Chapter 8

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I stand in shock. He can't be my brother, can he? Hes too old and too tough. No one in my family is tough like him, nothing explains why hes not told me or anyone close to me or him. Does he actually care for me? Does he actually have feelings like normal people? What a stupid question, of course he has feelings. Hes only human of course.

"Cameron? Are you ok? It must come as a shock but-"

I cut him off "Please. Leave me alone. My whole family is dead. No one can change that."

"Im not lying Cam. I promise you" He says with little emotion.

"You're lying. You are doing this to make me closer to the guild. The f*cking guild that killed my parents. The one that took my whole life from me!" I yell running away, I have no idea where Im running. I honestly don't know where Im going to go now, should I run like my parents did? No. Id look like a coward and many would hate Xander for that. They wouldn't see anything in both of us. They would see cowards.

I stop and look behind me, no ones there. He didn't chase me. He knew i was in pain but he is certainly only bringing up memories of my parents.

"Cam. Stop moving and sit down!" Mother yells from the other side of the room holding a pair of scissors.

"Mumma but running around is so fun! Running makes you see the world faster!" I say looking towards her, not knowing what Ill bang into next.

A big warm body comes and hugs me bringing me into the air. Daddy.

"Now. Little man. You might want to go sit down before your mummy comes and tickles you to death!" Daddy says swinging me around making his scars on his face stand out. Laughing I see mother coming up to us with her fingers extended and in a tickling position.

I scream and run straight beside her trying to let her not catch me, I go to the chair and sit. She wont tickle me here.

"Well. You're very cheeky and very stealthy!" Mother says with her hands on her hips also making her small scars stand out on her arms.

I had always wanted to know what they were from, I had been told stories about them being attacked by a lion when they were in Africa together. I knew that wasnt the right explanation when I was older but I went with it and believed it then but now I think about it I know what they are really from.

Looking around the barron lanscape of the city I see nothing but I hear a scream. Knowing the scream came from the train station I walk towards the scream to make sure Im not suspicious. I go down the steps and see a brown haired girl with a small bag sitting next to the man I had only just recently assassinated.

She looks up and I see the very familiar blue eyes, she looks shocked to see me. I havent seen her in a few weeks. Maria.

"Cameron?" She says slowly getting up.

"Yes. Thats my name." I say giving her a sheepish smile.

"Where on earth have you been?! Mrs Garlo has been so worried about you! You havent been to school in a few weeks and now I find you wandering around the city late at night! And at a crime scene!" she yells all in one breath, Im shocked. Shes been that worried about me? And she hasnt even told me shes worried. I can tell.


"No. The police are coming and you are staying with me. You heard me scream and you came." She says still rushing her words.

"Calm down." I manage to say to her. She takes a few deep breaths and stares at the body of Harold Benedict, does she even know what he did to women and teenagers like her?

"Who would do this?" She breathes slowly, how would she know its a murder? Why would she think that? I know that it was a murder but how does she?

"How do you know it was a murder?" I ask slowly trying not to upset her.

"Theres a small mark on his neck where a needle sized thing is placed. He was murdered." She says jumping to conclusions, well I cant blame her for thinking it was a murder since it actually was.

"Why are you here?" I ask her without looking at the body of Harold Benedict.

"I was heading home from a job I have in the city. Wait. Why are you here?" She asks me suspicously to me. Does she know something?

"Uh. I just was wandering around. Uh I took the train earlier." I say without arising suspicion.

"You know it's like ten o'clock now? It seemed like you were running from someone or something." She says standing up again, looking at me she frowns.

"You are hiding something Cameron. You are hiding something from everyone. Like where did you go for the last couple of weeks? It seems like when I came you disappeared. Did I do something?" She says starting to tear up.

"Maria. I'm sorry. I -I have to go." I turn to walk away but stop as soon as I hear Maria's sobbing.

"Why don't you let me in?!" She screams "God knows! I can help you! Please let me in!!"

No. I can't let her in. Letting her in would kill her, she would finally know I am an assassin. Someone who murders for others. Someone who was blackmailed into this life, someone who can't turn back now.

"LET ME IN!" She screams again, I wander away and get into the shadows before looking back. She is now on the ground sobbing into her hands, she mumbles something too though I can't hear it.

Looking up the stairs to the above ground I see that there are red and blue lights flashing, I hear voices from the top and hear it is a police man talking with some other person. They come closer and down the stairs, I press myself up against the wall harder to make sure he doesn't see me.

"What happened?" One asks.

"He was murdered I think. Maybe it is from the sort of people who have been recently hitting all the guilty men in the city." The other says.

"Stealthy buggers they are. Guilty men?"

"Yes. It seems they like to kill anyone who has hurt anyone else in society." The man grumps and stifles a laugh.

"I doubt they are good people. I heard two people had gone missing a couple of weeks back as well as the child who had recently come back but without his parents."

"Sounds like a threat to me. Kill the parents and keep the kid alive. Though it does sound familiar to some other cases around the country." He says giving a small smirk to his partner.

"Yeah but anyway back to this one. Man was murdered by this 'guild' thing for being a guilty man. Girl found the body and apparently the night worker for the booth had just gone off of work. The cameras went down only seconds after the guy entered the station" he says motioning his hand down to the body.

"Cause of death?"

"A needle of some sort" Maria interjects, she has make up smudged all over her face and still hasn't said a word about me.

"With what in it? I'm sure we can trace the stuff injected into him."

"No. We can't it apparently had disintegrated when the 'needle' was taken out. The poison was an almost instant affect." The officer bends down and points to the very small mark where my needle had been injected in.

I will see you again Maria, and I will make it up to you.

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