King Levi

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Heavy footfalls echoed over the stone corridor. Maids flinched scurrying out of the way. The male servants eyes darted around. They found that their presence here was a mistake. Some tripped over the scurrying maids creating a small pile up of bodies. They sorted themselves out, getting out of the corridor as fast as they could. One side was open to the air of the world. The market was just getting going and vendors could be heard shouting their wares. The other side was the stone column of the castle. An arch covered the corridor from any poor weather.
The thunder of feet stomping toward the end of the corridor had more than a few people turning their heads in the courtyard below. Only one man stood tall against it. Arms folded over a broad chest, blond hair, cut short, blew in the breeze from the open wall to his left. He shifted only to allow the servants past him. A small staircase led to lower levels beside a massive wooden door.
The thunder of booted feet had him smirking. He waited, piercing blue eyes watching the far end of the corridor. The sun shifted. It blinded him momentarily. It ruined the moment he had been waiting for. He shrugged it off, regathering himself.
A shadow turned the corner. One lone figure marched down toward the lone man. Head bent, eyes spitting grey anger, the man was only half a head shorter than the blond watching him. He stalked toward the tall lone man. One hand held the raven haired mans sword against his hip. The blond dared let his face twist in a mocking smirk.
"Having a delightful morning, my lord?" he asked. His answer was a low growl. The shorter man reached his side. He punched him hard. The taller man flinched.
"Guess not." He chuckled rubbing at the pain.
"They are incompetent!" the man screamed kicking at the wooden door now the only thing blocking his progress. The blond chuckled. He appeared delighted with the way the other was behaving. He reached a large hand around the man's side.
Clicking the door handle he pushed it open. The raven haired man stormed inside. He quickly started yanking at his dirt covered clothing. Small puffs of dirt shot out as the grey shirt hit the floor. The man was trying to walk and yank off his soiled boots at the same time. If it wasn't for the blond behind him he would have face planted on the stone flooring. The large hand grasped his arm just above the elbow.
"Easy, you're highness. You are going to kill yourself like this." His chuckle only fueled the others anger. He beat him over the head and neck with the boot that his foot had slipped out of.
"DON'T YOU THINK I WONT BRAIN YOU!" The smaller man yelled.
"Impossible, one would first need a brain." This was a retort the dark haired man often used to describe others around him. The blond scooped the startled man up.
"Unhand me oaf!" He yelled.
"Not happening. You are in a mood. If you don't stop, I will spank you!" The blond snorted. The man in his arms threw the boot away. He folded his arms glaring. As he sulked he took stock of his situation. A small flutter in his chest erupted out his mouth. He tossed his dark head back and burst out with laughter. The blond snickered with him. He kicked open another door.
This one led to a stone circular room. A deep pool sparkled with light from the many candles and torches along the chamber walls. It was heated daily by dragon breath. The blond set the dark man down.
"Only you would dare stand against me like that, Erwin. To carry me like a child to my bathing chamber." He shook his short dark locks.
"If you stop acting like a child, I wouldn't have to carry you like one, my king." Erwin bowed mockingly to the other. The king snorted as he hung his sword up and took his pants off.
"Join me, I do not wish to bathe alone." The king stated. "And stop being so formal."
"Sure thing, Levi." Erwin made a face at his oldest and dearest friend. Levi chortle.
"You push your limits sometimes." He warned stepping into the deep pool.
"What set you off this time?" the blond asked as he hung his own clothing up.
"Furlan, he couldn't find the thicket he swore he saw the abandoned egg in. We searched since dawn!" the King fumed. Erwin sank low in the water.
"You should send one of the ladies who have just hatched their clutch. I'm sure they could smell out a lone egg, as long as it was viable." He offered.
"Just where we're you this morning? I could have used that little piece of advise a few hours ago." The tall ravenette pouted. He placed his arms on the sides of the stone pool. Laying his head back, his friend had already placed a pillowed mat behind it.
"I was dealing with another mess at the border. The humans are growing daring in this time of change." His companion commented.
"Have they crowned a new King yet?" the other asked.
"Unfortunately, no. The Regent Grisha has yet to deem anyone worthy. Apparently there are no more males from the old King's bloodline."
"How did this Grisha become Regent?" The king asked.
"He was appointed by his people. Who knows how humans work." Erwin scoffed. The king snorted.
"I feel the need to fly. We should go hunting soon." The king had closed his eyes.
"Yes, Levi, you need to stretch your wings more often." His friend loved to see the other in what they considered their true form.
Meanwhile miles away, a small boy was hunched up on a dirty floor. "How dare you try to raise an alarm!" His father bellowed kicking the naked boy. The small form whimpered in pain.
"I'm sorry father. I didn't know they would come." A blow struck his back. He fell hitting his chin on the cement floor of his cell.
"The always come. Those filthy dragon shifters don't know what's good for them!" The man bellowed.
