My Kingdom

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Levi came back into the room. He had bathed and put on fresh clothing. He wore a loose fitting white shirt with billowing sleeves and a scooped neckline showing his strong chest. His black pants hugged his hips and thighs snuggly. He wore black boots that shined so brightly they reflected the light coming in from the window. His raven hair was brushed back, upon his head sat a golden crown of metal leaves. Inside each leaf was a different colored gem stone. He was pulling on black gloves as he was talking to someone behind him.
"... don't care, take care of it!" He barked. "Today I'm spending it with my knight." He stated in a softer tone. Eren's mouth hung open taking in the regal look of his shifter. He watched with stars burning in his eyes as Erwin dropped a silver cape around the mans shoulders.
Erwin was dressed in what they would come to realize was his typical servant clothing. A golden tunic with blue and white feathers over a green shield. White shirt, quite similar to the kings, black pants and boots. He wore a floppy sort of hat that was the same shade of gold and green as the tunic.
"A slight change of plans. We have received news that a visiting princess will be arriving today. In her honor everyone must wear their traditional uniform." Levi glanced up from his gloves. He stopped talking as he stared at the Knights before him. He paid little mind to the blond. He noted the knight was wearing the gold and green tunic like his shifter, along with the white shirt and black pants of a castle servant. That was all he had time to take in.
Before him sat his own knight. His hair was still rather long, something Levi would fix today. It hung in soft waves down his back. He wore a green shirt with a soft blue cape hugging his thin frame. The colors bringing out his vibrant eyes. The black pants and boots he wore appeared to fit him well. Levi bent before the seated boy, taking his hand he smiled.
"You look like a rare gem." He kissed the bandaged hand. Eren blushed. Standing Levi lifted the boy up. He swung him over his head to a delighted cry as the boy settled down onto his back.
"Are you ready to see your new home?" the king purred. Eren tightened his hold on Levi's shoulders. He rested his chin on his own arm.
"Yes!" He cried happily. Levi chuckled.
"Then let's be off." He stepped from the room. A man was rushing down the hall. He nearly collided with the king. If it wasn't for the swift action of the King all three would be in a heap. As it were, Levi was extraordinarily skilled at staying on his feet. He swung sideways, spinning in a light dance step to press Eren safely against the wall.
"FURLAN!" He bellowed to the man rushing by. The man stopped suddenly spinning to see the king standing there with a servant on his back.
"Your highness. I was just on my way too..."
"Apologize this instant!" Levi cut him off. The man blinked. "You endangered my knight!" Levi snarled. The man's eyes shot up to the boy on the kings back.
"K, Knight, sir?" Furlan blinked then swiftly bowed deeply. "I am sorry, sir I didn't see you. My deepest apologies to you and your bonded."
"Eren, do you accept his apology?" Levi asked in a gentle tone. Furlan shoulders flinched but he did not rise from the bow.
"I, I do. It was an accident." Eren stammered unsure why the king asked him. The man stood straight. His soft dusty colored hair shifted as it settled around an angular face. Green eyes peered intensely at the boy.
"Your highness, I was on my way to collect you. Princess Petra from Rose is pulling up as we speak." The man, Furlan, informed his king.
"Very well, I have other things I am in charge of today. Since you have been in such a hurry I will assign you to watch over and entertain the princess, until I'm free." Levi ordered him.
"Uh, m, me sir?" Furlan blushed.
"Yes you walking bafoon! Now go and greet her!" Levi kicked the man in the behind as he scuttled away. Erwin chuckled.
"Not sure that was wise." The shifter snorted. He stood beside his king holding the hand of his own knight.
"I'm sure they can deal with each other." Levi growled.
"They may just form the King Levi fan club!" Erwin chuckled with mirth shinning in his blue eyes. Levi rolled his grey ones.
"Then maybe you should go with them. I'm sure you would be the president!" He snarled out the words but an endearing smile touched his lips as his friend barked out a deep loud laugh.
"Let's begin!" Levi ordered.
"Would you prefer I carry your knight? You are their king?" Erwin offered.
"I am the one who will transport him into battle, I believe I can carry him around the castle!" Levi grouched.
"As you wish." Erwin bowed his head. Levi glared but said nothing more to the shifter.
"Eren this is the hospital wing. Now that you have awoken you will not return here unless injured." Levi explained. "I will show you our rooms later. You are too pale and should see the sunlight." He decided. He carried Eren towards the stairs. Even here one wall on the castle was open to the air. When Eren inquired about this, Levi told him it was for the shifters to launch from. The outer wall all along the castle was like this.
"Even our bed chambers are open for the dragons to come and go." He explained.
"Do you not fear attacks?" Armin blurted. The king gave him a withering look. Armin shrank behind his shifter.
"If one would dare attack me while I sleep, they would find themselves in a very bad situation." Levi informed him but didn't elaborate further. Levi carried his burden down the steps to the courtyard beside the castle. They could see a long line of carriages waiting to be taken to the front doors. Levi frowned. He hated when foreign princesses came, they brought so much unnecessary junk.
