The USJ Part 2

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Aizawa POV:

          "What the hell is going on here?!" Handsy Shouted. "What have you done to Kurogiri?" 

          "Allow me to answer that question Villain," a masculine voice said from somewhere up above us. 

         We all looked up to the lighting rafters of the USJ and could barely make out the shape of a man in a costume. He wore royal purple clothing with a touch of some blue that's all we saw from this great distance. Suddenly he leaped down and onto one of Oboro's clouds which gently brought him to above the fountain, allowing us to see him more clearly. He had lilac hair, turquoise eyes and and a silvery mask shaped vaguely like a butterfly. We wore a royal purple suit with a celeste blue dress shirt and a royal purple trench coat with a celeste blue lining that glowed faintly.

          "You see this man here is Kurogiri, or well he is who Kurogiri used to be." The man said, "I have merely given back his autonomy." 

          "And who the hell are you?" Handsy asked him. 

          "Well I suppose this is the first time anyone has seen me," he said seemingly to himself. "But I am certain you all have heard of my escapades. I am the Hidden Hero the media has been so excited about. The hero who is unseen but always there to aid  those who need a little help. the name I have given myself is Monarch." 

          "You are the guy who sends out those damn butterflies!" I shouted out loud now on my feet.

          "Yes and I have given my help to you guys with the help of a friend of mine," he said gesturing to everywhere. He looked at a none existent watch, "Said friend has contacted the police which will be here in about fifteen minutes." 

           "You bastard!" Handsy shouted and leaped up touching the cloud Monarch was on. It began to fade to dust and Monarch fell dodging a touch from Handsy and landing next to Me and Oboro. 

          "Not smart to reveal your plan like that!" I shouted at him. 

          "Oh I didn't reveal the whole plan to him." He told me, "My friend made two calls." 

          "What do you mean?" Oboro asked. 


          The doors at the top of the stairs behind me must have been blown open. "There is no need to fear, why?" from the smoke stepped forth a terrifying sight.

 "There is no need to fear, why?" from the smoke stepped forth a terrifying sight

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          "Because we are here!" a small distinguished voice said. And the smoke cleared to reveal the whole of the teachers at UA. All Might, Nezu, Midnight, Vlad King, Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, Power Loader, Snipe, and Present Mic. 

          "Grr, Master get me out of here!" Handsy shouted at the top of his lungs. Suddenly he bent over heaving as a thick dark liquid began to pour from his mouth. 

          "No you don't!" Snipe shouted shooting his right shoulder and his left knee before the goop consumed handsy and he was gone thanks to a weird warping quirk. 

          After his disappearance we spent the next few hours rounding up the remaining villains and gathering our injured students for treatment. Bringing the villains to the multitude of police vehicles which showed up not long after gathering of the villains began. 

          "We need to bring you into," one of the police said to Monarch.

          "I don't think so," he said and then the bubble on his cane popped open and he looked like he made a call. when he closed the bubble again a portal of some kind appeared behind him  and he fell into it with is closing instantly.

          "Damn that villain got away again." Tsukauichi said. 

          "I think we have more pressing matters other than trying to find him," Nezu chimed in. "For instance we have no idea what his quirk is apart from seemingly bringing forth the best in someone or perhaps bringing back the dead." he gestured to Oboro for evidence. "Last I recall this former student of ours died some years ago." 

          "You got that Right Nezu me and Aizawa attended the funeral." Present Mic said, "I for one don't think its really him."

          "Yes we will need to run DNA tests to confirm." Nezu said rubbing his chin with his paw. 

          "Trust me guys I'm me," Oboro said from a cloud seat he had created. "Frankly I don't know about being dead or anything. Last thing I remember before becoming that thing was being wheeled around a hospital somewhere." 

          "Regardless we need to be sure," Nezu said. 

          "I believe him," I interrupted finally from my ambulance that was patching me up. 

          "What?" Mic said "You of all people believe him?" 

          "More accurately I believe what Monarch said about him." I said, "He returned Oboro's autonomy." 

          "Hm interesting." Nezu said. 

Izuku POV:

          "Nooroo wing rest," I said after falling into my living room de-transforming. "Well done Pegasus." 

          "Thank you Monarch," Melissa said smiling at me. "Kaalki dismount," she de-transformed.

          "That was nerve racking I didn't even know if that would work." I said. 

          "What do you mean?" She asked me. 

          "Leaving him with that blessing I thought it might disappear after I left." I explained. 

          "No no that is not how the Butterfly works," Master Fu said. "The blessing as you put it is quite permanent until the object containing the butterfly is destroyed or you remove the blessing your self." He took a sip of tea. 

          "Huh interesting." I said calmly. "While I am tired I will see you all tomorrow good night." 

--- Sorry for the relatively short chapter but I think this will suffice for now this story is a little hard for me to right only because unlike other this one doesn't really have a set path in my mind anymore just vague ideas that I am trying to pick out of a see of ideas for my other stories that are much clearer than this one. I will try to do better but might take me a while. ---

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