Chapter 17

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"Who are you!?" I scream into the apartment, who is this voice? What do they want?

"Someone you've known for a while now." The voice is muffled so I can't tell who's it is.

"Why knock them out!" I scream again motioning to Caleb and Dianne on the floor.

"They're nuisances I guess. Nothing more. Especially that Dianne. Sneaky little bugger she is." The voice chuckles, this time it's closer. I look to the kitchen, the shadow stands not moving watching me. The body is of a female, one who looks to be about my age or Charlottes age; one year younger.

"Are you from the society? Is this a test?" I ask her.

"No. I would never associate with those people. Those killers." She steps closer this time defining more of her body in the bare light in that part of the room.

She looks pretty skinny too. "You've killed before. Not on your own will though, sort of. You seem to be wanting to do it now. Or well enjoying it."

"I can't enjoy this. Never could I." I whisper. Why is she telling me this? I hate this job, I might look like I enjoy it but I only doing so I won't be killed. Killed like Emma was.

"I saw you last kill. Natalie. I think her name was. You went with brutality that time. Why?" She asks.

"I was angry. I couldn't contain the deaths of my friends." I couldn't hold it in me anymore. I can't take it. "They were murdered in front of me by the one person who I would have truly loved."

"They were murdered?" She asks questionably. And she needs to know this why?

"Yes. Why do you need to know this? Why am I telling you this?" I hold tears in my eyes and keep watching every move that the girl makes. Why do I trust her with this information? Do I actually trust her?

"That's all I needed to know. You will be kept out of this. Left with the fortune and your friends. Thank you for your cooperation. I hope to see you again in the future." She nods and leaves me lonely in the room, suddenly I see darkness. She hit me in the back of the head. Damn.

"Cam. You okay?" I hear Caleb say shaking me awake.

"What?-" I mumble.

"Someone broke in and knocked us all out. They must have been a robber or something" I open my eyes and slowly get up from the floor, I feel the back of my head and feel there's a big lump there.

"Dammit. We could have stopped them boss. You could have rung" I hear someone say.

"God dammit Jeremy. I wasn't hurt in any way! Plus it was just a simple robbery or something!" I hear Dianne say.

"Boss. It was more than that. Something to do with them" The person talking to Dianne motions to us.

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