To protect my own

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"He slumbers still, my lord." Bowed the nurse before him. Levi looked into the lavish room.
"Will he wake?" He asked the figure perched on a chair looking at the boy. Their auburn head swung to look at him. Huge thick glasses covered their eyes.
"He was hurt pretty badly. He has never known proper medical care, let alone proper nutrition." The eyes blinked slowly. "He will wake, once he heals a little. The shock of bonding has sent him into a deep slumber. His body is adjusting."
Levi walked up to the bed. The other backed away to give him space. Though known to be loyal and fair, few saw the king as caring or gentile. Now he lifted his hand to stroke the soft hair of the boy in the bed. A tingle shot up his arm as his fingers brushed the smooth skin. So much of which was discolored, bandaged or marked by abuse. Turning away, Levi gave the doctor an order.
"Don't leave him. Come for me the moment he wakes. I need to talk to the other." King Levi turned to head to his servants quarters. As he walked he thought about that morning.
Their hands touched. It was like a light blossomed in his breast. Then, the boy had screamed and collapsed. The hunting horn had sounded closer still. Levi had swung the unconscious form into his arms. He thrust it at the other small figure. His head facing his servant.
"Get them to the castle. You are to protect them at all costs." He ordered. Erwin had nodded. Transforming he assisted his knight to his back, the king's knight cradled in the arms of the small blond rider. The scaled head swung as a mighty roar shook the very air around them. The king was calling for battle. It wouldn't be long before the skies were filled with dragons. There wasn't any within the sound of that call who could resist their king.
Levi, in dragon form was a sight you would never forget. He was massive, the silver of his scales shone in the sunlight. His wings unfurled had traces of green and gold lining them. His tail was long, spiked at the end. The spikes along his spine shifted in the sunlight reflecting a variety of color. He was hard to miss.
The King of dragons had risen into the air. His faithful servant flying away from him. The only thing the golden beast used as his reason was the king had bonded. As the other dragons passed him, each offered their protection until he was passed to the next. Nothing was more important than to protect the king's knight.
Levi had seen the humans on their hooved creatures. He had cried out his warning. Demanding they leave his land. He swooped over them. That was when he saw the Regent of Sina. Grisha Yeager was a tall bespectacled man. A man known for his science. Levi felt little emotion for the being beneath him. He ordered them to remove themselves from his lands.
"My son has been lost. We feel he has come into your lands. He is of low mental capacity. I wish only to find him." The man pleaded.
"The only ones who were here have been claimed. They are Knights and therefore my people. You are not wanted here."
"Return my son to me, and the dragon he bonded with, at once!" Grisha yelled. "Or you will regret this day." In response Levi had scorched the ground beside the beast in his white hot flames. He saw there was something that had changed in them. He didn't take the time to figure it out, just yet. The horses scattered away from the dragons.
The king ordered two of the dragons to follow the men to the border. He had then turned to go back to the castle and check on his knight. The boy had been in the hospital wing being checked over by the doctor. He had multiple wounds, healing broken bones and bruises. Levi had been told not all of them were from running in the woods.
After meeting with his soldiers, orders sent out. Levi made sure his land was protected. The Regent of Sina was not allowed to cross the border unaccompanied by one of the kings guards or soldiers. He had just finished assigning the new orders moments ago. On his way to talk with Erwin's knight he had stopped to check on his own. His body ached being separated from the small figure.
Levi heard laughter coming from the bathing chamber. He pushed the heavy door open easily. Erwin was splashing in the deep pool with the other boy. Levi glared, stilling their fun. He quietly stripped out of his dusty clothing, to slip into the warm waters.
"What is your name?" he asked the boy.
"Armin." The boy said.
"The Regent's son? What is he called?" Armin blinked at the kings question. He didn't know the name of his own knight!
"Eren, sir." Armin bowed.
"How long have you known him?" the king quizzed.
"I met him last night. He believes the mark on his chest is a curse. His father told him that. He has lived his life in a cell in his father's lab. He doesn't even know what a mother is!" Armin gushed out.
"The wounds he suffered...?" Here the king clenched his fists. Armin looked down.
"He, he said that the thorns and bushes bit him. He told me he ran away. He said he had to fight Bert to get away..." Armin swiped at his eyes. "I did what I could to soothe the cuts on his hands and legs. I don't know how he broke his ribs or got the bruises to his face. He did mention falling as he ran." Armin offered.
"Thank you for your input." Levi hoisted himself from the pool. He paused looking back over his shoulder. "How did you know he was the Regents son?" he asked. Armin explained about telling Eren of the land. Levi nodded. He wrapped a clean towel around his thin waist.
