A new light

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*smutt warning*

"My lady!" Marco hissed he dropped to one knee lowering his head. "I am sorry to inform you, but your father passed a few months ago. I hear they have elected your cousin to lead." He told her. The woman blinked.

"Marco?" she croaked out the name. "You have grown big." She forced out from between dry lips.

"You're, you're Carla Versi?" Levi asked. The woman raised her head.

"Of course she is. Grisha has been keeping her prisoner. This is what..." A hand swung out hard and fast punching Kenny in the mouth.

"You married a lowly human, a woman of royal blood?" Levi was astounded at this.

"My dragon, died young. I was not fit to be a knight." The woman cracked out.

"Jean, get her some water." Levi barked. He moved up beside her. Kneeling down he reached out for her hand.

"You don't get it. You are royal, marrying him..." Levi spat the word. "means you, Carla Yeager, are the true Queen of the humans. It is why Regent Grisha never appointed anyone else. With you under his control, he was king in all but name."

"We had a child, a boy. I only got to see him once, to name him..." Her voice broke.

"Eren?" Levi pressed the cold glass of water into the queen's hand.

"Yes." She hissed as her parched lips curled over the glass. Her hands shook as she tried to raise it to drink. Levi reached to help her, but there were already two small hands in his way.

"You, you have beautiful hair." The boy whispered. Her eyes widened as she locked them on to the replica of her own. Eren pulled the glass away. Tears weld up in her eyes. She was to dehydrated to produce enough to fall down her emaciated cheeks.

"Eren!" She whispered her dry hands touching his face. He looked on her for the first time.

"I, are, um..." He turned to look at Levi. "mmm, mother. Are you my mother?" He managed to get out.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Get her to Hange, immediately. Do not put him in the dungeon he will only break out. Lock him in the wall for all I care." Levi thundered.

"No, please, Kenny, Kenny saved me." The woman tried reaching for the mans hand.

"Something he did to try and manipulate me. Eren is my knight. Do you understand that?" Levi looked down at the woman. Her eyes widened. "He carries my children." Levi informed her. The woman's arms fell down to her sides.

"Eren should be king to Sina." She whispered.

"He cannot. He will be my consort and rule Maria with me. You will just have to heal." Levi turned. "And take your rightful place as Queen."

"I'm too weak, I can't..." Levi was in her face.

"Trust me once Hange is through with you, no queen will be more fierce than you." Levi stood

"I will take her to Hange." Moblit stepped forward.

"Eren..." The woman reached out for her son. Eren took his mother withered hand.

"I won't be far." He whispered. "Rest I will see you for breakfast." He smiled down at her. She smiled back.

"You look like him..." She whispered.

"Father?" Eren asked tilting his head.

"No, my grandfather. He was a proud Royal Knight too." Her smile stayed on her face until Moblit vanished with her.

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