Working Out a Way Back

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          ---The night before the last chapter's event is where this one begins---

Izuku's POV:

          "Izuku Midoriya testing log. Log date: LBM-367 It has been approximatly one year and a few days since I found my way into this dimension." I spoke in to my log recorder. "I have since deduced that my brash descision to come and help may have been slightly unfounded. This universe does indeed possess the magic jewels known as the miraculous. I will now focus my efforts on mostly on testing the multi-dimensional viewing device I have dubbed Yggdrasil."

          "But master couldn't we just ask someone to help us create a bridge between this dimension and the our own?" Nooroo came out and asked me.

          "Well the issue with that Nooroo," I began to explain. "Is simple we don't know where this universe exists on the spectrum of the multiverse relative to our home dimension. You yourself have stated you exist in billions or realities all at the same time, tell me do you know where our home is in the vastness ot an infinate multiverse?"

          "Uh, no." he asnwered after some thought.

          "Blind hopping is what got us here I figured it would be best we avoid that on our way home." I said.

          "I suppose that's fair." he said.

          "Thus far over the past few weeks we have successfully gotten Yggdrasil to peek at other realities." I returned to my log. "I have been able to confirm the existence of some of the universes I previously got mere glimpses of on my travel to this universe. There are issues that remain, one is locating our home dimension, the second problem is the power required to view these other dimensions is high. Well I have been able to stabilize our simple clean reactor to test and use the Yggdrasil for now, it is unclear how long it will remain stable. So well we are working on locating the our universe I have begun calculations on a more stable reactor that should output the right amount of wattage and remain stable, I just need to finish the calculations and maybe find a metal that will be sufficiant in creataing a stable and long lasting reaction. On to today's Yggdrasil locator test, continuing with 5D cordinate varriations in incriments of one from abserved universes that also contain a version of myself."

          The screen lit up after some time to revealing the universe that I had locked onto. Viewing this world through the screen I pressed record on the device for science purposes. I could make out what appeared to be a younger version of myself wearing a black and green hero costume and jumping from a cargo plane with multiple other heroes.

          "Another failure, another new dimension discovered." I recorded into the log before disabling the recorder and checking the time on the watch of my own design. "We need to get some sleep Nooroo there's only five hours before we are due at the boutique."

A few hours later

          I was now at the boutique working on an new design that Mr. Agreste wanted to see. I was still quite tired so I naturally once I was finished with that design, that I wouldn't even be able to show him myself cause I have my other job later aswell. I fell asleep at my desk and got maybe another hour or two of sleep before Natalie, Mr. Agreste's assistant, woke me up.

          "Izuku don't you have another job that you need to get to?" She asked shaking me awake.

          "Huh, oh right!" I shouted grabbing some of the unfinished designs I was still working on and hastily putting them away before I ran out of the boutique. "Thanks for waking me up first day back at school, I really shouldn't be late!"

          "No problem Izuku, don't want Mr. Agreste seeing you like that after all." She said.

          I was about to respond sarcastically before I ran into someone knocking their book out of their hands. sending papers flying I hastily grabbed them out of the air and twisted around presenting them to the person I bumped into not seeing their face yet. "These are your's right?" I said and she looked up before I could apologise I recognized the face and just locked up, it was Marinette.

          "Thanks for picking those up for me," she said, looking me up and down. "Well I got to go to school, have a good day."

          After that she walked away and I rushed my self to the school building. I rushed to my room and immediatly began to look over some of my notes that I had on the digital board. It was notes on the reactor I had made for Yggdrasil, the reactor is pretty inefficient for the design I went for but it does produce a lot of energy and it is clean. I copied down some relevant numbers onto some notes before closing the file and working on the next iteration of the reactor. It was around that time that my students began showing up, I quickly closed the program before pulling up my lesson presentation and going to set up some stuff in each of the group tables.

          The rest of the day at school was pretty simple. I ran the class through the lesson had one student cause an explosion. Then after school I had the papers put away for me to grade later. I began to leave to get a few hours of rest before beginning to grade the papers, that was when I felt the emotion. I immediately rushed home and put my bag down.

          "This is the first time something has felt off since we got here." I said. "We should head out Nooroo wings rise."

Timeskip to after the fight with gargoyle

          I made it back home safe and sound from watching these two new heroes. "Nooroo Wings Fall." I said transforming back. "It seems that the miraculous exist in the world as well, and whoever has this worlds counterpart to yours isn't using it for good."

           "The hat is for sure we will need to be extra careful if we are to aid these new heroes." Nooroo said.

           "When we get the chance we will see what we can do for them." I said sitting down with a fresh made sandwich. "For now I need to eat and grade these papers." 

          —- sorry for the late update but I hope you enjoy. —-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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