Chapter 10

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Love in this world seems impossible right now, I don't think killing people is the right thing either. It might as well harden my heart and make me never love again. That would be better. If I stick to this life and without love I will live. Maybe.

Charlotte is too kind. She will be killed if she doesn't harden up sooner or later, I don't want her to die either.

"Cam? Lets go to class" Emma says from behind.

"I'm glad I have most of our classes together cause' i recon that I would get lost really easily. I mean we are gonna be spending a lot of time together and with Brandon. Cause he's in most classes too" Frankly I don't really care that Emma and Brandon are in most of my classes, I usually keep to myself anyway.

"Whatever." I say walking up to the stairs aiming to get to the T-block. I look down to where my single knife is, why did I bother taking this knife with me? I don't think i will need it at all.

"Who are your new tag alongs Cameron? They look like they are rich's" Tyler says tagging along with me walking to Physics.

"I don't really care about those two. I've got my eye on them though." I giving Tyler a small smirk. He smirks back to me and starts to slow down, I look back and see he is standing with Emma who is now giggling.

"Cam! Wait up!" Brandon yells trying to keep his bulky glasses on while running.

"Well Brandon. If you wanna keep up then you will want to run cause' class is about to start." I say running away from him. I suppose it was pretty rude for me to run away from him but he has to become fast. I look back and see he is not behind me anymore nor is Emma but Tyler is.

"Where did those two go?" I ask him.

"I think they went and ditched. Not sure." He says shrugging as we walk into the class room.

"We will see if they did though" I say nodding my head to the door, they won't turn up. I bet. They probably ran. They saw their chance and ran away from the society and their new lives. They will be caught.

For the rest of the class the teacher kept asking me where Brandon and Emma were. I only shrugged and continued with my work still occasionally looking at the classroom door. I knew from the start that they had ran, I have to tell the society. If I don't I would be counting as helping them escape from this.

"Mr Baxter?" The teacher calls from the front of the room. I look up and see that the whole class is staring at me.

"The role. Mr Baxter?" The teacher asks again, I slowly raise my hand and give the teacher a small smile.

"Miss Marlo? Emma Marlo? Nope. Mr Baxter. Do you know where she might be? She arrived with you didn't she?" I give a small nod and shrug once again being my usual not chatty self.

The teacher calls out a few more names but lastly comes to someone who I have not heard of before.

"Mr Ziegler? Mr Baxter, this one arrived with you too. Where is he? Brandon Ziegler." He says still looking down to me, I honestly don't know where they went.

"Sir. I honestly don't know where they are." I say still confused on where they are.

"See me after class please." I nod and return to my Physics work still looking around outside the windows and at the door of the classroom.

Soon later the bell rings and everyone but myself are leaving the room to get to their next class.

"Mr Baxter. You are responsible for them. If they ran then you must report it to your high officer. If you don't you will be involved in helping them escape."

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