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Eren smiled up at the large silver dragon. The top of the carriage was thrown from his talons. He transformed as he dropped inside the moving coach. Suddenly, the carriage lurched to a stop. Levi stood tall in the enclosed space. Fury radiated from him. Eren could tell the king was at the very limit of his control.

Lightening sparked around the tall muscular dragon king. He pointed a finger at Furlan. "You out of my sight now, before I do something I will regret." He snarled. Furlan fell out the destroyed door. Petra wailed about him abandoning her. That was until Erwin hoisted the tall brunette up from the ground. He stormed out of sight with his captive.

Levi turned to Petra. She glared down at Eren. "You are worthless." She spat. "A slug in the world of birds." She tried to kick at him. Levi's foot blocked it. He bent over her. She shivered back in her seat. His usual silver eyes now sparked with the lightening of his intended knight.

"Do you see it now?" he snarled. "Look in my eyes, take it in, Princess. EREN, NOT YOU IS MINE!" He raged. Petra whimpered.

"He isn't good enough for you. I should be your quee..." Levi's hand flashed out. It struck her across the face. She recoiled holding her bleeding lip.

"You say one more word and I will kill you right here. You endangered my child, my heir. You attempted to kill it on several occasions. You harmed my knight. That alone is an act of war...." The lightning started to streak upwards. Eren whimpered.

"L. Levi, c, con, control..." He whined from his spot on the floor. A bolt shot out. It struck the cuffs locking the boy into place. They slipped from his wrists.

"You start a third war with my father and the world will see just what you are. A bully, a tyrant. You want absolute power for your..." Levi lifted the princess up by her arm. Pulling her to his face. He tilted his head.

"You want to see just what a tyrant I can be?" he glared at her. "So be it." He called out to his soldiers outside of the carriage. "Armin, arrest this, this, infidel." Levi flung the woman from him. Eren moved a step closer.

Levi' back was still to him. His entire body shook as he tried to calm his breathing. Eren watched the strong muscles flex and relax over and over again as Levi tried to gain control. It wasn't until last night that Levi had found out just what his knight was going through. As Eren reached out to place a calming hand on the king's back he relived the night before.

Petra had found Eren walking down a corridor. He was alone, as within the castle all knew Levi was preparing to leave the next day. Armin was assisting in some preparation. Eren was enjoying the peace of this empty hall. His mind blank as he marveled at several paintings he found.

He didn't hear the princess. She managed to get around him by going up a different hall. As Eren reached the section where his hall met Petra's she stuck out her foot. As Eren was looking up, and not really thinking about anything, he hadn't blocked Levi. In fact he didn't even know Levi was in dragon form.

Eren saw Petra as he fell forward. His hands shot out to stop his fall. Petra brought her foot up as Eren fell over it. It struck his stomach. He cried out. Petra bent over him pulling his hair. She forced some of the poison berries into his mouth, yelling for him to swallow them. Eren managed to spit them out.

Connie had been dozing near by. He heard the commotion and came running. Running feet echoed loudly in the stone castle. By the time he found Eren, Eren was forcing himself to throw up and crying on the floor, Petra was gone.

"Eren, are you ok?" Connie asked. Eren had gotten himself to vomit. He was crying about the baby. Connie had gathered the small knight up and rushed him to Hange.

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