Chapter 19

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"So you went to do a kill, Caleb got knocked out. Stupidly" Sandor says frowning "And then the person from the Shadowed said something to you? What did he or she say?"

I leave out the part where she said she had known me for a while, I couldn't pick out who it was still. I was thinking about it in the car for a couple of hours too, I still couldn't figure it out.

"I asked why she knocked them out, she said they were nuisances and that they were nothing more. The girl looked to be the age of myself or my team mates." I looked straight into Sandor's eyes, they were blank. I couldn't read what he was thinking, so I continue "She said that she would never associate with The Society, we were killers."

I pause again, someone I have known for a while now? Who?

"Continue" Sandor pushes.

"She saw me kill Natalie Robins and asked me why I did it with brutality. I answered, I said that I was angry for what you did to everyone I am around and who I love. I then my note broke and went sour, I told her about what happened to Emma-"

"You what?!" I hear an elder exclaim.

Ignoring that elder I continue "She questioned me. I knew the second I answered her that things were going to get worse, I shouldn't have done it. It was against the training that you gave me." I breath in and sigh. "She then said I will be kept out of this, left with the fortune and my friends. Then she thanked me for her cooperation, she hopes to see me in the future."

Then chaos erupts through the room with every elder trying to talk to Sandor. I see Sandor is starting to get agitated, he bangs his hand on the wooden desk and everything falls silent again. 

"Anything else?" Sandor says calmly.

"She knocked me out. That's all I could remember" I say to him.

"You are very stupid Cameron. Yet you are such a gifted member of this society. You will be on probation until this matter is solved."

I look at Caleb, he looks grim. I wonder why.

"Caleb. You too will be on probation but for three months."

"I knew this was going to happen" I hear him mumble.

What does probation mean in The Society?  Does it mean you wont be committing any kills or will you be locked up?

"Cameron. It has also come to our attention that your team has been attracting many unwanted eyes, say the police." Sandor continues.

"Yes. The police are investigating a list of kills, they suspect that someone in our school is doing them. I took the first lie detector test and passed. They have enrolled me for my help" I say without fear.

"Good. So it is under control?"

"Yes. It is."

"Good. Your team will also serve probation with you. Train them properly and I will make sure Xander can help you."

I release a breath I didn't even think I was holding in, so now, I need to find out what probation is.

"Guards please take Caleb and Cameron to their probation cells. Meeting over" He says casually.

I notice one of them is Toby and the other guy is Sean; the one that got his finger broken by me. It turns out he had to be put out of duty because it was that bad, if I recall correctly he was off duty for almost three months for one tiny finger!

"Come on pip squeak" Sean says frowning at me, I guess he is still angry. We turn an make our way through the tangle of hallways,  we come to a door which has a lock on it and a small little hole at the bottom of the door.

Toby opens the door and Caleb walks in unafraid. What is probation? Caleb gives me a sheepish smile before Toby shuts the door and locks it.

"Be strong Cam!" I hear Caleb yell through the door.

We start walking again, we turn so many corners that I cannot tell the difference between them all. I look around at some of the doors and see that they are exactly like the cells that I first stayed in when I got here.

"What exactly is probation?" I ask.

"Sitting in a cell doing nothing." Sean says stubbornly.

"In your case its different, you get to be with your friends and train them. Nothing boring about that." Toby says ignoring Sean's stubbornness.

"Right" I say as we come up to a door, its just like the others but says 'Probation Training Hall #22'

Sean opens the door this time, he shoves me through impatiently and slams the door behind me. I look around the room and see a total of six beds in one corner and three quarters of the room is made up of weapons racks, training floors and exercise things like weights and stuff.

This room looks to be about the size of a school gymnasium, with different ceiling heights. They look to be about half of the height of a normal gymnasium.

I frown and look around for the light switch, I see it and it is just a small button in the side of the wall. I press it and see that it only turns off the corner that the beds are in, there is another button, I press it and it turns off the rest of the room leaving me in darkness. I can see the faint outlines of the beds in the corner, so I find the one that is pressed into the furthest corner. I lay down and doze off.

I hear the door opening, I lift my head a little bit and see four people walk into the room. I sigh and whack my head onto the pillow again, seriously? Now? They finally arrived.

"Its too dark!" I hear Charlotte scream.

"I'll look for a switch" Henry says struggling to find the switch.

"Guys, on the left of the door" I say when I see Henry going to the right.

"Who is that?" Andy perks up.

I frown, they don't recognise my voice? wow...

"Just do it" I mumble.

I close my eyes for a second and when I open them again, all the lights have turned on, making me feel more awake than ever. I don't want to get up, I feel like a normal teenager again, when mum or dad walk in turning on your light or opening your window blind.

"Cam!" I hear Charlotte yell. I sigh and roll my eyes, I sit up and get ready for the hug she is going to give me. Then it happens, like a ton of bricks she topples on top of me.

"Heyy Charlotte." I say trying to breath.

"Oh sorry!" She says releasing me "Its good to see you again." 

"You too, anyone know what time it is?" I ask around the room.

"Uhh about five-thirty."

UGH. Seriously, I am sure we have all had a bad night. Everyone must be tired.

The door to the room opens and someone steps through shutting the door behind them, I look at the person and see that it is Xander.

"Okay. Lets get started." He says to all of us.

"What?" Andy questions.

"Lets get started, I said" Xander repeats.

I look at Xander in curiousity, why does he want us to train now? Its too early and everyone else got here a couple of minutes ago.

"We are all dead." Henry says flopping onto a bed.

"Doubt that. You can rest after. Breakfast comes at seven am. Thats when we finish, for this morning. Then we start again after lunch"

"Why are you punishing us?" Kiera whines.

"At least I am not being like another person who would make you train all day." Xander snaps. I raise one eye brow, he looks at me strangely. As if to tell me to get up.

That's when our day started. With training with and without weapons, we all got to keep our main weapons and all the things we had on our person. We also got provided with some more clothes for other days, it depends on how long the investigation goes for with the Shadowed. I hope we can get out of here soon.

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