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Tzuyus POV

Building Hallyway

"Gosh dont tell me I'm late".

I looked beside me.

"Hold on. You never attend debates", I said.

"I'd rather not stay at the company, but I should get some work done too, right? Let's go", Jeongyeon said.

"Do you what the debate is about?", I asked.

"Do you really expect that from a clueless woman? Someone will have to tell me".

"It's about regulations regarding illegal online communities. The entire thing was triggered by Myoui Mina. Anyway, I hear that she'll be there too. My gaol today is to rattle her cage a bit", I said.


"To tell her what the problem of Unicons operation is. She may have evaded the questions at the hearing, but she'll have to answer the questions at this debate", I said.

~ time skip ~


"We ask all web portals to organize teams that specialize in the monitoring of illegal online communities such as online prostitution and gambling communities. Due to the added attention, the public has been demanding regulations regarding web portals. If you're unable to monitor them yourselves".

"Then we'll be forced to discuss legal regulations".

"That sounds fair in this kind of situation", I said and looked at Mina.

"Sre you agreeing to hand over the internet to the government?", She asked.

"From fabricating search words rankings to online prostitution communities. Why shouldn't there be legal boundaries? Singapore already has such rules", I said.

"However, other countries haven't implemented them. Internets most important value is its freedom and most countries agree on that", she said.

"Uncion must be afraid of such regulations. Those who have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear. That's what some people say", I said.

"Ms Chou Tzuyu that saying came from the Nazis", she stated.

"Freedom without any obligation is the same as violence, Ms Myoui", I said.

"Let's say that someone wrote Chou Tzuyu is a lunatic on the wall of my house. Let's say that the writing somehow hurt you emotionally. Should I be punished by law? Just because I built the wall? Web portals only provided the space. We can be responsible for the user's actions".

"Of course not. However, what did the homeowner do after spotting that writing? Did you erase it? Or did anything to prevent any further scribbles?", I asked.

"Must the government interfere and manage my wall because I failed to do so? Besides, why are you here if you think this is only our fault?".

"Barro doesn't carry as many illegal communities as Uncion", I said.

"That's because you don't have as many users", she said.

"Let's be honest here. Tens of thousands of people joined these illegal communities. Thousand of people visit them every day and the page counts are over 10,000. it's not that we cant manage them. We're choosing not to. The market share state of Unicon and Baroo is delivered to me every morning, so how can I give up on a page view count of 10,000? Dont you agree? What we need isn't regulations but fair play."

"That's quite funny coming from someone who was at a hearing for fabricating search words ranking", I said smirking.

"Why dont you resolve your inferiority complex by being fruitful, Ms Chou?".

"Do you think this is inferiority? Im embarrassed as someone working in the same field as you".

"Then become the number one search engine and restore the stature of all web portals", she said.

"Why are you all high and mighty when you won first place by cheating?".

"Im not proud of it, but I dont want to be in second place. I sacrificed my youth so that people would even search Unicons corruption on the Unicon site".

"Well, gosh, Im sorry about that. We should discuss, not insult each other. Were here for a discussion, after all", Jeongyeon said.

~ Huge Time skip ~

Darn Angry Room

 I started to smash ting sin the room with the bat letting all my anger out. 

Minas POV


"You mean?".


"Im asking if you'd consider working at Barro. You're perplexed, arent you? Since we're at it. I can pay you more than what you're getting paid now. If you have a team, you can bring them with you too", Jeongyeon said.

"What a tempting offer. First of all, thank you for your offer. But Id like to know why me?".

"Were planning to reform our services. We need a different opinion. A new option. Barro has a style that we stuck to for 10 years, and I want to hire an experienced outsider who can say this is wrong and that is bad. And I also think you might actually need a new work environment. Isn't it uncomfortable being at Uncion since the disaster at the hearing?".

"It is uncomfortable and I will be disciplined soon. But I spent my 20s and about to be in my 30s at uncion. It was my youth. When we topped 10 million subscribers for the 1st time. When we reached first place... When we started earning profits, and when we built and moved into a new building... I was there".

"I loved and hated the place vehemently for 11 years. I can't explain everything, but even though this crisis, I want to work at Unicon. Thats where my life is".

"I see. I get what you mean", she said.

"Work should be work. Am I too sentimental?".

"No. I like it". 

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