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For the first time in his life, Eren would be sitting atop a dragon. Not just any dragon, but the king of dragons! Levi was magnificent. His silver scales shined in the morning sunlight. They had a yellowish hue to the underside. His wings were like gauzier lace. Beautifully white. The spikes on his head and spine would hold Eren in place nicely. This was a dragon meant to be ridden.

Eren looked at the massive beast hesitantly. Never in his life had he seen something so beautifully breathtaking, or so terrifying. He swallowed hard as his legs shook from the shear shock of the massive beast.

'Eren, it's still me. I won't let anything happen to you!' Levi's mental tone was soft and soothing in his knights head. The dragon laid down. Even as low as he could get, he was taller than Eren. The boy moved forward.

"Now let me show you how best to mount him. You don't want to hurt him, or yourself." Erwin stated from behind the slightly shaking knight. Eren nodded. One large hand rested on his back, just between his shoulder blades as he pointed out the places the knight could step on the scales.

Tentatively, Eren moved to stand beside his dragon. "I'm sorry if I hurt you." He whispered stroking the smooth sun warmed scales.

'You're light, it won't hurt to much if you misstep.' Levi teased. Eren smiled. He placed his foot where Erwin told him. Took hold of the scales Erwin pointed out. Carefully he climbed aboard. He struggled with his smaller legs on the large beast.

At one point he slipped. Erwin was there to catch him. "No, let me do this myself." Eren cried. He got his feet under him once more. His thin arms shook but he managed to pull himself up to the back of the mighty beast.

'Good. Stubborn little brat.' Levi's voice caressed his knight's mind like a hug. Eren giggled at the thought. Erwin made sure he was settled and tied him. A thick hard leather padded saddle nestled between the wings of the dragon. The other shifter showed both Eren and Armin how to strap themselves into the saddle. There was a belt around the waist and ties to hold their legs and feet in place. Once satisfied the shifter leapt down and transformed. Armin waited until the stable boy placed his own saddle onto Erwin's back. He then carefully climbed up to the huge yellow dragon. The stable boy assisted him with getting hooked in.

'Let's fly!' the king's cry echoed in their heads. He spread his wings. The movement jostling Eren. He cried out gripping the large spike before him. Levi laughed as his mighty legs launched them upwards. His wings pumped the air. Eren laughed.

The wind struck his face. It was a cool breeze. Up here the air was chilled. The boy shivered. Levi swore! He flew around in a circle before landing once more. The stable crew came rushing out to give both riders thick warm jackets and shoes to but on. When they were strapped back in the dragons flew up to the sky again. Safe and warm in the thick jacket, Eren looked around.

The sky shifted through colors he had no name for. The beauty of the sky filled his heart to swelling. Nothing was more.... His peacefully thoughts were interrupted. A ball of red orange fire shot past him. Levi dodged, flipping over. Eren felt the saddle shift. Although the dragon under him had managed to not let the fire hit him, it had burned the strap partway. With a roaring scream, the king rolled back over.

That was when Eren saw the other dragon. While Levi looked impressive in his silver scales, standing out as the leader he was, this dragon was darker then the most darkest night. Eren had never seen something so massive, vanish like this dragon did. He toyed within the shadows of the sky. Dancing around the light. He used it to his advantages coming at the king from out of the sunlight itself. The king's claws scraped its back as it darted past. Eren felt the saddle letting go. The strap was torn through. He whimpered but didn't dare warn Levi.

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