"I see." He strolled towards the door. "Erwin you are dismissed for the night. Report to the boy's..., to Eren's chamber at first light." With that Levi walked away. He went to his own rooms long enough to dress.
Retracing his steps he came back to the sleeping boy's room. He stepped inside. The doctor still sat at the boys bed. Levi laid a hand on their shoulder.
"Is there anything I need to know to care for him during the night?" he asked.
"No, just wake me when he awakens." Hange told him. Levi nodded. The doctor moved to the chamber beside the boy's. There they would rest well in hearing range if they were needed.
Levi took the boys hand. He kissed the bandaged fingers. At first he was going to sit in the chair the doctor had vacated, but his heart wouldn't let him. He wanted to feel this boy in his arms.
Taking off his boots, he carefully crawled up beside the boy. Laying on his back, he pulled the sleeping head to his chest. The bond mark he had always worn there had changed this day. Until the boy had touched him, it had been just a straight line. Many assumed it to mean his knight would be skilled with a sword. Levi smirked in the darkness. For now that line was a jagged scar. This boy could control lightening. Albeit not very well. Levi snickered. He would find the best teachers for him. As he thought about their future, his steely eyes closed. The next thing he was aware of was a startled cry.
Levi's eyes opened. He sat up swiftly. The boy was scrunched up away from him on the far side of the large bed. He clutched the blankets over himself. Eyes huge, Eren stared at the man before him.
"You, you tried to hurt Armin!" tears weld up in those enormous round green eyes. "Did you kill him?" Eren whined as the tears slipped down his face.
"I would never harm a fair knight." Levi informed him.
"Who. Who are you?" Eren asked. Levi bowed to him once more.
"I am Levi Ackerman, you dragon shifter." He introduced himself. Before he could lift his eyes back to the boy a light weight fell to his head. Levi froze at the touch. He felt the others hand stroke his hair, coming down to touch his cheek.
"Levi." He whispered the name. It was the first time his chosen bond mate had named him. Levi's body shivered. The door opened.
"Your highness.... Oh he's awake. Armin!" Erwin had entered the room.
"Highness?" Eren was scowling.
"Yes, your dragon is the King!" Armin announced. Eren drew his hand back. He tucked it under the blanket.
"Father is going to be really mad at me. He probably will lock my door now." The boy whimpered as he flung the heavy blankets over his head crying loudly.
"Does he leave your cell door open often?" Levi asked.
"N, never. Sometimes he will leave the outer door open So I can see the hall and the tree." Eren choked out between tears. "He's going to hurt me again!" he wailed shrinking into a ball. Levi moved up beside him. He pulled the blanket down only far enough to see the bent head.
"I assure you, Eren. No one will dare harm you again. If they do, they will face my wraith!" The king vowed. Eren peeked up at him. A tiny smile touched his lips even as the tears continued to flow down his face.
"Would you eat them?" he giggled.
"No, that would just turn my stomach." Levi made a face. Eren tossed his head back in a laugh. Levi smirked at him.
"Armin, Erwin join us for breakfast." Armin crawled up on the bed to sit with Eren. Erwin went to wake Hange. They came back to see the two boys laughing over something. The king was smiling fondly at the pair, a sight nearly no one ever saw.
"Erwin, how about we take our Knights around and show them the castle today?" Levi suggested.
"I'm sorry, sir but Eren won't be able to walk for some time. He broke his ankle stepping in the gofer hole." Hange informed them. Levi smiled down at the boy whose head he was stroking.
"He's small. I can carry him. Plus he will heal quicker now that we are together." He pressed a kiss to the boy's head. Standing up he asked "How old are you Eren?"
"Bert took me out to the meadow for my birthday picnic. He said I was eighteen that day."
"What day was that?" Erwin asked.
"The day I ran away." Eren looked down plucking at the blankets.
"You didn't run away, Eren. You ran to me." Levi told him, cupping his chin in the palm of his hand. He lifted the small face up to look at him. "You are home now, right where you were always meant to be." Eren smiled. He tossed the blankets aside to hug Levi.
"Thank you." He grinned.
"Eren, your mark!" Armin pointed to the curved mark. It no longer resembled a wing. Now it showed the mighty form of the kings scaled dragon. Eren frowned.
"Oh, father said it would be bad when it changed!" he wailed. "He said it would mean I cursed someone else. They will have to go live in the lab too!" Eren was frantic. Levi took his hands.
"Eren. All that means is that we found each other and we belong together. It shows you are mine." Eren looked into the steel grey eyes. They were so soft and warm. He smiled.
"I like that."
"Armin, see to getting him dressed. Hange will help you find clothing, suitable for him." Armin nodded as Erwin and Levi went to get prepared to show their Knights their new home.

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