The Hidden Hero

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Principle Nezu's POV:

          Ever since that day there have been rumors of this 'hidden hero', yes it all traces back to the Sludge villain incident. Death Arms is the first to experience this so called blessing providing him with a plan and a not insignificant increase to his quirk. Since then, when and where ever hero's needed a moment to think of how best to help in the situation at hand. Out of nowhere a shining blue butterfly would show up and a blessing would be given. Then when the mission is accomplished the blessing is taken back and the butterfly flies off in a specific direction. Attempts to follow the butterfly have further left us baffled as after a certain point the butterfly merely disappears, "Most peculiar," I said aloud to myself.

Izuku's POV:

          I was back home studying that riddle trying with my full attention to figure it out. Nooroo and Duusuu were in my bedroom watching TV and messing with some of my old toys. "Liquid precious metal of the sun," I said aloud. "Dust from the sky now precious shall heal the injured animal, the animal shall make a sacrifice. Well ancient civilizations long ago attributed gold with the sun, so that could be one of the ingredients. What could dust from the sky be though and a sacrifice of the animal that sounds disturbing." Marinette walked into my study with a plate of  Omurice. 

          "I brought you some breakfast you working from home again today?" She asked me setting the plate down in front of me. 

          "Actually I am taking the day off while I wait for some simulations to wrap up," I said taking a scoop of the dish and eating it. "What do you plan todo today?" 

          "Well ever since you made me the head of the fashion division I've been pretty busy," she said. "But I decided to take a break from the heavy business cause I wanted to focus on some of my own designs for a bit."

          "Ah, sounds good to me." I said, suddenly we were interrupted by the door bell going off. 

          "You expecting someone Izuku?" Marinette asked me. 

          "Melissa said she would be coming over for a few weeks but she should be here tomorrow." I said standing up and walking out of the study and to the foyer Marinette following closely behind me. I looked on the screen for the door cam and saw an old Asian man wearing a stereotypical Hawaiian shirt and carrying a phonograph on his back. I pressed the comms button, "Hello how can I help you sir?" I asked him. 

          "Oh, hello may I come in I wish to speak to a young man living here?" He said after his surprise left him. 

          "Can I have a name sir and who you wish to speak to?" I asked back. 

          "Oh well you may call me Master Fu," He said calmly. "As for who I am here to see, I suppose he would be the master of this estate." 

          "You've been speaking to him," I said. "Now please tell me why you are here?" 

          "I am here to speak to you about the Miraculous you are in possession of," he whispered and my eyes bulged. 

          "Go ahead and open the door Marinette," I said looking nervous. I had half a mind to run to my room and retrieve Nooroo. 

          "Ah, thank you young miss for letting me in" he said to Marinette at the door. 

          "How do you know about the Miraculous," I said cutting off Marinette from speaking. 

          "I am there guardian," he said. 

          Without warning Duusuu rushed in and slammed into Master Fu's face, "Fu its been so long since I've seen you!" She said squishing his face. 

          "I'm sorry master but I couldn't stop her," Nooroo said coming to my side. 

          "What the hell are those things!" Marinette screamed out. 

          I slapped my hand to my forehead, "Let's go to the living room and I'll explain everything once you've calmed down." I said with that we all went to the living room and sat down, I explained everything I knew about Nooroo and Duusuu and Fu jumped in to explain anything I could not. 

          "So these little guys can give powers to anyone who wear their respective jewelry," she said playing with Duusuu. 

          "In simple terms yeah," I said. "Each one represents a concept or emotion and they are kind of gods." 

          "You own two of the jewelry items the one for the butterfly and the one for this peacock?" She asked. 

          "Yes, my parents believed they were the source of the tales of heroes from long before quirks existed," I explained. 

          "They were quite right speaking of," Master Fu said. "Since I have been in this country I have heard whisper of heroes suddenly gaining more power and rumors of a Hidden Hero. What connects both occurrences is the appearance of a blue butterfly. Izuku are you using the Miraculous?" 

          "Yeah I use them when ever I feel a strong emotion from a hero that has no clue what to do in an emergency." I explained to him. 

          "Then I don't think there is anything to fear about letting you keep the Miraculous in your charge." Master Fu said, "You are using them in the correct manor. Now onto the last question I had to ask." 

          "What is it," I asked him. 

          "Well, would you mind if we stay here with you?" he asked. 

          "No I certainly have the space." I began then it hit me, "Wait we?" out of the phonograph I heard chuckles as more Kwami flew out of it. 

          "Yes we," Fu affirmed.  

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