this phonograph thing. 

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--- The next chapter should be the first one to not follow a chapter directly from the original version of this book also for plot sake I am moving the sludge villain incident to a few months before the entrance exams, although that might not be i...

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--- The next chapter should be the first one to not follow a chapter directly from the original version of this book also for plot sake I am moving the sludge villain incident to a few months before the entrance exams, although that might not be in the next chapter just a heads up ---

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