"Please, my lord..." A tall brunette had walked into the room. "... you have a visitor." He gestured behind him. A man stood in the shadows. A vague shape in the cold of the corridor. He had a cowboy hat on, a poncho covering his torso. The lite tip of his cigarette glowed brightly.
"A word, Regent Grisha?" the mans deep voice asked.
"Bertolt, deal with that!" Grisha demanded aiming one last kick at his worthless son.
"As you wish, lord." Bertolt bowed not once making eye contact with the tall man. Once the door was open, he went to the small figure.
"Come, let's wash you up. Then I have a surprise for you." He cooed. Tiny arms reached up, they weren't any bigger than sticks, so thin and fragile.
"Ok." The quiet voice muttered. Bertolt easily lifted the small abused form. He carried it to the warm bath he had made earlier for it. He took his time making sure he cleaned out the wounds and got all the dirt off. The new bruises would form from the harsh redness along the boys frame.
"Why do you antagonize him so, Eren?" the boy didn't answer. Bertolt finished his bath. He dressed the open wounds and wrapped the broken ribs of the small boy. Sighing he pulled a soft cloth tunic out of a drawer. He eased it over the boys hurt body. He helped him step into leather pants. He found some sandals for his calloused feet.
"There, look how handsome you are." Sparkling green orbs reflected back from the mirror the tall Bertolt had stood him before.
"Was this your surprise?" the boy asked.
"No, of course not. Come with me." Bertolt took his hand. He walked the small Eren to the door.
"You know I can't go out, if father..."
"Relax. That man, I paid him to keep your father busy for a few hours, just so you can get some fresh air." Eren's smile filled Bertolt's chest with happiness. He led the boy out the back door. Scooped up a basket outside the kitchen and marched into the woods. They walked for a while enjoying the spring sounds of birds and gentle breeze of the wind.
Coming to a clearing they sat down on a blanket Bertolt pulled from the basket. Eren sat on his knees watching. The boy before him, his main jailer, had always been nice to him.
"Happy birthday, Eren." Bertolt pulled out a cake. Eren beamed at him. The older boy didn't let him eat it until he had some real food. Eren eyed the hard pan the boy had taken out. They ate the fish that was kept warm inside it. Bertolt cut the cake offering a large price to the boy. Once everything was eaten Bertolt leaned over the remains of their meal.
"Tell me, Eren, have you ever been kissed?" he asked. Eyes wide, Eren shook his head. His hand inched forward. Bertolt smiled.
"You're eighteen, now. You should have a kiss." He leaned forward, closing his eyes as he lined up his mouth with that of the smaller boy. One thing Eren was, was quick. The moment Bertolt's eyes closed, his tiny hand snagged the pan.
He swung it with both his arms as hard as he could. There was a resounding thunk as it hit the boys head. Bertolt fell over. Eren checked to make sure he was still alive. With a sigh he found his pulse. The small child didn't have much time. Who knew how much money Bertolt gave that man.
Running for his very existence, Eren jumped the creek. He had only one place he could go and not be found so quickly. He raced across the humans land, running for the boarder to the dragon city or Maria. He had to reach it.
Hours went by and Eren was cold and alone. He didn't know where he was or if he had crossed the border. He heard soft splashes and a gently voice singing out of tune. Eren followed the sound. He walked into thicker bushes. Pushing thorns away from his torn and bleeding hands he stepped out. He gasped.
A small blonde female was bathing in a creek. Her back was to him. He closed his eyes tightly.
"I, I'm sorry, m, miss but c, can y, y, you tell me what land I am in?" he asked
"I'm no miss, just because I'm small!" the fiery voice cried out. Eren's eyes fell open. There before him was a small boy. He couldn't be much older than Eren himself.
"You are in the land of the shifters. I'm heading to the castle to find my mate." The boy stated. The night was growing dark around them.
"Care to travel with me. My names Armin. I'm a knight." He thrust his bare chest out proudly. There was a mark similar to the one Eren had on his own chest.
"You have a cursed mark too!" Eren gasped pointing to the slightly arched discolored mark in the boys sternum.
"CURSED! THIS MARK SHOWS I AM A KNIGHT!" The boy thundered. "I will be bonded to a dragon, once I find the right one." He muttered. Eren pulled his shirt off of his shoulder. He showed him the mark on his own chest.
It was silver. It curved around with lines shooting down from it. It resembled a birds wing.
"Oh, I've never seen a silver one before!" Armin said. "It must be rare. But why are there burn marks around it?"
"My father says I'm cursed because of this mark. I am doomed to live my life as a slave. He has tried to burn it off of me. I have run away." The boy stated.
"You are not cursed, mister, you are coming with me. We are going to find our dragon's!" Armin declared. Eren chuckled.
"My name is Eren." He introduced himself.
"A pleasure!" Armin shook his hand. Once dressed the boy shared his food with his new friend.

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