My one fear

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'Eren?' Levi didn't dare use his human voice. The boy in the wardrobe needed to know it was truly him. He tapped a finger against the wood. 'Why do you hide from me?' he asked.

'I'm scared.' Eren's tiny voice penetrated his fear. Levi gasped clutching his heart. He was born a prince of Dragons. Nothing, no one, could compare to his power, his might! He had never known a single moment of fear. In battle things happen. Maybe he felt it once, long ago when he tried to leave Shiganshina District. Niledok had been a brute to fight. Until meeting Eren, Levi had born the scars from that match on his body. Nothing frightened him, until he met this little brat.

Levi was afraid. A fear that blew everything else from his mind. He was afraid, of losing Eren. Was it bad for him, not to fear losing the child? As long as he had Eren, there would be other children, right? He told himself. How could he be afraid of losing something that wasn't his, at least, not yet. He closed his eyes. It was a part of Eren. He would be devastated if anything hurt his mate like that.

'Would you like me to add extra guards?' Eren could see Levi meant to the cells but Eren had a better idea.

'On the bedroom, and the halls up to it?' he asked lifting his head from between his knees. Levi sighed. He would do anything to get the kid out of the fucking closet.

'Fine.' He agreed. 'Tomorrow I will move them to a different facility, one we keep in the mountains.' He told Eren. The door burst open. If Levi hadn't been connected to the teen he would have gotten smashed in the face by the flying wood panel. As it was, he dodged quickly, catching the small figure as it leapt from the door.

'Thank you, Levi!' Eren cried in his mind as his lips rained kisses over Levi's face. Levi laughed. He sat Eren on the bed.

"Stay there, let me go..." A sudden fear blossomed in Levi's chest. He would have to go to Erwin to give him the order. In doing so, he would be leaving Eren vulnerable again.

"Never mind, come on!" He ordered swinging Eren to his back. He strolled from the room. It wasn't far to Erwin's room, just across the hall, turn right, then two more doors and there it was. The walked never seemed long before. Tonight it felt like it was taking far too long. Levi felt that Eren was open to attack on his back, but if he walked beside him, he could be attacked. Levi carried him, it would hamper the movements of the better fighter. Levi breathed a soft sigh of relief when Erwin opened the door.

The king didn't take in the tall servants clothing, or lack there of, before barging past him into the room. Eren let out a gasp at seeing Armin tied, with vines, to the bed. Levi groaned at this.

"Look, I'm sorry!" He turned his back to the uncovered naked rider. He told Erwin about getting Eren out of the closet.

"It's ok." Armin was wrapped in a robe. He smiled at the wall beside Levi's head.

"I will go get a duty set up now. I can manage getting them ship to the mountain hold too." Erwin was getting clothed again.

"Armin, could I asked you to stay with Eren?" Levi's body shook at the thought of leaving the teen. He actually backed away from the blond, pressing Eren to the castle wall.

"I don't think that's an option, your highness." Erwin stated watching the king. "Lets get you back to your rooms." Erwin stepped into the hall.

"Marco!" He called. The tall man turned.

"Ah, there he is. I was looking for Eren..." His voice trailed away as he saw the look on all their faces. "What?" he demanded.

"We are holding Eren's father, the Regent Grisha in our dungeons." Levi began.

"You're Regent Grisha's son? That means, your mother is Carla Yeager?" Marco demanded. Eren shrugged.

"I don't know my mother. Never met her." He stated. Marco's eyes bugged out. He covered his gaping mouth with one large hand.

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