The battle for Maria

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Screams came from below. Kenny had arrived with his full army. He was outside the gates with long range weapons. These could bring down any dragon, if said dragon was dumb enough to come in to close to them. Plus it was dark. If the dragons used their fire it would only assist the human scourge trying to get into the castle.

Flames shot across the night. Levi spun seeing the dark shape of his rival flying in to flank him. He couldn't fight three wars at the same time. He howled, he didn't even have his knight! Eren felt the anger in Levi's mind. He darted up, leaping he landed on the back of his shifter.

"Is Armin alive?" He demanded.

"He lives but is severely wounded. He won't be able to fight tonight." Levi hissed.

"Don't need him to fight, but if he could seal up some of the castle it will keep my father's army in only the areas we want them to be. Moblit could use his ability to transport him." Levi twisted his head.

"And they thought you were dumb." He sent the orders out. "Erwin and Jean need to stay close to the castle to help them heal. Have them fight Kenny and the regents men." Eren offered.

"I will stay at your side, my king." Erwin growled. "Jean is in the castle." He added.

Suddenly they saw the end of Niledok's invading force start fighting. What was going on?

'Did you forget about me, cousin?' Mikasa asked.

"Erwin, I want you down there with Armin. Your knight needs you. Mikasa and I can deal with the riderless." Levi ordered. He swung around, preparing to take on the king of the dragons.

"Where is the new thunder knight? We could use that power with Kenny." Erwin stated.

"Um the babies helped me." Eren muttered.

"WHAT?" Levi squealed.

"They are coming aware. Since she is inside me, she was able to use my own blood to manifest her power." Eren informed them.

"Could you, I don't know, make them...." Erwin began. Jean raced out onto the roof. He looked up at the sky of unfriendly dragons. Marco, leaning heavily on a staff, was right behind him. Eren winced.

"I ordered you to rid the castle of those vermin!" Levi roared at the dragon. Jean grew, shifting he became his true form.

'Can't fight something that's not in any condition to fight. We heard the thunder, but then all the humans collapsed gripping their heads.' Jean sent a mental shrug as he laid down to allow his knight to get on him.

"The castle is secured. Armin is binding the halls and doors." Marco told them.

"This isn't a fight you should be in." Levi told the knight. "But you are ordered with protecting this castle and its people against my uncle. If even one of his men get inside I will consider it a failure on your part." Levi actually winked at this.

"Hey, we got an idea!" Eren cried.

"We?" Marco glanced up.

"The twins are in this fight too." Levi hissed.

"Just get us close to Kenny. Maybe land about fifty feet out of his range. We think that will be enough." Eren stated.

Levi swooped down, Jean moving to follow. "Erwin distract them." Erwin flew out over the army. Kenny's army was huge. All weapons were aimed skyward. It was hard when you were basically a glowing magnet in the sky. The yellow dragon had no place to hid. A darker dragon flew up to his side. Connie waved. A shadow and its light. Erwin became the best distraction.

Meanwhile, Eren was setting up something Levi couldn't even fathom how it was going to work. The knight slipped from his back. He knelt on the ground. In one hand he still held the glowing lightening bow. The other was placed against the ground. At first nothing seemed to happen, Eren just knelt like that.

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