353 22 2

6 months ago / Monday

Minas POV

Unicon Lift

The doors were about to shut.

"Hold on. Wait Up!".

The lift doors opened again.

"Im sorry about that", the woman said coming in.

She pressed the button for an 11 but it didn't show up.

"Why won't it work?".

I took my id card out and scand it and the 11th floor turned blue.

"Right, of course. Thank you. Oh Good morning, Ms. Myoui".

"Have we met before?", I questioned looking at her

"Yes, you were at my job interview three weeks ago. Im Son Chaeyoung of the Media Department. I started this week".

I looked away from her.

"Congratulations. So it was you who got the job".

"Weren't you involved in the hiring?", she asked.

"I was, but I recommended someone else", I said putting my phone in my pocket.

"So I didn't impress you. Then I'll do better and prove myself to you. You can address me casually", she said.


"We'll be busy when the presidential election begins. The Media Department will be working overtime every day".

"The workload is fine, but others no time to go on dates", She said.

"Your lover will be angry".

"Gosh, you're so old-fashioned. Who even uses the word lover? These days, girlfriends are called GFS and boyfriends are BFS".

"I was being considerate since I dont know if you're lesbian, bisexual or straight", I said walking out the lift.


~ A few minutes later ~

Meeting Room

"Did you check our share?", I questioned walking into the meeting.


"Here's today's market share for the web portals. Uncion is down by 0.5% while Barro is up by 0.5%. The gap is now exactly 10%. It means that 0.5% of the users switched from Uncion to Barro. And 0.5% is 150,000 people. The population of Uiwang, Gyeibnggi Province is 150,000. That means we lost a whole city of users".

"ItS within the margin of error. Do you still think it is a big deal?", one of the employees said.

"The market share gap was 11& 4 weeks ago, but it's been 10% these 3 weeks. Is it meaningless?", I asked.

"It could be. Unicon has been the market leader for the past 10 years. Its brand value is worth more than 0.5% in market share", Chaeyoung said.

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