Chapter 1

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I had always thought the shadows were only darkness beyond the light, yet everything can change and people go into shadows to hide from something or someone. Who knows, something might jump out and get you somehow and kill or mildly hurt you. That's why you don't walk alone when going home from school, of course I had always known that. No one would be ever so stupider to do so unless no one was with you and you were actually alone. No one to call, No one to yell to for help. Especially in this part of the city, you know where all the prestigious schools are? Well I'm the opposite of that, both my parents cant afford to send me to those schools unless I get a scholarship which might be highly unlikely with the only talent I hold, playing the violin. I might be bad at it who knows, I play alone at home when no one hears me, not at those fancy concerts kids play in to get into those schools. I don't even play in front of my parents, I learn by myself too so I don't have a teacher.

"Mr Baxter, please pay attention" My teacher yells from the front of the room, Mrs Hadly my Maths teacher.

"Yes miss" I mumble. My next class is music and music is by far my best class, the teacher is the best too. Then suddenly the door opens and steps in is the principal, evil mother fu- Mr Web I mean. Everyone absolutely hates Mr Web because he gives detentions here, there and everywhere! He gave me one just for asking to bring my violin in last week, he kept saying "It will be a disturbance the whole school" but actually it would be quite educational in my music class.

Everyone sighs as he comes in and stands in front of a teacher and waves a hand at the door probably signalling to someone new to come in. Probably a nerd, they are always shy when they come to school. Mr Web faces the class and everyone looks to the door and a brunette headed girl steps through the door with her hair covering her face and as she looks up I see she has beautiful blue eyes.

"You may sit down next to Mr Baxter over there" Mrs Hadly says pointing to the lonely seat next to me. She slowly wanders up the isle and has every pair of eyes on her, I think people might not like new people are they are so hard to control and they find it hard to fit in anywhere.

She sits down next to me and Mr Web leaves and Mrs Hadly continues. Shes quiet until I speak, "Hi my names Cameron but most people call me Cam".

"My names Maria, and I'm new so i have no fricken idea where to fit in" She whispers.

"Ill help you?" I ask her.

"Really?" She whispers again.

"Yeah, what have you got next?"

"Music" Why does she keep whispering, its getting annoying and hard to hear.

"Great. I have it too and the bell is about to go" I say smiling. She finally looks up to me and gives me a small smile.

"You have a beautiful smile" I blurt out.

"Thank you"

The bell goes and I pick up my stuff and Maria and I walk out quietly making sure I don't draw attention to her and myself. Someone punches me in the back, HARD. I turn to see its Tyler.

"Shit" I mumble.

"Draggin' the new girl around huh?" Tyler says.

"Uh what does it look like?" I say.

"That you'll get her to your house tonight and you lay her, shes hot. You can walk home with her Ill take the train" He says winking.

I look to Maria and she has the facial expression saying 'what the fricken hell was that?', I continue to stare at her and give her a small smile. She sighs and starts walking down the hall without me.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yell catching up to her.

"Do you seriously lay the new girls?" She asks in a serious voice, and wow it sounds hot on her.

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