The Sludge Villain Incident

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          Izuku's hero costume is interesting, it is very reminiscent to the image he saw in the grimoire of a previous holder of the butterfly just with his own flare. His hair changes color to a pale lilac instead of a full cowl he has a mask covering his freckles in the shape of the glowing symbol that appears in front of an akumatized person. His eyes change to turquoise number two as for his cloths he wears a royal purple suit with a celeste blue undershirt like the one that hawkmoth has. His miraculous is in the same place as Hawkmoth's, his shoes are similar to black oxfords with out the laces. He also has a trench coat that is royal purple on the outside and the lining is celeste blue, which appears to have a faint glow.

Izuku's POV:

          Today I was out getting supplies for the arrival of some special guest later this week. It was a tranquil day after a villain attack earlier that also was the premiere of a new hero Mt. Lady. I was in my car going to stores to pickup more food which I just had it sent to the estate, after that I went to a music shop and browsed for a while. Then to a side street for a late lunch it was around now that I heard the explosion. 

          "What was that," I said to myself rushing into an ally. "Nooroo they might need assistance how do I transform" 

          "Oh, I've been waiting for this. It is quite simple Izuku just say Nooroo wings rise" He replied. 

          "Alright then, Nooroo wings rise," I called transforming. Once I transformed I began to feel the emotions around me and followed the strong feeling of distress I sensed not to far away. I started hopping up to the roof tops and rushed my way over. 

All Might's POV: a few hours ago 

          I was out shopping, picking up some food for the week. As I was coming out of the store I saw a Villain that appeared to be made of sludge running past with large amounts of money falling from it's body.

          "Were are the heroes," some people in front of me were wondering. As the said that I began powering up to my buff form. 

          "THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR," I began. "WHY BECAUSE I AM HERE" I finished rushing after the villain. I have three hours to catch him, unfortunately he went down into the sewers and this cities sewers are a maze I swear. Ultimately when I found him I had around five maybe six minutes left. He found a hostage A young purple haired boy was caught in his grasp and losing oxygen fast. I burst the sewer cover off and said "HAVE NO FEAR NOW THAT I AM HERE," I reared back my fist, "TEXAS SMASH" blowing apart the villain and saving the kid. The kid was unconscious so I softly slapped him repeatedly to wake him up, "HEY, HEY, HEY" he began to stir. "OH GOOD I WAS WORRIED I MIGHT HAVE HAD RUSH YOU TO THE ER," I said relived. 

          "Oh my god I was saved by the number one hero. Can I get your autograph" He said offering me his note book which I already signed. "You already signed it!" 

          "WELL KNOW THAT YOU ARE SAFE I GOT TO GO KID" I called back to him as I took off into the sky, only I felt heavier than normal. I looked back and saw the kid clinging to my pant leg I decided to land on a skyscraper. "OKAY USUALLY I AM ALL FOR THE FANS BUT I REALLY NEED TO GO" 

          "But I have an important question for you" the kid said. Looking away rambling about his life a bit as I was de transforming. I only caught a few things like bullied being called a villain and some other things, then he looked and noticed I changed. "What the hell" 

          "Calm down I am All Might this is just my civilian identity" I explained calming him down. 

          "Okay well my question is do you think someone with a villainous quirk can be a hero?" He asked. 

          "I am sorry kid, but I don't know how best to answer your question," I said which caused him to have a forlorn look. "But I can say this if you want to be a hero there has to be a way it might take you years to figure it out but every hero is unique mostly" I said. which seemed to raise his spirits. "Now if you excuse me I need to turn in this villain" I pat my pocket only to not feel the bottle containing the villain then we both heard a boom. 

Izuku's POV:  

          I arrived on a rooftop, and when I looked down I saw a giant blob of green sludge which appeared to have a hostage. Not only that but said hostage appears to be fighting back with their quirk which is causing the explosions as well as causing fire on several buildings. I looked over to see a crowd of people watching and several heroes doing nothing. Okay I need to use my power lets see I sense great emotion from Death Arms he'll do. I popped the bubble open on my cane and grabbed the butterfly channeling my power into it it began to glow a brilliant blue, "Fly away my little Tenshi," I said. With that it flew off to death arms and possesses his bracers, "Ah Death Arms I am here to help you defeat this foe with my help you will have the ability to rush in and pull the hostage free, I even have a plan for you to use" I started to explain my plan to him. "Once you are successful I will be removing my blessing do we have a deal?" I asked. 

          "I accept," He replied and under went a slight transformation his muscles grew visibly only slightly and the colors on his costume mostly his shirt switched to red. "Backdraft, Kamui Woods I have a plan for us to use," He told them. 

          "What is it Death Arms?" they both asked and double take seeing him look different from a moment ago. 

          "Backdraft you will make an opening for Kamui Woods to get through" Death Arms started to explain the plan I told him. "Kamui Woods you will go in and attack the villains eyes those are the only seemingly vital points on his body, while you do that I will rush in and pull out the hostage once he is safe I will blow the villain away" He finished.

          "It could work," Kamui Woods started "are you feeling okay?"

          "Never better" Death Arms replied. "Now lets do this" With that they began executing the plan. Backdraft began to put the fires out and Kamui Woods rushed off and climbed using his quirk to swing above the villain. 

          "Lacquered Chain Prision" He called out and used it to wrap around the villains eyes. From there Death Arms rushed in and reached into the sludge villain grabbing on to the boys arm and pulling him out rushing to the crowd and Backdraft. He dropped the boy off and then rushed back. 

          "Heavy Machine Impact," Death Arms called out the name of his signature move and blasted the villain apart, knocking him out. "That's the deal taken care of," He said. 

          "That it is," I said talking to him in his head. "Come to me my little Tenshi." It returned to me and Death Arms powered down returning to normal. From there I returned to my car and I        de-transformed from there I left back to my house. 

          As I ate Dinner I watched the news the were talking about the sludge villain incident earlier and thank fully there was no mention of me. After that I went to bed and slept peacefully and soundly for tomorrow.    

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