Spinning on his heel he turned to take Eren to the market. "Oh, King Levi, over here!" a blue handkerchief was waved out the window of the royal carriage. Levi could see the delicate hand of the princess. He didn't turn back.
"You will be received at the front steps, my lady. I have business elsewhere this morning." He walked away as Erwin chuckled.
Levi said nothing. He felt his knight shift on his back. Eren had leaned back to look up at the castle. The pale stone that built the enormous structure shined in the morning light. Eren could see flags snapping in the wind on the higher points. People were walking along the corridors scurrying to prepare for the princess. He sighed. Laying his head back against Levi's shoulders a shiver ran through him.
"Are you cold?" Levi asked concerned.
"No. I just never saw anything so big before." Eren hugged the man's shoulders. Levi chuckled.
"Our world is much bigger and more open than anything in Sina." He agreed.
"I wouldn't know." Eren mumbled. Levi stomped on. His hatred growing for the Regent of one of the human lands. Maybe he would force the fool to appoint a king. His thoughts were stopped when he heard the small figure gasp. Eren lifted his head once more.
They had reached the market. It was here daily. Stalls of fresh food, meats vegetables, desserts sat beside goods to be sold. Material, supplies medicines anything and everything you needed in life was sold at the king's market. The king himself enforced a law for far trade polices as well.
People milled about. Some walking and eating treats as they looked over the stalls. Others haggling for the best deals on items they would purchase anyway. There were those who stood looking up at the castle walls in awe. Mothers tried to wrangle in their children. Fathers tried to get boys to carry things back to their wagons. Levi enjoyed the bustle of the market. He stepped into the chaos that had a flow all its own.
"Your highness, so nice to see you."
"You highness, good day."
"Your highness, whatever are you doing with that child?"
"Your highness. I have the finest wine for you today!" on and on people called out to Levi as he walked along. He was stopped many times by people paying their respects to him. It wasn't until Eren's stomach growled that he became insistent they stop their blockade of his path.
"My knight is hungry, please make way!" He bellowed. Patrons moved aside. Hands reached out to touch Eren's arm or leg or rub at his back. Each one belonging to someone who wished him well.
"What do you like to eat, Eren?" The king asked.
"Father feeds me porridge." Eren answered. Levi sighed. He moved to a meat stand. Ordering several raw cuts to be sent to the castle, he then ordered a meat bun. Erwin handed it to the boy. Eren looked at it cautiously. Armin ordered one to show the boy how to eat it. Eren laughed finding it delightful.
They tried several other foods as well. Eren finding more delight in the hand held one's. Levi walked to a table set high up over looking the market below. He set the knight down. "Wait here, I will bring you a proper meal." He instructed the Knights. Taking Erwin they went to buy lunch for the four of them. No sooner had the king and his servant vanished into the crowd, when a lady marched up to the two small teens.
"What are your names?" She demanded. Armin looked up at her. She wasn't much taller than he was. Her reddish blond hair was braided along the left side of her face and shoulder. She was dressed in a purple dress and the man behind her was carrying a matching umbrella to keep the sun off of her pale skin. When neither boy spoke she slapped the back of Eren's head.
"I demand you tell me your names and why are you sitting at the king's table!" she barked.
"He is the king's knight. I advise you don't strike him again." Armin answered softly.
"You lying little worm!" The woman stomped her foot. "Get away from this place this instant!" She yelled. The boys didn't move. Armin blinked at her in astonishment.
"I said go!" she shoved Eren hard. The boy fell over backward letting out a screech of surprise. This ended in a pained wail as his broken ankle connected with the edge of the seat he had just been resting on.
"Eren!" Armin cried hurrying to assist his friend.
"Get him and get out of here!" the woman screamed. She pulled her foot back to kick at the boy on the ground. A hand caught her arm. She was spun around and slapped across the face.
"You mishandled my knight again and my hand won't be what strikes you." The growl from the dragon king rumbled the air around the market. Many people hurried to find things in other areas of the courtyard.
"How dare you..." the woman began. Then her eyes met the steel grey's of the man who had slapped her.
"Your, your highness!" she gasped holding her cheek. Levi was already kneeling beside Eren.
"Are you hurt?" he asked ignoring the woman. His fury rage flared hot as he saw tears once more in the boys eyes.
"I hit my ankle." Eren said fighting more tears. Levi bent to kiss the pain away before lifting the boy back up to his seat.
"King Levi, I saw these ruffians using your table and..."
"Get away from me before I do something we will both regret, Princess." Levi spat with his back to the woman. He spun around when he didn't hear her leaving.
"Furlan, you knew he was my knight!" Levi growled at seeing the man holding the umbrella.
"Sir." Furlan bowed. "I am so terribly sorry, sir. I didn't see the boy all that clearly this morning. I beg you forgiveness." The man bowed low to his king. Levi glared.
