Exploring This New World

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(So I've watched the new Miraculous Movie and that is what has inspired this story, So with that in mind if you have yet to watch it might want to skip on this till you've seen it.)

Izuku POV:

           "Okay, nothing seems to be going wrong here," I said to myself. "I swear I felt strong negative emotions coming from the blackhole. Nooroo Wing fall." I detransformed and Nooroo swirled around my neck and looked around. 

           "Paris," Nooroo said. "It feels wierd here. It's like there's two of me here." 

           "Nooroo, You okay?" I asked him. 

           "Yeah I think so," He said, "It's passing now. It was like what you describe as a head ache." 

           "Okay, Just like the pain I felt through the black hole I can't narrow it down." I said, "And nothing looks out of place around the city." 

          "We should probably get off of the roof," Nooroo said. 

          "Yeah," I said looking around. "You should hide. Quick get in my suits pocket." 

          "Right," he said flying into my suit pocket.  

          With that I found my way to an unlocked roof access door, and down to the road the building was on. "Okay we should find a library and do some reaserch on this universe, this paris seems to be the same as our universes at least layout wise" I whispered to Nooroo. 

           "Then you know where a Library is you can use?" he asked me. 

           "Yeah there is one at marinette's old school I belive it is typically open to locals and if not I think I can pass for a student." I said starting to walk in that direction, once there I snuck into the school pretending to be a student and went straight to the library specifically a computer.

           "Let see now foirst off lets see if quirks exist here," I whispered to nooroo as I typed it up no results came up that matched what I was looking for. "Okay maybe Midoriya Technologies still exists?" that was a no as well. Finally I typed in Izuku Midoriya, no results found, there wasn't even a me in this world or if ther was he wasn't famous in any way like I was back home. 

           "What about Master Fu Izuku?" Nooroo said. 

           "Your right," I said typing in his name what came up was a shop about three streets away. "It says he owns and operates a eastern style healing and antique shop. Whatever that means doesn't sound like he serves the same role in this world Nooroo." After that we left and found a place we could sort of talk in private. We settled on a park that wasn't too busy and I sat down on a park bench. 

            "Okay, it was a stupid idea for me to just come here." I whispered my head in my hands. "It will take me forever to figure out how to create a portal back home." 

            "Well if we could track down the Horse miraculous you might not need to create a new machine to get us home," Nooroo said. "You could amplfy the powers of the miraculous and then create a portal home." 

             "Yeah but assuming Master Fu isn't the guardian, we can safely assume that the order is likely still around meaning they would have the miraculous. Something tells me it would be less likely for them to help me than for Fu too." 

              "What are you thinking then Izuku?" nooroo asked. 

              "I think we need to find a way to earn some money in the mean time," I said pulling out my wallet znd checking how much money I had on me. "Lets go apply for citezen ship here for starters." I stood up and began walking to the mayors office.

              That was our first day in this new universe now its been nearly a year this worlds time no idea how long its been in my home dimension I just hope it hasn't been long. Since then Ive gotten a Day job working at the School Marinette went to in my universe as the new science teacher there old one evidently needing a leave of abscense. I've also got a part time job helping out with a fashion company the Agreste brand I help out with the sowing of new pieces and have helped the owner get out of a funk once or twice I help them out on weekends. 

              Any way I best wrap up this journal entry I need to prep for my first clas this new school year. Until I write again fair well and have a good time.

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