The call of a King

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Levi stormed out of the door. Leaving Eren was the best thing right now. They were all in danger. He had left Eren with the best bodyguard he had. Marco would die before Grisha got his hands on his lover. He had to push the thought, no, the fear of leaving Eren from his mind.

Eren was a Royal knight. Levi had awaken the power of the Knights within him. Once the teen accepted his role, he would open up his true potential. The potential that could astound them all. Levi smirked at this. His knight would reign unstoppable. He would make sure of it. With these thoughts racing in his head, he marched onward.

He rounded the corner without much thought to his own safety, after all he was in his own castle. The spear came flying at his head. His hand flew up to catch it. He spun it around slamming it into the face of the man who had thrown it. Levi glared at the scene before him. Grisha was free. His army was attacking inside Levi's home.

Before Levi could call for Eren, he felt something slam into his chest. He turned. The first thing he saw was the horror filed eyes of Furlan. The next was the grinning face of Bertolt.

"You will die for this." He told the man who twisted the sword in his chest.

"Not before you do." Bertolt chuckled. "Eren is mine. Grisha promised me him!" The man struck the dragon king on the back of the head. Levi collapsed to the ground. Bertolt dragged Furlan away.

"But, the king..." Furlan cried pointing. He turned to see the man he loved bleeding out. Did these foolish humans honestly think dragons died that easily? Furlan had turned to look at Bertolt. The tall dark man was grinning. He let out a little laugh as his wide brown eyes met Furlan's.

"Eren is mine. We will kill the abomination that beast implanted in him." Furlan stared at him wide eyed.

"Fool." He muttered so low the human didn't hear it.

Erwin was under attack. The men they had captured with Grisha were inside the castle, free. He knew he needed to get to the king. He needed to tell him... a stabbing pain filled his chest. Erwin dove around a corner he looked down. There was nothing...

"AAARRRMMMIIIINNN!" He bellowed. Like a charging bull, the dragon flung himself back around the barrier. The men aimed at him. The hall became way to small for all of them. The fire of a dragon burned hotter than any crematorium. Only half changed due to the tight space, Erwin was able to burn those before him. Gone was the care he had been trying to use to keep these men alive. They had wounded his knight.

There was a flash beside him. Erwin turned to see what new dangers were coming. He knew the men he had just killed were only a fraction of the army they were fighting. There, bside him in the hall, stood the halfling Moblit. The term was used as an endearment to the man.

"Go to Armin, if he is hurt, Eren is in grave danger!" Erwin instructed.

"What of the king?" Moblit asked.

"A dragon is harder to kill than a knight. I will find our king." Erwin stated. The man stood frozen for another half a second. He bowed to the armies commander.

"On your word." He vanished in his cloak. Erwin charged out in search of the King. The fact he couldn't communicate with the other frightened him. He couldn't let his men see that. As he ran along the corridor he began to collect the scattered remnants of his army.

Erwin was thinking. He knew he had the most powerful army in all four lands, but that was if they were outside. How does a dragon defend its home, if there are ants in it? He pondered.

"Eren, are you..." Furlan began. Eren shot him a steely glare. The older knight drew back. That look could have almost rivaled the Kings.

"You sided with them?" He spat. Furlan hung his head.

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