"Take her to the castle. Neither of you are to leave it until I return." Levi growled. He held Eren's hand in his own. It was the only thing keeping him rooted to the spot. His instinct was to tear these two apart. Erwin stepped forward seeing his friend and King on the verge of losing it.
"Go, Furlan, you will have a lot to answer for." The King's servant ushered them away. Levi turned to see the two boys. Armin had his arm protectively around Eren. The scared boy was leaning into the blond while clutching Levi's hand in both of his.
"Armin, thank you for staying with him." Levi bowed to him. The food the king had bought was brought up to them by server's. Levi sat across from Eren, who had Armin next to him. A soft smile played with the kings lips as Eren tried a bit of everything. He would go back to the ones he really enjoyed.
The king's eyes, dancing with delight, shifted to the servant who sat beside him. Erwin nodded indicating he was remembering just which foods the young teen was enjoying. Levi had eaten his fill and was sipping his tea as he watched the boys.
"Armin?" Levi asked. The knight paused in his attempt to get Eren to try a slimy green vegetable. They were laughing at how it smelled and looked.
"Yes?" he asked looking to the king.
"Would you like a royal job?" the king asked. Armin lowered his hands to his lap. He bowed his head.
"I am honored. And yes I would do as you bid, my King." He offered himself..
"Great! You will start tomorrow. Erwin can show you around. Your new job will be that of servant to the king's knight." The king demanded. Armin blinked up at him.
"But, sir...!" He looked to Eren then to Levi and back again. "That would be a wondrous job!" Armin exclaimed.
"Glad you are happy with it." Levi drained his cup. "Ready to continue our little journey?" He asked the Knights. They both nodded vigorously.
Hours later Eren was growing tired. More than once he dozed on the kings shoulder. They had walked around the market, explored the small buildings and baths in the smaller courtyards and searched the castle. It was more excitement than the teen had ever had in his life.
As dusk was falling the dragon shifter King carried his charge down another stone corridor. He paused before a massive door. Erwin stepped around the king pulling the heavy wooden doors open. They made a soft scratching sound which caused Eren to shift in his light slumber. He lifted his brown haired head.
"What is this?" he asked as the King stood before the darkened room. Light blossomed inside as Erwin made his way around lighting the candles and lanterns.
"This is our bedroom." The king informed him. Once it was well lit, he carried the boy inside. Eren gasped. He straightened to look around.
There was a massive bed sat upon the top of four steps. Green and white curtains were drawn back to reveal the soft grey/ silver blanket, pillows and throws covering the bed. The walls were painted a soft green with gold or silver trim. There was a sitting room that housed a table and chairs. Books framed the walls tucked neatly in shelves. Several doors branched off. Erwin opened each one. He showed Eren where his closet was, where Levi's was and that they had their own bathroom. Although Levi did tend to use the larger one the servants used since it kept in in the gossip of the palace life.
"While you heal, you will use this one. I cannot have any one hurting you." The king whispered as he lowered Eren to the bed.
"I have already called for dinner to be served for us here." He went on as he undid the cape around the boys shoulders. He shook out the soft brown hairs. The boys much shorter hair framed his beautiful face. The teen shivered in the sudden lack of warmth from the dragon. Armin was ready for this, dropping a heavy blanket around the boys shoulders.
Erwin scurried away to light the three fireplaces, one in the bed chamber, one in the sitting room and one in the bathroom. Eren smiled as he looked into the soft grey eyes looking up at him.
"You are kind, thank you." He whispered.
When the meal came the four, once more ate together. It was Armin who asked if this was customary.
"As long as we are in informal situations, yes." The king stated. "During court or festivals it would not do." He explained. Armin nodded his understanding. He asked if the king wished for him to bathe the knight before turning him into bed. Levi smiled.
"I will tend to him this night." Armin and Erwin bowed, taking the plates as they left. Levi carried Eren into the bathroom. He sat the teen on the counter. Drawing in a deep breath he blew a soft golden light over the water. Levi frowned. His flame had always been blue white. He smirked as the water splashed with golden lightening Pressing a hand into it he found it the perfect temperature.
"Shall we?" he purred. Eren blinked.
"We?" he asked.
"I will bathe with you, we will sleep together, from this moment until our last I will not leave your side." Eren blushed.
"Oh, um ok." Levi chuckled as he stepped forward. He lifted the shirt from the boys shoulders, gently kissing his lips when the garment freed him. Eren blinked again.
"That, that was a kiss!" Eren cried.
"Yes, my knight." Levi purred.
"Are boys supposed to kiss each other?" Eren asked.
"Yes, it is allowed. As long as both agree to it. Did you like it?" Levi smirked Eren blushed.
"It was too quick to tell. Do, do it again." He demanded.
"As you wish." Levi stepped forward. One large hand tilting the small head upwards. His soft thin lips lowered to the plump fullness of his knights. He pressed them together as the teens arms encircled his neck once more. Levi bit the lip just enough for the boy to open his mouth. His tongue darted inside. He laid claim to the boys mouth, filling it with the taste of himself.

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