The USJ Incident Pt. 1

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Izuku POV:

          A lot has happened since Master Fu showed up. He pulled me aside and asked me how long the Peacock has been damaged. I explained to him that it has been broken since I got it and he seemed to look down in contemplation. After I told him about the riddle I found to fix it and how I was devoted to fixing it as soon as I figured it out. It was around that time that Melissa showed up with a lawyer who was holding a tablet with David's face on it.

          "Hello Izuku mind if we come in?" He asked. 

          "No problem," I let them in and followed them to the living room. "So Mr. Shield what is with the Lawyer?" 

          "Ah yes that you see me and your parents were in contact every now and again mostly during I-Expo" He said I nodded for him to continue. "Well at one point, after a fair amount of drinking, we brought up our kids. You know both of you are Quirkless and well we thought it might be a good Idea to have a merger of companies in the future." 

          "Okay so you wanted to merge Shield Industries with Midoriya Tech," I said confused. "So you wanted me to marry Melissa?" 

          "Yeah something like that," he replied.  "Well as it turned out we had way to much to drink and evidently ended up making a contract stating you and Melissa would marry." 

          "Wait you mean to tell me that you and my parents arranged a marriage between Melissa and me?!" I shouted. 

          "Well we knew that it was hard being Quirkless so we thought if your spouse was also quirkless it would be easier." He said looking down and pressing his fingers together. 

          "Dad that doesn't make it better," Melissa said. 

          "How long have you known?" I asked her. 

          "Since the Lawyer came by and reminded Dad about the contract, apparently they were coherent enough to do this with his lawyer present." She said, "That was about two days before telling you I was coming to visit." 

          "Well if you want we can break it off, no strings attached" David said. 

          "Yes, Please" I said. "I mean its not like I don't like your daughter sir I would rather something like that bloom naturally you know." I said that looking Melissa in the eyes she was blushing profusely.    

          "I couldn't agree more Izuku," He said. "Have a great stay with your friend Melissa and enjoy your self especially since you graduated early." 

          "Wait you what I wanted to go to your graduation," I said. 

          "Sorry for not telling you," She said. "It was just you were so busy with the costume order from UA." 

          "It's okay I would have liked to know but, it's okay." I said patting her shoulder. 

          Shortly after the Lawyer after helping Melissa bring in some bags left and I introduced Melissa to Master Fu, Marinette was at the office working on something or other. It was right around then that I felt a surge of strong negative emotion. It was strong enough to cause me to fall to my knees briefly. 

          "Izuku are you okay?!" Melissa said seeing me drop. 

          "Oh dear we need to act fast," Fu Said. "Izuku do you think you'll need help?"  

          "No, I don't know I wont till I get there," I said standing back up with Fu's help. "Explain everything to Melissa in short I need to go now! Nooroo Wings Rise!" With that I transformed and rushed out the door. Running through the forest after crossing the property line all the while making my way to the source of the strong emotion. 

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