Chapter 20

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I duck down as Andy spins his spear at me, as he does this I quickly jump into where his stomach is. Before he could react to me, I have Azreal at his stomach. I smirk and pause, Andy brings his spear down once again and knocks me out of the way and onto the ground.

I frown.

"Come on Andy, you'd be dead if you got hit by that" I say in a matter of factly tone.

"Still. You paused." He says panting still holding the tip of his spear to my cheek.

"Doesn't matter. You'd be dead." I say again.

"No, I would fight back. I am not doing it at my all." He says, he frowns and looks at me with his spear still pointing at my face.

"Whatever. Go rest. I will get Kiera up next" Andy relaxes and folds his spear back up into the small silver baton. I see Kiera wandering up to me, she twirls her throwing knives in her hand. I cringe, I hate those things. They are such long distance weapons.

"You up for me?" She says.

"Yeah. I guess." I say sheepishly.

"Great" She says getting into her - uhh - fighting stance, I get off the floor and get into my own fighting stance. I try to twirl my knife in my hand by I only fail by almost dropping it.

"3...2...1... GO!" Charlotte counts down. In a matter of seconds Kiera is trying to leap on top of my shoulders, I dodge her and duck every punch she tries to get at me.

"Fight back" She yells.

This time I grab her arm mid punch and twist it, I almost think its breaking before she is jumping into a position where he arm is not twisted around. I hold Azreal in the other hand trying to get her in the stomach, right below her ribs. She dodges every one of my moves.

Now she tries to get at me, this time she keeps her distance and throws her knives at me. One gets me on the cheek causing me to bleed a little, not much though. I keep my distance and knock a few of them out of the air but then I realise that she is almost out of knives. I wonder if she has any other weapons.

Due to my lack of concentration I find another one of her knives rip at tight sports pants I am wearing, I look toward where her daggers are placed, they are all gone. I frown and run towards her at a fast pace, she reaches for another knife but her hand doesn't find anything. She looks down alarmed, she looks back up and looks a little scared.

"You should always have more than one weapon" I say running, panting I take my knife and place it up against her throat almost as if to slit it.

"You win." She says holding her hand up in defeat.

"Enough for today. Xander is sure to come through today, save your energy for then" I say to her in satisfaction. She nods going to pick up all her thrown knives.

Charlotte comes up to me and looks at the injuries I have gotten, not many, they don't look that bad.

"Oh my! You're hurt!" She says trying to touch my wounds. I swipe her hand away and walk to the bathroom. I take a bit of toilet paper and wipe away the blood from my cheek, the injury looks like a cat scratched me. Battle scar, if thats what you'd call it.

I walk out of the bathroom and find that Henry is surfing the internet on his phone, lucky, mine was left at home. Charlotte sits on her bed reading a book clearly unaffected by me running off into the bathroom. Andy stands examining his spear, he chose that when we first got here. It looks to be a part of him now. Kiera is sharpening her knives and looks like she is choosing another weapon to go along with her knives.

I notice she picks up a mini crossbow, I think that would suit her. She straight away puts it down and goes towards the double sided axes, she picks one up and smiles. I frown, it doesn't suit her.

I hear a sound from the other side of the door, as if a struggle is happening outside. I walk closer and look through the gap at the bottom. I see multiple pairs of feet running in all directions but about three sets stop right in front of our door.

"Guys!" I yell, everyone's attention snaps up towards me. "We are under attack. Be ready!"

Everyone including Charlotte gets into their fighting stances with their weapons at the ready.

"Watch out!" A voice yells from the otherside.

I small explosion occurs and the door is a smoking mess. I keep Azreal at my side and squint to try and see what just happened.

"Cameron Baxter. Brandon Ziegler. Charlotte Moore. Kiera Freeman. Andrew Lee and Henry Taylor. Come with us, please" I hear someone say, they step through the mangled door and I see they have guns. Trust anyone in our group not to have a gun, the closest thing to one is Kiera's throwing knives.

"What do you want?!" I yell at the men dressed in all black covering their faces. Don't they know that Brandon was killed too?

"We have taken the compound. Put your weapons down and we will not hurt you." They say pointing their guns at us.

"Like hell you won't" I hear Kiera mumble.

"We promise we won't. Not like the others of your kind though. We have been given orders to keep you lot alive." The man says putting his hands up.

"Prove it." Andy says angrily pointing his long spear at the men.

"Cam!" A voice yells from outside, its getting closer. It sounds like Xander. Once I see him through the door way my eyes go wide. He has about six people chasing him with guns.

"Stop right there!" Another man says, Xander stops in his tracks and turns. He punches the man in the face and gets the gun, he points it at every man, he knows he is out gunned but I don't think he will give up.

"Ahh, Commander Xander. Nice to see you again" One of the first men says that came into the room.

"Talon." Xander says simply "How could you work for these... these- people"

"Its simple. Choose a side or die. The society is a death trap we were all born into, these kids had a life before this. No one could have taken that away except for The society. You ruined their lives!" Talon screams.

He is obviously directing his voice at us, we did not choose this. Yet we are doing the dirty work, we have all killed. We are all guilty.

"Lets go. Take the weapons from the kids and Xander. We are taking him in too"

Men start walking towards us, Andy starts swiping his spear across the men. Warning them to step back. Kiera and I stand ready with her knives and my Azreal. I look over to Charlotte and Henry standing behind us, they seem to have relaxed quite a bit. Probably knowing that we wont be hurt, for now.

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