I Have a Meeting With Hero Students

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Izuku POV: Two Weeks after the Entrance Exam

Two weeks and I have nearly finished the order of 40 costumes for UA high school, 38 costumes are done and I am down to 2 left to do. The thing is I don't like how revealing their designs are so I called the school and asked them to arrange a meeting with the two students, they should be here shortly.

"Mr. Midoriya your 4 O'clock is here," My assistant said.

"Thank you Jane send them in please," I said pressing a button on my desk to speak to her. With that I grabbed a brewed pot of green tea and a tray with some tea snacks on it. I heard the door open behind me while I set them down on the table, "Welcome to my office please take a seat on the couch I need to grab my notepad then we can begin," I said while pouring out three cups of tea.

After grabbing my notepad I sat in a chair opposite the two girls, one was tall with a very mature figure and long raven black hair and matching eyes her hair was pulled back into a pony tail she was blushing slightly. The other well I couldn't tell much about her features since she was invisible but with her cloths I could get a vague outline of what her body must look like.

"So, lets start with some introductions," I began calmly. "I am Izuku Midoriya CEO of Midoriya Technologies your turn."

"My name is Toru Hagakure," the invisible girl said. "My quirk is Invisibility!"

"I am Momo Yaoyorozu," the raven head said still blushing. "My quirk is called Creation,"

"A wonderful start both of you," I said adding to my notes. "So on to your costumes mind explaining to me your design choices?"

"Well I went with just some boots and a pair of gloves because my invisibility only works on my skin," Toru said and I wrote down every word.

"Well that tracks for someone invisible," I commented to myself. "How does your quirk work exactly? Can you turn off your invisibility?"

"Basically My entire body is invisible," she said. "That's about it."

"Hmm interesting. From a biological level your invisibility could be derived from a chameleon's ability to camouflage," I mused to myself then looked up to her, "Or your using light to mask your presence. Toru kindly focus on one part of your body lets say your left hand allow the light to work naturally."

"Uh okay," She said and we all sat their for a moment watching her closely. Then with out reason the light that would be around her hand began to sparkle and shift. Slowly a hint of a skin tone began to show through, then she lost concentration.

"Ha, I can work with this I'll need to get a small skin sample form you before you leave here today Toru," I said writing down several ideas for the new costume design.

"Okay, why are you changing the design of the costume to begin with?" she asked me.

"For starters I didn't want someone going around naked most of their day." I explained while writing. "Secondly their are some laws that might be broken if one day your body just showed up and I wanted to avoid that."

"Fair enough," She said calmly.

"Now Momo it is your turn explain your quirk please?" I asked her she was still blushing.

"Right," she said loudly. "I can create any none living material/ object from my skin by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells. In order to create something I need to know its molecular structure."

"Hmm, simple and concise I need a skin sample from you as well before you leave here today." I explained simply. "I will call you both back here when I have some prototype materials for you to try from their I can make your suits in a jiffy." With that I began to collect two small skin samples from them both and placed them in labeled containers. "Feel free to enjoy the rest of the tea I need to get to work on this as soon as possible." I left them to their own devices at my couch and walked over to my lab just next door.

One Week Later

I was working in my lab and finally had results available to begin testing with the two of them. For Toru's quirk I created a synthetic vinyl like material I believe should behave like her skin when exposed to her quirk. For Momo I decided to work and focus on a material my mom helped my dad come up with for Midnight's hero costume, a self healing material. The ultimate reason being I needed a lot more time to perfect the synthetic fabric I was working on that would allow her creations to pass harmlessly through as if it where just another layer of skin. The new self healing material works about ten times faster than the one my parents made. It was late so I sent them an email requesting them to drop by tomorrow for me to run some tests, it was a Saturday so it should be fine.

The next day I was wrapping up the temporary suit for Momo when I got the call from Jane that they were here. "Take them to my office and let them know I will be there momentarily," I told her as I began to load up a trolley with some things I would need for the tests. with everything loaded up I walked over to my office wheeling the trolley along. "Welcome back you two, I have some good news and some bad news."

"Well what is the good news?" Toru asked me.

"Well in your case I believe I have made a successful synthetic material that should behave like a second skin in regards to your quirk." I said pulling out a glove, "I hope you practiced what we discovered the last time you were here."

"Yeah I did," she said and I handed her the glove.

"Please put that on and try what we practiced with it," I requested. She did as I asked and most interestingly immediatly after concentrating the glove disappeared.

"This is great!" She shouted excitedly.

"Indeed," I said excited. "Unfortunately for now your hero costume can only be made of that material I need some more time to make other materials with the same properties."

"So that would be the bad news then?" She asked me.

"Yes and no," I told her. "Momo the plans I have for your suit the tests are still inconclusive."

"So I still have to wait for mine then," Momo said. "That's okay."

"Well yes you will have to wait for the best suit I can provide you," I said calmly. "I did take the liberty of making you a temporary suit, from a modified preexisting fabric made by my parents." I explained getting up and bringing in a mannequin with her temporary costume on it.

"Oh its amazing!" She said looking at the specialized jumpsuit I made for her.

"This outfit is made from an improved version of the material used to make Midnight's costume," I explained. "The material self regenerates at 10 times its old speed. Now for obvious reasons I can't send you home with this it will be sent to you school with an explanation for why this is only a temporary option."

"Understandable," she told me.

"Now for Toru," I began. "What would you like for a more permeant design?"

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